How does the position of the cervix alter before, during, and after ovulation?
A little about physiology: the structure of the uterus
The uterus is the main organ of the female reproductive system, with the help of which it becomes possible to bear a child. It is hollow inside and unpaired. The uniqueness of the uterus is that, due to the muscular structure, it is very much stretched, and after childbirth it returns to its original state.
Due to the extensibility of the ligaments, the uterus can change its position in the woman's body relative to neighboring organs. In the absence of pregnancy, it is located between the bladder and rectum, in the lower abdomen. Many feel pain during menstruation, so they know exactly where it is located.
It is important to know the structure of the uterus. It consists of the body of this hollow organ and a narrow part - the neck. Doctors call the upper point of the uterus the bottom, and between the neck and the body is the isthmus. Its shape resembles an inverted pear. The size of the uterus outside of pregnancy is small - 7 cm long, 4 cm wide, and 5 cm thick. In multiparous, these parameters can be increased.
In a section, the organ is divided into:
- endometrium or internal mucosa;
- myometrium, muscles;
- outer fabric.
When sick, the uterus protrudes
Uterine prolapse is the common name for the disease. In medicine, it is called genital prolapse. During this disease, the uterus gradually comes out.
If you do not take action, then you can wait for the prolapse and prolapse of the uterus to occur.
Women with this diagnosis should not be very physically strained, walk a lot, etc. All this leads to the fact that the uterus, due to muscle weakness, descends down to the vagina. But there are special physical exercises that you need to perform daily, as well as perform a ritual for taking medication.
Features of the structure of the cervix during the menstrual cycle
Just before menstrual bleeding, the cervix is hard to the touch. During the ovulatory period, the cervix becomes loose, the pharynx opens somewhat to ensure that spermatozoa enter the uterus. During menstruation, the pharynx is expanded, which is necessary for the release of blood clots from the uterine cavity.
This feature can provoke the entry of pathogens into the body, for this reason, during menstrual bleeding, you can not swim in the pool and open water, and also have an active sex life. During menstruation, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene, wash yourself twice a day.
Lifting weights provokes the development of pathology
- Prolapse of the uterus after childbirth occurs quite often. Especially if it was a natural birth, but complicated, with the use of obstetric forceps, with large vaginal ruptures.
- The advanced age of a woman, when all the muscles become weak. Often uterine prolapse occurs during menopause.
- Constant physical work. Lifting weights leads to the development of this disease. But this does not mean that you do not need to play sports and exercise. There is a special Kegel gymnastics for uterine prolapse.
- Constant constipation, which forces you to push and strain. The prolapse of the uterus in this case is of the same nature as the developed ailment after childbirth.
- Chronic cough. A woman who constantly coughs tenses various muscles, including those that hold her internal genitals.
- hereditary character. In some women, the connective tissue that forms the ligaments that hold the uterus in place is too elastic and stretchy. This feature of the structure of the internal organ is transmitted in the family through the female line by inheritance.
If you know that your grandmother or mother has uterine prolapse, then be sure to be examined by a gynecologist.
Find out the signs of a violation in order to prevent the development of the disease in time. It is equally important to know the measures to prevent the disease, what threatens the prolapse of the uterus and what physiotherapy exercises are needed.
- Various gynecological diseases, including uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc. They form an additional load on the ligaments that hold the uterus.
What happens to the uterus during pregnancy?
The absence of menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy that you should pay attention to. If it does not come, during menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus is torn off and bleeding and mucosal secretion begin. Some women note a one-time onset of menstruation in the first month of pregnancy, which is associated with a violation of the cycle and late ovulation.
If fertilization occurs, the endometrium becomes thicker and softer, but the uterus itself does not yet increase in size. Only some of its swelling is noted due to a change in the inner wall. Subsequently, a fetal egg will attach to the epithelium, a placenta is formed. Muscles and tissues become elastic - they are preparing for a big job.
A gynecologist or an ultrasound specialist by external signs will be able to determine the onset of pregnancy in the early stages. When viewed on a chair, the doctor assesses the condition of the cervix. Normally, it has a pink color, and in a pregnant woman it acquires a bluish tint. This is due to the intense blood circulation in this area.
The same happens with the external genital organs - the blood flow increases, which means that their color changes to a darker one. The cervix in the early stages changes its position, falling (see also: can the cervix lengthen during pregnancy?). The structure of its tissue becomes looser. The photo shows the appearance of the cervix in the early stages.
