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Peppermint essential oil is a skin-rejuvenating elixir.

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Not many people know that mint has excellent cosmetic properties, and peppermint oil for the face is an indispensable product that fights skin imperfections and age-related manifestations. Home cosmetic procedures using herbal decoction or mint essential oil can solve many cosmetic problems, nourish the dermis with useful substances.

general description

Peppermint essential oil is clear liquid with a yellowish or greenish tint. It has a pronounced characteristic aroma of menthol, fresh citrus notes are distinguishable. Over time, the smell intensifies, the ether itself becomes thicker, darker.

Obtained by water or steam distillation, freshly harvested, as well as dry mint plants are used as raw materials from the beginning to full flowering. After repeated purification and before the completion of the distillation process, it is shaken with sublimate to remove sulfurous elements.

In cosmetology and dermatology peppermint essential oil is used which is a hybrid of green and water mint . The variety was bred at the end of the 16th century in England, today essential oils of meadow, lemon, Tauride mint are also produced.

Butter can be prepared at home with your own hands. Depending on the purpose of the product, the base used, there are ways to obtain the ether.

Method I:

  1. Grind dry or fresh mint leaves and stems, place in a clean jar.
  2. Pour alcohol or vodka so that the liquid covers the medicinal herb.
  3. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks, shaking vigorously every day.
  4. Then strain through cheesecloth, pour into a jar of dark glass. Keep the tincture for about 6 months. It is recommended to use for oily skin care, acne treatment.

Method II:

  1. Grind mint leaves and stems, pour over warm unrefined olive oil.
  2. Leave the mixture for a week in a dark place.
  3. Strain, heat the resulting oil and pour fresh grass. Repeat the whole process of infusion and straining 2 more times.
  4. Store the finished product in a dark glass bottle for 12 months. Use for cosmetic procedures to restore the withering, age-related dermis.

Peppermint oil home remedies for acne

Salon procedures undoubtedly have a good effect, eliminate inflammation, smooth the surface of the skin and generally transform the face. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford trips to the beautician. In such a situation, home remedies will help, which can help solve skin problems no worse.

  1. Hold the ripe tomato for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then lower it into cold water. Separate the skin and rub the pulp through a fine sieve. Add the juice of 3-5 fresh grapes, a teaspoon of sunflower oil, you can olive or peach. Pour a tablespoon of starch into the resulting liquid mass and pour 2 ml of mint oil. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with slightly salted water.
  2. Mix blue clay 15 g with mineral water until the consistency of thick sour cream, add 3 drops of mint and one drop of aloe, lavender and sage oils. Apply the composition to cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off in a contrasting way, first with warm then cold water.

Peppermint oil is a great helper that will keep your skin healthy and beautiful for a long time. The use of the remedy does not depend on its type, structure and age of the woman. The pleasant fresh aroma of menthol in the morning will cheer you up and give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

A bit of history

The name mint comes from lat. "ment", meaning "thought". The unique properties of ether were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The beneficial properties of the medicinal plant were mentioned in their writings by Hippocrates, Avicenna. In ancient Egypt, dishes and wine were given characteristic fresh menthol-citrus notes, aromatization with oil had a beneficial effect on digestion.

In ancient Greek mythology, Mint was one of the nymphs, endowed with healing abilities. According to legend, fragrant grass with small purple inflorescences grew at the place of her death. Among the Romans, it was used by students of philosophers, wicker wreaths with mint were worn to concentrate attention, enhance mental abilities.

In Russia , beauties used fragrant grass to care for their appearance. Infused water on fresh leaves to cleanse the face, giving a healthy, even tone. When added to vegetable oil, a real elixir of youth was obtained, the product transformed the skin, made it possible to look younger.

Product Introduction

The product is an oily liquid that has a colorless or slightly yellowish tint. It has a menthol flavor.

Peppermint oil is obtained from the aerial part of the plant (leaves, flowers, stems). The process takes place by steam distillation.

The characteristic aroma makes mint one of the most fragrant herbs. Thanks to this, the oil of the plant has always been very popular.

The composition of the product includes vitamin C, retinol, folic acid, minerals (magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, potassium and calcium), flavonoids and tannins.

