14 simple activities to help you recover after childbirth
I propose to discuss today the steps to restore the prenatal figure. Who wants to see her again - join.
Problems with the figure after childbirth can be prevented if you start taking care of it during the gestation period. As they say, problems are easier to avoid than to solve.
Proper nutrition, moderate exercise, activities for pregnant women, skin care - all these preventive measures during pregnancy will help you recover faster after pregnancy.
After the twentieth week of gestation, it is better to wear a bandage, a special supportive bra, and anti-varicose tights.
In fact, there are many ways to help a young mother regain her former beauty. This does not require significant financial investments or a lot of time. Only a reserve of patience and willpower.
We will look at those that are safe to breastfeed and can be used immediately after childbirth. So, how to tighten the body after childbirth?
Proper nutrition
You can’t go on a diet, immediately throw it out of your head. A breastfeeding mother needs a full range of nutrients. The diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Do not forget that the quality of breastfeeding depends on the health of the baby, his immunity, with him he must receive everything necessary for a full life.
At the same time, you can lose weight if
- do not overeat;
- eat only fresh, boiled, steamed;
- refuse sweet and starchy foods;
- eat fractionally, about five times a day with the same time interval;
- drink about eight glasses a day of pure non-carbonated water.
Nature has seen everything, therefore, thanks to her, during lactation, our metabolism is faster. We lose an additional 500 calories a day through feeding. If you follow the above points and eat right, the process of losing weight is physiologically inevitable.
Causes of stretching and flabbiness of the skin
First of all, the problem lies in the type of skin and genetic tendencies. The main reason is the slowdown in metabolic processes. The epidermis does not receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals, blood circulation is disturbed.
Flabbiness of the skin after caesarean section
Causes of sagging epidermis:
- Slowdown in the production of hyaluronic acid, which is the main "building" material for collagen fibers;
- A sedentary lifestyle that negatively affects blood circulation in the lower body;
- Sudden weight loss or childbirth. If the skin has been in a tense state for a long time, then it is not surprising that when this factor is eliminated, it will sag. After a natural birth, the tightening process rarely takes more than six months, but after a cesarean section, the tummy may never return to its original shape.
moderate exercise
You can go in for sports at least a month after giving birth and only with the permission of a doctor. They need to be dealt with, because this is the only way to restore flabby muscles. It is better to consult with a specialist whether your body is ready for physical activity.
Of course, serious physical exertion for nursing mothers should be avoided, otherwise toxins can enter the milk.
Home fitness for beginners or willpower in the name of a beautiful body
In the first month after childbirth, you can perform breathing exercises. Such a program is safe for a weakened body and quite effective for slight weight loss.
We return an elastic stomach
The question of how to restore elasticity to the skin of the abdomen always remains relevant, because after the birth of the first child, sometimes due to a serious change in the usual weight, the muscles on the abdomen are greatly stretched and this becomes a consequence of the fact that the skin becomes ugly, flabby.
To avoid such an unpleasant situation, you must try to keep your body in shape and devote at least 30 minutes to training every day.
Postpartum bandage
Its effectiveness for a tummy tuck after childbirth has been proven by many generations of young mothers. The bandage supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the skin on the abdomen from sagging. It is recommended to wear a bandage two months after childbirth all day, except for a night's sleep. Dress him properly while lying down. In the first days after childbirth, it is more convenient to wear a bandage in the form of a belt. It is not advisable to wear bandages-panties, they can squeeze the uterus.
On the purchase is better not to save. You need a bandage that will be invisible under clothing. Its size should correspond to your size before pregnancy if the weight gain was up to 12 kg. If you gained more weight, the bandage should be at least a size or two larger in proportion to the weight gained.
A high-quality bandage is easy to put on, it is not noticeable under clothes, it does not press, does not interfere with breathing, the seams do not irritate the skin. It should consist of good durable stretching materials. Materials must be hypoallergenic. They must let air through, allowing the skin to breathe.