By the end of the first month, a mucous plug will appear in the cervical canal of the cervix, which performs a protective function. She accompanies the baby until birth. The passage of the cork is considered a reliable harbinger of an early birth (for more details, see the article: when does the cork leave before childbirth and what does it look like in a photo?).
All changes in the female reproductive system occur due to hormonal changes. The main "culprit" of the transformations is progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy. It allows the uterus to bear the baby by relaxing its muscles for nine months.
According to these signs, the gynecologist, even without an ultrasound examination, will conclude about conception. The doctor will definitely palpate the organ, evaluate its mobility and softness. Non-compliance with the norms may indicate a pathology of pregnancy or a disease. If the specialist has any doubts, he will prescribe additional tests and ultrasound. What the uterus looks like, its expansion at the beginning of the term is shown in the photo.
Outwardly, there are no signs of pregnancy yet. The expectant mother is often unaware of her situation. The first symptoms of toxicosis will begin later, when the embryo attaches to the inner wall of the uterus, but for now it has just begun its journey through the fallopian tube. Some even feel the approach of menstruation, but it does not occur.
This is the most dangerous time to keep a pregnancy. Those who planned conception should be very careful. Until the embryo has attached to the endometrium (first week), the chances of aborting are very high. Interestingly, in order to successfully adapt to pregnancy, the mother's body reduces its own immunity, otherwise it will simply reject the fetal egg.
"Pros" and "cons" of self-diagnosis
Self-examination of the uterus does not give a complete picture of its condition, but only helps to build some assumptions. Perhaps this is the only positive side of such a procedure. But there are many more negative points. This is the possibility of infection, trauma, which threaten inflammation, complications that lead to infertility.
A photo of what the cervix looks like before menstruation and during pregnancy will not be able to help analyze the condition of the organ. It should be guided only by tactile sensations.
If you have any questions, you can always ask your gynecologist. If necessary, a woman can conduct an independent examination of the cervix, but this should be done only in extreme situations and no more than three times a week.
To determine the state of the organ, considerable experience is required, which means that in its absence, the examination will be uninformative and will not give any results. Only an experienced doctor is able to recognize changes, evaluate them and prescribe additional examination methods, because the position of the cervix is constantly changing on the days of the cycle, and these features must be taken into account.
Functions of the cervix during pregnancy
The first weeks of pregnancy are the beginning of serious changes in a woman's body.
The cervix plays an important role in the process of bearing a child from the earliest stages of pregnancy. Cervix at this time undergoes significant changes: its density, size, shade, shape and position become different. In addition, the glands in the mucosal lining of the cervical canal expand and branch even more.
If, nevertheless, an infectious-inflammatory process begins, then the structure of the neck changes significantly, the cervix acquires pathological uneven friability. Such changes are a signal to the doctor about the need to prescribe additional diagnostic manipulations and a course of therapeutic correction acceptable for a pregnant woman.
Days before menstruation
What is the cervix after ovulation a few days before the onset of critical days? On the 25-26th day of the cycle, the cervix, as a rule, completely descends. There will be a small low passage through which the shell of the follicle of a mature egg will exit. At this time, the cervix will become softer.
During this period, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. This can happen only at those moments when hormonal changes occur, endocrine disruptions occur, and there are some pathologies.
What changes occur in the cervix after conception?
During pregnancy, the following indicators of uterine growth are considered normal:
- from the first month the shape changes - it becomes rounded and increases in width;
- at the initial stages, asymmetric development is noticeable - one side is larger than the other (this is due to the place of attachment of the embryo);
- when the child completely occupies the uterus, the shape is smoothed out;
- from the second trimester, the uterus already leaves the pelvic area and fills the peritoneum;
- by 8 months, the uterus reaches the ribs, it puts pressure on the digestive tract, complicates normal breathing (this is its maximum position);
- before childbirth, the baby's head drops (and with it the uterus), the woman feels relieved.