Beneficial features

Healing ether contains about 30 active elements used to care for oily, aging skin:

  • menthol has antiseptic properties, blocks inflammatory processes, neutralizes bactericidal microflora, strengthens thin capillaries, stimulates blood flow, saturates the integument with useful components at the cellular level;
  • isovaleric ether tones the skin, normalizes the processes of respiration, tissue nutrition, whitens pigmentation, helps reduce the number of wrinkles;
  • phellandren gives a characteristic spicy mint flavor with hints of citrus fruits, regulates the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, evens bumpy, relief, increases the tone of the integument;
  • pinene affects the blood flow, activates the processes of tissue regeneration, helps reduce the number of wrinkles, and also reduces the synthesis of sebium;
  • piperitone is used for oily, porous skin, restores the structure, stops inflammation, has a slight whitening effect;
  • dipentene cleanses the integument of toxins, softens keratinized epithelium, has a bactericidal effect, eliminates oily sheen, improves skin elasticity and firmness.

The unique properties of the ether restore oily, withering dermis, normalize intracellular processes. But if the recommended dosage is exceeded , it can lead to irritation, skin sensitivity .

Attention! Do not use simultaneously with homeopathic medicines, the oil neutralizes the effect of medicines.

To cleanse the skin

Simple recipes from peppermint oil for the face will help in the care of delicate skin.

Steam exposure is one of the most effective ways to care for the dermis. To carry out the procedure, you must do the following:

  1. Pour 500 ml of water into a container and bring it to a boil.
  2. Next, pour 1 tbsp into the liquid. a spoonful of dried mint and 5 drops of oil.
  3. It is necessary to bend over the bath. The height must be appropriate so as not to burn the face. To obtain a positive effect, the head is covered with a towel.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

It will give the skin the necessary moisture and soften it.

To make ice cubes, you need to do the following:

  1. Honey can also be used to cleanse the skin. To get cubes, you need to combine 1 teaspoon of molasses and 5 drops of mint oil. The resulting mixture must be distributed in forms. And then put in the refrigerator. Ice cubes need to wipe the skin. As a result, the face will become healthy and radiant.
  2. The following composition includes 8 g of dried mint, 5 drops of mint oil, 4 drops of almond oil and 40 ml of water. Grass and water must be combined. Bring the composition to a boil, and strain the broth. Next, essential oils are added to it. The finished product must be poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator.

Tonic lotion with peppermint oil for the face will be an effective helper on a hot summer day. Pour 150 ml of water into the spray bottle and add 4 drops of ether. This tool needs to moisturize the skin.

To prepare a refreshing tonic with peppermint essential oil for the face, you will need several components. This is a fairly simple recipe. To get a tonic, you need to mix mint ether and grape seed oil. A small amount of tonic wipe the skin of the face before going to bed.

Indications for use

Aroma oil is used in cosmetology and dermatology for the care of oily, age-related, wrinkled, irritated skin.Helps to cope with herpes, sunburn, pronounced rosacea.

The result of the systematic use of mint ether in home procedures will be a persistent pronounced effect:

  • an effective remedy for the treatment of acne, acne;
  • narrows pores, restores a smooth structure;
  • increases the protective properties of the integument;
  • relieves irritation, sensitivity;
  • strengthens thin capillaries, prevents the formation of vascular networks;
  • activates the synthesis of collagen, elastin;
  • promotes smoothing of wrinkles;
  • relieves traces of fatigue, insomnia, restores lymph flow;
  • improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, prevents wilting, skin aging;
  • has sebum-regulating functions, eliminates oily sheen.

For cosmetic issues

Pimples and rashes on the skin negatively affect a person's mood. The use of peppermint oil for the face can eliminate them, as well as cope with foci of inflammation and acne. Among other things, the mask is able to clean and narrow the pores, as well as brighten the tone of the face.

To prepare a useful mask, you must:

  1. Prepare 2 drops of mint, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. All components must be mixed together. The resulting mass can be diluted with water. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. For an additional effect, water can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Such as: chamomile, mint or calendula.
  4. Pre-cleanse the skin of the face.
  5. The mask is applied to the dermis, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  6. It is recommended to keep the product on the face for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  7. After the procedure, a small amount of nourishing cream can be applied to the face.

If suppuration appears on the face, then 1 teaspoon of aloe juice is added to the mask. In the process of exposure to the skin, the product should not dry out. To prevent this from happening, you can sprinkle your face with water. Subsequently, the mask must be made less thick.

To combat acne, you need to prepare a mask, which includes mint oil, tomatoes and grapes. Thanks to the beneficial composition, the skin becomes healthy and radiant.