Greetings, our dear readers! Irina and Igor write for you. Many women, before giving birth to their baby, are already beginning to worry about what will happen to their figure after childbirth. Everyone is well aware that there is an opinion that after childbirth it is either impossible to restore the figure, or it is very difficult, especially if you have given birth to a second or third child. However, this is just a myth that some “lazy mothers” came up with to justify their form.
With the right approach, your body will regain a slender silhouette, and you yourself - self-confidence. In today's article, we will look at how to tighten the figure after childbirth.
Yes, of course, a woman's body undergoes tremendous changes during pregnancy and childbirth, so it may take more than one month to recover.
But still, you must remember that this is quite real, and many forty-year-old women who have given birth to four children look no worse than young 18-year-old girls.
And the first thing you need to provide yourself on the way to a slim figure is your motivation. To do this, you can, for example, hang your best “before childbirth” photo on the refrigerator and strive every day to bring it to life.
And how to strive, we will tell below.
To achieve a slender figure, you should pay attention to four main areas: rational nutrition, posture correction, ghosting the abdomen and chest to their previous state.
Proper nutrition
Of course, during the period of breastfeeding, there can be no talk of any diets, as this can lead to a weakening of your own body, as well as a lack of important nutrients for your baby. What then to do? You ask.
You need to follow some rules that will help your metabolism work properly and not store excess fat in unnecessary places:
- Eat small meals, but often (about 5-6 times a day)
- If you are worried about hunger, you can allow yourself a small snack with dried fruits, a glass of yogurt, kefir, or eat something from fruits or vegetables
- Give up fatty meat, even if grandmothers say that it is necessary to produce more concentrated milk. Opt for low-fat varieties that are properly steamed, boiled, or baked. Believe me, this will not reduce your lactation.
- Give up sweets, starchy foods, as well as processed foods and junk food
- Consume healthy fats: fish, nuts, vegetable oils. But don't abuse them
- Drink more pure filtered water - at least 2 liters per day. However, if lactation processes have not yet been established and you are periodically worried about hot flashes and stagnation of milk, then you should be very careful with water consumption and it is better, on the contrary, to limit the drinking regime
Subject to these simple rules and maintaining lactation, your extra pounds will quickly begin to go away.
In addition, good sleep is useful for the normalization of metabolism. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to sleep with your baby, put aside your household chores and do it.
Posture Correction
During pregnancy, a woman's spine experiences significant stress, which can affect your posture after childbirth.
To straighten your back, you can use a simple exercise: every morning you should get up to the wall with your back, pressing against it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Then try to hold this position for as long as possible throughout the day.
You can also use any of the posture correctors. In this, the Tonus Elas t posture corrector will become your faithful assistant .
Exercise can be a great way to correct your posture. It is usually possible to start exercises to strengthen the back muscles as early as 2-2.5 months after childbirth.
We tighten the stomach
You should start working on your stomach immediately after childbirth, for this you need to use a postpartum bandage that will save you from sagging skin and support your muscles in the required position.
It is worth wearing a bandage no more than 10 hours a day. Also, breathing exercises can be an effective way to train the abdominal muscles in the first time after childbirth, unless the birth was carried out using a caesarean section.
Gymnastics should be performed several times during the day. To do this, alternately inhale, then inflate, then draw in the stomach.
Also, at first, walking with a stroller can be a good physical activity for you. Do not be lazy, walk more, move at an average pace.
You can start full-fledged fitness classes, as a rule, 2-3 months after giving birth.
But what kind of fitness club, when the child is so small and you won’t leave him for a long time? In this case, you should pay attention to training at home, for example, training according to the program of Vladimir Molodov offers a video course "Complex of strength training" Lady Fitness " , designed for different levels of preparedness and availability of financial resources.
This video course does not require a long time to study, it is enough to devote 30-40 minutes a day to them to feel the results.
breast care
The breasts also undergo significant changes during pregnancy and childbirth, so you should also pay attention to caring for them after childbirth.