week of pregnancy | Length in mm (/- 10 mm) | Width (/- 10 mm) | The height of the uterus relative to the line of the pubis, cm | The position of the fundus of the uterus |
8 | 70-80 | 40-50 | 8-9 | Bottom below the pubic line |
10 | one hundred | 60 | 10 | Rising to the pubic line |
12 | 120 | 70 | eleven | Reaches the pubic line |
16 | 140 | 80 | fourteen | The organ is located between the navel and the pubis |
eighteen | 180 | 90-100 | 16-18 | 6-7 cm above the pubic line |
twenty | 200 | 110-120 | 18-20 | The fundus of the uterus is located 2 fingers below the navel |
22 | 210 | 120-140 | 21-24 | Almost reaches the level of the navel |
24 | 230 | 140-160 | 23-26 | Rises to the level of the navel |
26 | 250 | 160-170 | 25-28 | Rises just above the navel |
28 | 280 | 170-180 | 26-30 | 2-3 fingers above the navel |
thirty | 310 | 180-190 | 28-31 | Rises closer to the bottom of the sternum |
32 | 320 | 190-200 | 30-33 | Midway between the umbilicus and costal arches |
34 | 330 | 200-205 | 31-34 | The bottom is located 14 cm above the navel |
36 | 340 | 210-220 | 33-36 | Located on the line of costal arches |
37 | 350 | 220-230 | 35-38 | The uterus descends and begins to put pressure on the stomach |
38 | 350-360 | 230-240 | 35-37 | Drops a few inches |
40 | 370-380 | 250-260 | 32-35 |
When a woman is carrying two or more children, her normal parameters will be different. In addition, each patient and her child have individual characteristics that affect the course of pregnancy. It often depends on genetics. An experienced gynecologist will definitely take into account these characteristics before drawing conclusions about the normal size of the uterus.
The condition of the uterus should be consulted with your gynecologist. Every pregnancy is different and depends on many factors. Only a specialist will give a complete answer to concerns about bearing a child. A woman in a position is very vulnerable, any careless statement can lead to hypertonicity and the threat of miscarriage.
Minor deviations in the state of the reproductive organs can only be determined by a specialist. There are individual characteristics of the body and pathology, but usually you have to focus on averages before determining pregnancy by the cervix. It is very difficult to assess the density of tissues on your own, without a medical education and palpation experience. Even if there is a pathology, this should be dealt with by a specialist who can really determine the condition of the reproductive organs. For example, a too hard cervix may indicate hypertonicity (muscle tension) may “beep” about an impending spontaneous miscarriage. This rarely happens in early pregnancy, so don't panic after palpation. The best way to avoid rejection of the ovum is to get to the nearest medical center.
During the examination, the specialist will pay attention to other signs of pregnancy:
- Blueness of the cervix and vaginal walls.
- Slight swelling of the external genitalia.
- Changes in the size, shape and consistency of the walls of the uterus (rounded and enlarged, becomes soft, called the "Horvitz-Hegar symptom") in the period of 4-6 weeks.
- The uterus after conception becomes easily excitable, prone to sharp contractions, becomes dense and sags when examined with 2 hands - from the vagina and from the abdominal side, this is the “Snegirev symptom”, a little later it takes the primary position.
- Some mobility of the cervix or “Gubarev-Gaus symptom”, some women have a “Genter symptom”, this is an anterior deviation of the uterus with a ridge-like thickening in the center.
- Uterine asymmetry or "Piskacek's symptom" is observed in a bicornuate uterus, with one horn slightly larger than the other - a normal phenomenon while the embryo develops on one side of the organ. Over time, it will round out, somewhere after the 8th week of pregnancy.
These are the features - how can they be determined during pregnancy by touch, if not a specialist? Any pathology is examined with the help of ultrasound. There may be an increase in watery and bloody discharge, palpitations (from an increasing load on the bloodstream), frequent urination (due to displacement of the uterus). There are congenital pathologies and hormonal disorders. Only a doctor can assess the real condition of a pregnant woman. Especially if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo is stuck in the fallopian tubes. We hope you are all well!
Dynamics of changes in the cervix in primiparous and multiparous women
Changes in the cervix during gestation are so pronounced that it becomes possible to determine pregnancy by the cervix. The most significant features include:
- Color change. The blueness of the cervix is quite physiological and is explained by increased blood supply. In healthy non-pregnant women, the color of the cervix is pink.
- Change in position relative to the uterus. The cervix descends when carrying a child.
- Change in consistency. The cervix to the touch with the course of pregnancy becomes less dense.