Where is the best place to buy

You can buy peppermint ether at a pharmacy or a natural cosmetics store, and orders are also placed on the Internet. Sold in dark glass bottle with 5.10 ml dropper dispenser .

Egyptian oil Kausar 125 ml can be purchased for 550 rubles. The price of 10 ml of domestic brands is from 45 to 80 rubles.

You can store at room temperature from 18° to 25°, in a place protected from direct sunlight for 2 years. The oil is not resistant, therefore, a spoiled product can be distinguished by a change in color, consistency aroma, it becomes thick and dark.

Women's opinions

Peppermint oil for the face, according to reviews, has positive properties. When women do not have individual intolerance, the experience of using the remedy is positive.

One group of women got rid of rashes and acne. As a result of the use of masks with mint, the skin became smooth and radiant.

The second group of women used peppermint oil in the fight against wrinkles. The tool did not have a radical effect, but the skin became more elastic and toned.

Peppermint oil is a universal remedy that allows you to use it for all skin types. When properly mixed with other esters, you can get truly healing masks. They will help to suit dry, oily and normal skin.

General recommendations

To achieve the desired transformation effect , you should follow the general rules for using oil in cosmetic care:

  • the recommended dosage of a natural product is 2-3 drops per 10 ml of base;
  • you can enrich ready-made creams, emulsions, shampoos, tonics, adding to a one-time amount of funds, you can not mix directly in the bottle;
  • before use, it is necessary to test the oil for possible allergies;
  •  components are mixed in glass, ceramic dishes , when interacting with metal, an oxidation reaction is observed;
  • can be applied to the face, neck, décolleté, avoid getting the ether on the eyelid area, it can cause tearing, redness;
  • goes well with base oils, clays, pharmacy ingredients, esters of cedar, cypress, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, pine, eucalyptus, grapefruit, neroli;
  • does not have photosensitivity properties, therefore it can be used throughout the year as well as in morning cosmetic procedures;
  • it is optimal to use peppermint ester products 2-3 times a week for a month, then take a break, and after 6-8 weeks you can resume sessions.

Note! Suitable for oily, problematic, acne-prone skin, it also has a rejuvenating, tonic effect, and is used in anti-aging programs.

Application rules

Peppermint oil for the face is used subject to certain rules:

  1. Before application, the skin must be cleaned. Remove makeup.
  2. It is not recommended to use peppermint oil in its pure form, so as not to get burned.
  3. An allergy test must be carried out before using the product. To do this, apply a small amount of peppermint oil to the wrist area. If there is no reaction, then you can use the remedy for its intended purpose.
  4. It is enough to make 2-3 masks with this product per week.

It should be avoided when applying the product around the eyes.

Application methods

Peppermint ether can be added to ready-made products, or prepared on the basis of effective natural creams, masks.

Before carrying out, it is necessary to prepare covers for the penetration of useful elements into the deeper layers:

  1. Remove decorative cosmetics, additionally wash with warm water.
  2. To soften and remove dead cells, a scrub or gommage is used. Apply with light massaging movements, rinse with warm water. Apply before using a mask or peeling
  3. If peppermint oil is included in a cream or ointment, it is enough to clean the integument with a gel selected for the type of skin.

Rejuvenating mask

Tones and accelerates blood flow, stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers, restores elasticity and density of the skin. Effectively copes with nets of superficial wrinkles, reanimates fading integuments. Increases protective properties, neutralizes the action of aggressive factors.


  • 2 drops of mint ether;
  • 2 drops of grapefruit ether;
  • yolk;
  • 10 gr. cocoa butter.

Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, remove from the stove, add esters, yolk. After mixing well, apply with a brush on the face along the massage lines. Leave to act for half an hour, then rinse with a warm decoction of chamomile.

Advice. Use the product every evening for 2 weeks .

Whitening mask

A home mask will help to cope with pigmentation, prevent the formation of vascular networks . Restores a healthy tone of the face, removes toxins, contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the dermis.


  • 3 drops of peppermint oil;
  • 10 ml cream;
  • 5 gr. rice flour;
  • aspirin tablet.

Combine flour with cream, crush the tablet, mix all the ingredients. Cleanse and steam the face, distribute the finished mass in a generous layer. After 20 minutes, rinse with water and lemon juice and apply a moisturizer.