The general principles to be followed are:
- Maintaining long-term lactation, ideally up to 1.5-2 years (it is during this period that the natural return of the breast to the “prenatal” state occurs)
- A contrast shower well helps active blood supply to all parts of the chest
- The use of special cosmetic tightening agents. You can find a wide selection of such products in the Ozon.ru online store in the "Beauty and Health" section.
- Performing special exercises and massage
Have you already faced the need to return to your previous figure? How was your transformation? What advice did you use for this? Tell us your stories, they will be useful for those who are just carrying their first child.
Do not forget to share this article with your pregnant and newborn friends, we are sure they will find it very useful. See you soon!
Best regards, Irina and Igor
Home peeling
Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. For this, both professional and simple affordable home remedies are suitable. We will not list professional scrubs, here everyone chooses based on personal means and preferences.
At home, coffee scrubs are the most effective. Take unbrewed coarse coffee, mix it with sea salt and rub it on problem areas, especially those with cellulite. A good homemade scrub is salt, honey, olive oil. This composition, in addition to elasticity, moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth.
Cellulite scrubs made at home: only proven recipes
Effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs
Be sure to start with a little warm-up. Move actively to incendiary music for a few minutes. When the muscles warm up, proceed to the main set of exercises.
- Perform a deep squat, while exhaling, while the knees should not go beyond the toes. Imagine that you are sitting on an imaginary small chair. Rise up on an inhale. Do 20 reps, stretch your leg muscles, and repeat the set one more time.
- Standing, spread your knees wide so that they look to the sides. Sit down in a deep plie, socks at this time also look in different directions. This exercise is aimed at strengthening both the gluteal muscles and the inner thigh.
- Knees and elbows are on the floor. Raise your straight right leg parallel to the floor and perform 20 swings. Also do 20 swings with your left foot.
- On all fours, lift your leg out to the side at a 90-degree angle, parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds, return to the starting position. Do 20 reps on each leg. This exercise strengthens the outer side of the thigh, as well as the gluteal muscles.
- The back, lower back and buttocks lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, place your feet on the floor surface. Raise your buttocks as high as possible, squeezing them as much as possible. Lower your pelvis to the floor while exhaling. A more complicated version of the exercise will be to collect the knees on weight, then the work of the internal muscles of the thigh will be connected.
- Standing on your elbows and knees, lift your right leg bent at the knee above the floor, as high as possible. Keep your foot straight, as if you want to leave a footprint on the ceiling. Repeat several sets of 25-30 movements for each leg.
chest exercises
Cosmetical tools
The cosmetics market today offers us a solution for almost any problem. But let's not be naive, with the help of cream alone it is impossible to acquire the elastic body of a supermodel. Gels and lotions help to strengthen the skin, burn fat only in combination with physical activity. Regardless of what the manufacturers write on the packaging.
Such products will help even out the relief of the skin, add a little elasticity to it, give a slight tone and a fresh look. And this is all provided that the cream is really of high quality and contains components that strengthen and rejuvenate the skin.
So one cream for tightening the figure will not be enough. But it will be an excellent contributory tool in combination with proper nutrition, physical activity, massage procedures.
Compliance with these principles will give you a luxurious body as a result. The rest is up to you. Dare!
You will definitely succeed! Follow the blog news, share your first successes in the comments. See you soon!
Five minutes a day to restore the stomach
Restorative gymnastics after childbirth involves different sets of exercises. Perhaps the most problematic place is the stomach. Stretched abdominal muscles entail a number of inconveniences that you want to eliminate as soon as possible. This is mainly the absence of the urge to urinate and defecate, which is fraught with various problems and even embarrassment.
Gymnastics for the abdomen also helps in restoring the figure. Moreover, it is very important to perform the exercises, not limited to wearing a bandage. The bandage only fixes the muscles, but does not force them to contract, and therefore does not lead to recovery.
To restore the muscles of the abdomen, it is enough to perform a couple of very simple exercises, but they must be performed regularly. Such gymnastics will not take longer than 5 minutes, but with conscientious and constant performance, it will give a noticeable effect.
Exercise 1. Pull in the stomach
we retract the stomach
We lay on our back, bend our legs at the knees, firmly press our feet to the floor, palms on our stomach.