During gestation, regular medical consultations are required
. Cervix in the early stages of pregnancy is located lower than usual. The cervix descends after conception to hold the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. This process is provided by the action of progesterone. If the cervix is located high, then this may confirm the high tone of the uterus and be a threat to gestation.
However, the high location of the neck can also be an anatomical feature of the body. The risk for bearing the fetus should be assessed by the doctor: perhaps a change in the position of the cervix will cause the woman to be hospitalized in order to maintain the pregnancy.
A looser cervix in the process of bearing a child is due to the growth of the vascular network, swelling and an increase in the number of glands that produce a mucous secret. Also, the cervix becomes looser due to the effects of progesterone.
The cervix during pregnancy in the early stages narrows, the elasticity of the tissues is preserved, they are difficult to stretch. The density changes with an increase in the term, but you should not be afraid that if the cervix is loose to the touch, then it will not be able to hold the fetus.
During the bearing of a child, there is a more active production of mucous secretion by glandular cells. The mucus itself becomes thicker, its viscosity is higher than in the absence of pregnancy. The cervical canal during pregnancy is closed with a mucous plug., Which performs the following functions:
- preventing pathogens from entering the uterine cavity;
- maintaining optimal microflora of the vagina;
- ensuring the normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.
Lack of mucus production can cause the progression of infectious diseases.
Pathology of the consistency of the cervix
If the cervix is hard during pregnancy, this may confirm the excessive tension of the organ (hypertonicity). This condition is quite dangerous, therefore, when it is detected, the doctor must prescribe therapeutic correction measures, in some situations deciding on the need to hospitalize a pregnant woman in a hospital.
Excessive friability of the cervix at the beginning of the childbearing period is also an alarming sign. It, in combination with a small neck length and loose closure of the cervical canal, may indicate the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.
The detection of extensive loose areas in the cervical canal most often indicates the presence of an infectious and inflammatory process, the causative agents of which can be the following microorganisms:
- chlamydia;
- mycoplasmas;
- gonococci;
- adenoviruses;
- cytomegalovirus.
If your stomach hurts early, you should immediately consult a doctor!
Usually, the pathological process is accompanied by pulling pains, vaginal discharge, and on examination, ulcerations are revealed on the mucous lining. Such symptoms indicate the need for additional diagnostic methods to identify the pathogen and determine the best measures to eliminate it.
In the process of carrying a child, the cervix retains its density for up to 32 weeks, its external pharynx is closed. Later this period there is an uneven softening of the structure of the cervix, it gradually “ripens” for disclosure during delivery. The cervix softens in the peripheral areas, the cervical canal itself remains closed, which is confirmed by ultrasound examination data.
By the 36th week of pregnancy, the external pharynx misses the tip of the gynecologist's finger during the examination in primiparas, and in women who become a mother again, the pharynx may be somewhat weaker, because of which it can pass the doctor's entire finger deep.
From the 37th week, the cervix is already in the mature stage - it becomes soft, shortens, during a medical examination, the pharynx misses one or two fingers of the gynecologist. One of the reasons for such changes is that the fetus presses harder on the neck, which accelerates the process of its maturation.
How to conduct research?
How to determine the state of the uterus on a given day of the cycle. Through daily self-examination. If you monitor the condition of the uterus regularly - at least for several months, it is easy to notice when it is located higher, when it is lower, dense or loose. It is better if you choose the first day after menstruation to start such an experiment. Needless to say, when examining the cervix, it is necessary, of course, to take care of the cleanliness of the hands. Experts recommend conducting such an examination in a squatting position or leaning one foot on the side of the bath. Touching the cervix, it is easy to notice that shortly before the day of ovulation, it is extremely soft, and the entrance to it opens slightly so that a small hole can be felt with a fingertip - the cervix opens slightly. And in the first days of the cycle, it is elastic and rigid, and the hole in the neck is tightly closed.
All these methods allow you to calculate the days when conception is most likely. So, if you want to conceive a child on the right day, it’s a matter of technology. In addition, it is a good habit to closely monitor your health, including reproductive health. And for a couple dreaming of an heir, this is especially important.
At any stage associated with changes in the female body, there are certain symptoms. Due to the location of the cervix (CC), you can find out the specific phase of the cycle and determine whether fertilization can occur at the moment.
CMM connects the vagina to the uterus
, it has the shape of a trapezoid. Each of the representatives of the weaker sex has different sizes. They are affected by the presence of pregnancy in the past, age, as well as physiological characteristics.
The position, as well as the structure of this female organ, change depending on the period of the cycle. CMM becomes soft or acquires elasticity and hardness. The external os of this organ allows secretions from the uterus to drain into the vagina. Depending on the phase of the cycle, it can be in the open, half-closed or closed state.
The state in which the CMM is located is determined by touch. The information obtained in this way will allow you to recognize the onset of conception.
or . If you additionally use ovulation tests and measure basal temperature, the studies will be more reliable.
It is necessary to carry out a procedure of this kind, taking into account the rules:
- It is necessary to squat down or lie down on your back, knees should be bent.
- For convenience, it is permissible to use a special lubricant.
- The finger is required to be entered until it finds the neck, it is most convenient to use the index finger.
- Consider how open the external pharynx, as well as the nature of the discharge.
: Before the examination, it is necessary to wash your hands, you can even disinfect them with a special liquid to eliminate the risk of infection.
Before ovulation
At the very beginning of the cycle, CMM is low, it is elastic and quite hard. The pharynx is tightly closed. By touch, you can determine that the neck is dry.
All this avoids the penetration of pathogenic flora into the genital tract, but also prevents spermatozoa from getting inside. Therefore, pregnancy will not occur during this period.
. Cervical mucus is practically not excreted, its amount is meager.
During the transitional period, which lasts from 9 to 12 days of the cycle, the cervix begins to open and soften, it produces a secret that moisturizes the genital tract. Mucus is secreted from them, which is sticky and sticky. The probability of conception increases slightly, but still remains insignificant.
: It is better not to conduct research during menstruation. If they are necessary, additional measures are required to protect against bacteria.
When are the days favorable for conception
The female body undergoes significant changes. They can be identified by the following features:
- An increase in basal body temperature.
- The appearance of secretions similar to mucus.
- Increase the sensitivity of the nipples and the breast itself.
- Increasing libido.
At the moment, the body is rebuilding, preparing for a possible fertilization
. The cervix rises slowly. It is at its highest when the egg is released.
The uterus itself is now becoming soft, its pharynx is fully opened, so spermatozoa are able to penetrate into the fallopian tubes without problems. Mucous secretions contribute to their promotion. There are more of them than in other periods of the cycle, the most favorable time for conception is during. Their consistency is similar to egg white.
After ovulation
Zev gradually closes, fertility is declining. CMM becomes dry, as well as elastic and hard. Her position can be called average. If there is no pregnancy, it descends and opens a little later. This is preparation for the next menstruation.
The secretions themselves are produced in a small amount, become thick. This allows you to protect the uterus, where the fertilized egg may be located, from various irritants and pathogens that can invade the organ. This period for conception is unfavorable.
When does the uterus rise into the abdominal cavity?
Throughout pregnancy, the uterus grows and rises in the abdominal cavity, displacing neighboring organs. The highest position is noted three weeks before birth.
The doctor at each appointment measures the height of the bottom of the uterus, determines how much it has risen into the abdominal cavity. In the second trimester, the uterus can already be felt without examination on the chair - gynecologists assess its condition in this way. All parameters are strictly recorded in the patient's medical record. It is important for a specialist to assess the development of pregnancy in dynamics.
Prolapse of the uterus threatens with dangerous consequences
- The prolapse of the uterus threatens with the complete prolapse of this female genital organ. Behind it, intestinal rings will also stretch through the pelvic floor. And this is a big threat to a woman's life.
- Eversion of the vagina. Such a turn in the development of the problem entails only negative consequences. Having opened itself, the uterus becomes vulnerable to an existing infection. Inflammatory processes can lead to the fact that an abscess of the uterus occurs and it will have to be completely removed.
- The prolapse of the uterus begins to interfere with the work of other internal organs. This leads to the fact that the intestines and bladder are already working poorly. They also begin to sink and tend to fall out, which is fraught with the most negative consequences.
- Surgery + uterine prolapse is the combination that is an extreme way to solve the problem. But in advanced situations, this is the only method for correcting complications in pathology.
What changes in the uterus are considered normal?