On exhalation, we strongly retract the stomach and fix this position for 4-5 seconds. Then take a deep slow breath and repeat the exercise. For one approach, you can do 8-10 repetitions.
Exercise 2. Making a "bridge"
We accept the same position that was during the first exercise. After exhalation, we raise the pelvis, straining the buttocks and pulling in the stomach. At the same time, we raise our head and press our chin to our chest.
This exercise is not easy, so at first it may be difficult to complete it. There is nothing wrong with this, over time the muscles will gain tone and strength, and the number of repetitions can be increased.
Features of breastfeeding
Exercises after childbirth for the abdomen can be combined with breastfeeding. Lactation allows you to burn 500 kcal per day. But sports should be done only when there is an appropriate mood or if you need to cheer up. In an exhausted state, exercise will bring nothing but fatigue, and may lead to the disappearance of milk.
The best time for exercise is the period after feeding the baby and before breakfast. You should not do exercises immediately before feeding, so that lactic acid does not get into the milk.
It is important to increase the load gradually, for this you can increase the number of repetitions each session. You can practice 3-4 times a week.
During breastfeeding, a woman needs to give up dumbbells and exercise equipment. Classes with them can be too stressful for the body during lactation - the amount of milk may decrease. After training, you need to drink a lot (dried fruit compote, green tea). After childbirth, during breastfeeding, some sports are contraindicated: running and strength training.
Suitable would be:
- swimming;
- walking; Exercises for diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth
The occurrence of diastasis in women occurs after pregnancy, when the weak abdominal muscles cannot withstand the severity or are overstretched. Diastasis is the separation of the fibers of the rectus abdominis muscle.
Exercises after childbirth for the abdomen should not be heavy and designed to strengthen the muscular frame. It is better to start physical exercises with breathing exercises after 1 month.
Later it will be possible to connect physical activities:
- Smooth bending of the legs in a prone position - pressing the lower back to the floor, the working leg is slowly bent, the foot should constantly slide along the floor.
- Raising the pelvis - from a position lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, you need to raise the pelvis using the muscles of the buttocks.
- Standing on the palms and knees , they bend the lower back up, the head goes down, and the stomach is drawn in when exhaling, after which the back bends in the opposite direction, the face rises and a breath is taken.
Prohibited exercises during diastasis:
- twisting;
- simultaneous raising of arms and legs;
- Breathing exercises will help to quickly contract the uterus, during which you need to direct the air when inhaling into different departments: first, drawing air into the chest, on the next breath - into the stomach. Then you need to fill the chest and stomach at the same time with air. You need to repeat the exercise in this order 5 times, inhaling and exhaling smoothly.
- IP - lying on your back, with arms extended along the body. Pressing the shoulders, and the body below the waist to the floor, raise and lower the chest. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 12 times.
- IP - feet shoulder width apart, back straightened. Leaning to the side, you need to try to get the floor with one hand.
- IP - lie on your back, raising your legs and firmly pressing your lower back to the floor. The legs should be moved as if they were pedaling a bicycle.
IP - sit on the edge of a chair and raise your legs, strongly straining your abs.
All exercises intended for the abdomen after childbirth are performed 10-15 times in several sets. It is better to stop the lesson if dizziness, nausea, severe pain appear.
Shaping after childbirth
The difference between shaping and other types of physical activity is that exercises are selected depending on the capabilities of a woman. The exercises that she will perform cannot be too difficult.
You need to select classes based on the features of the figure. Choose those that will allow you to remove the flaws and emphasize the advantages for a certain type of body structure.
Shaping is contraindicated:
- pregnant women - in any trimester;
- during menstruation;
- after illness, in the presence of chronic and dangerous diseases.
IP: straight stance, socks pointing in different directions, and legs are wider than shoulders. With a flat back and a retracted stomach, you need to perform squats, smoothly lowering and raising the pelvis down - it does not need to be pushed forward or backward. It is necessary to perform 15 squats and after 1 minute. - 15 more.
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