Pathological conditions of pregnancy are accompanied by:
- periodic pain in the abdomen, resembling spasms (may be given to the lower back);
- bleeding - even a small discharge of blood indicates a serious violation;
- unnatural secretions from the genitals (bloody, purulent, having an unpleasant odor, unusual consistency);
- dizziness, loss of consciousness;
- petrification of the abdomen (often accompanied by pain);
- swelling of the limbs;
- very fast weight gain.
Most of these symptoms require an ambulance call and urgent hospitalization. We are talking about the threat of abortion or premature birth. This is dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the life of the expectant mother.
What pathologies can indicate uterine disorders:
- increased muscle tone (often leads to miscarriage);
- short cervix, when the organ cannot hold the embryo;
- inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
- polyhydramnios;
- cervical erosion;
- myoma (characterized by an increase in the organ);
- failure of the existing scar;
- displacement of the organ due to inflammation or adhesions.
In the photo, erosion of the cervix. If there is no threat of miscarriage, mothers will be prescribed outpatient treatment or will be referred to a day hospital at a antenatal clinic. The doctor will examine the patient daily and put the medicine. At this time, a sick leave must be issued. There is no need to refuse it - overstrain and excessive activity will not lead to anything good now. A woman needs to ensure peace, good nutrition and the absence of stress - only then is a normal pregnancy possible.
Why does pain appear?
Ovulatory abdominal pain can be very disturbing for women who cannot understand the cause of their occurrence. Some may bleed. They pay attention to their intensity last of all, so you need to know what exactly leads to the appearance of symptoms of this kind. This allows you to calm down.
During menstruation, the mucosa lining the uterus is shed. The organ contracts and at the same time exerts pressure on the nerve endings. Nothing like this happens during ovulation. What is the reason for the pain? There are several of them:
- The pressure on the walls of the follicle cannot but be felt by a woman.
- After damage to the follicle shell, blood vessels burst, their contents penetrate into the abdominal cavity, causing pain.
- The uterus, under the influence of hormones and fluid from the bursting follicle, begins to contract.
- The ovary at the time of the end of the development of the egg is stretched, which causes discomfort.
- The fallopian tubes are also able to contract when the egg moves; pain can be caused by strong fear that overly emotional women experience during this period.
IMPORTANT: Some women are not familiar with pain during ovulation at all. They simply do not pay attention to the minor discomfort that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina
Exercises for the tone of the pubococcygeal muscles are very useful
Charging includes exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina and exercise therapy to tone the pubococcygeal muscles.
- An exercise called "lift" is done on the back. The buttocks should begin to be smoothly lifted up, periodically lingering for a few seconds at different distances from the floor. In this way, you imitate the technique of the elevator car.
- Contraction exercises. It is necessary to sharply and very strongly strain all the muscles in the perineum.
- Pushing exercise. Very gently and slowly enough to push, as you do during a bowel movement.
- Slow compression exercise. Tighten the muscles of the perineum for a few seconds. Count to three. Then relax and tense up again, but you should already hold out for five seconds. Next time 10 seconds and so on up to 20. Relax the muscles of the perineum very smoothly and slowly.
Omission of the uterus + exercises for the tone of the pubococcygeal muscles.
Before you start the exercises, you need to figure out what the pubococcygeal muscle is. To do this, during urination, pause the process for a few seconds. At this time, you will feel the work of the pubococcygeus muscle.
- The first exercise involves holding urination for a few seconds. At this time, you need to try to squeeze the sphincter of the urethra with your muscles. After finally finish the process of urination, squeezing everything out of yourself to the last drop.
- For the second exercise, lie down on the floor. Hands should be placed along the body. Raise your legs up and pretend to ride a bike.
- In the third exercise, sit on a chair. Then take a breath and try to bring the buttocks closer to each other. Stay in this state for a few seconds. After exhaling, relax the muscles of the perineum and buttocks.
- In the fourth exercise, get into a pose on all fours. Breathe deeply enough. Freeze for a few seconds. Then exhale slowly. At this time, raise your legs in such a position that the buttocks rise above the position of the shoulders. Freeze in this position for a few seconds. Then inhale and return back to the starting position.
- In the fifth exercise, you need to kneel so that they are slightly wider than your shoulders. Then tilt your torso forward so that your forehead touches the floor. Put your hands forward on the floor. So wait five minutes. When you inhale, try to stick out your buttocks and perineum as much as possible. On exhalation, the buttocks should be relaxed and the perineum tightened.
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