Mattifying mask

Eliminates oily sheen, tightens pores, regulates the synthesis of sebaceous glands. Peppermint oil soothes irritated dermis, relieves redness, stops the spread of bactericidal microflora. The use of a natural remedy restores renewal processes, saturates the skin with oxygen.


  • 2 drops of mint ether;
  • 5 ml hemp oil;
  • 5 gr. yeast;
  • 5 gr. pink clay.

Combine yeast with clay, dilute with warm green tea. Then add hemp and mint oil, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Distribute the product after cleansing the integument, avoiding the eyelid area, leave for 15 minutes. After washing, apply a moisturizer.

Compress for dark circles

To improve lymph flow, get rid of bruises under the eyes , it is recommended to use the secrets of nature. Instantly transforms, removes traces of fatigue, insomnia.


  • 2 drops of mint ether;
  • 10 gr. chamomile;
  • 10 gr. potatoes.

Peel potatoes, grind chamomile in a coffee grinder, add aroma oil. With the help of cosmetic cream, remove decorative cosmetics, moisten the eyelids with mineral water. Cut out circles with a diameter of 7-10 cm from paper napkins, put on the eyelids, evenly distribute the prepared mass on top. Leave for half an hour, then carefully remove the compress.

Acne cream

Helps to cope with inflammation and purulent formations, accelerates skin regeneration . Whitens acne marks to help prevent scarring.


  • 2 drops of mint ether;
  • 1 drop of mandarin ether;
  • 5 gr. zinc oxide.

Add aromatic oils to the zinc powder, mix well. Apply in the evening pointwise on the affected areas after cleansing the skin, leave to act overnight.

Advice. Repeat the procedure until complete healing for at least 4-5 days.

Peppermint Oil Recipes for Dry and Sensitive Skin

Means with the addition of mint nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, prevent peeling and irritation.

  1. Dilute 4-5 drops of mint ether in 100 ml of olive oil and stir well. Use as a cleanser in the morning and evening. It can also be used as a cream or mask, applying to the face for 15 minutes. Remove the rest with a paper towel.
  2. Oat flakes 30 g are poured into 100 ml of hot milk and infused until swollen for 20 minutes. 1 yolk, 20 ml of peach oil and 3 drops of mint ether are added to the resulting composition. Apply the mixture on your face, cover with a gauze cloth and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water or whey.
  3. Cosmetic ice perfectly tones the skin. In 200 ml purified water, dilute a teaspoon of honey and 3 drops of mint oil. Mix everything well to dissolve the honey and pour into ice molds. Wipe the cleansed face with ice cubes twice a day.

Peppermint face oil with olive oil

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

Peppermint essential oil is recommended for oily dull curls, devoid of volume, healthy radiance. Also, a natural product allows you to get rid of dandruff, itching of the scalp caused by cosmetic, styling products.

You can enrich shampoos, conditioners, massage, oil applications of the root area, rinse by adding ether to herbal decoction or water. Regular use will make the curls lush, thick, keep a well-groomed appearance longer, reducing the frequency of washing procedures. It also helps to strengthen the root system, prevents loss, accelerates growth.

Used for aroma combing , adds shine and restores the structure of porous tips.

Effective oil for the treatment of herpes, care for the delicate skin of the lips. Can be added to balms, enrich home recipes. Ether stimulates blood flow, so it is often used by lipstick manufacturers to increase lip volume. Similar tools can be created independently, just a few drops are enough for a visible effect.

The oil gently cares for thin delicate skin, helping to eliminate dryness and flaking. But in its pure form it is not applied, due to the high concentration. Can be combined with base oil, honey, wax to create natural beauty recipes.

Important point! Essential oils are not used to care for the eyelids, eyelashes. May cause irritation, mucosal burns, swelling, tearing.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. Mint is used to relieve tension, eliminate pain in the eyes, but in a minimal concentration. Only 1 drop is taken per 100 ml of purified water, a larger amount can lead to a deterioration in the condition.

Peppermint oil for the face, correct application

Peppermint oil is mixed with base oils, creams, lotions, added to homemade masks. By adhering to certain recommendations for use, you can achieve excellent results.

  1. Peppermint ether is highly concentrated, so before using it, you need to conduct an allergic test on exposed skin. Keep the remedy for 10 to 30 minutes and if everything is fine, then apply it on the face. This is especially true for those with sensitive skin.
  2. Observe the dosage when added to a cosmetic product and, especially, when used as an independent preparation. Peppermint oil is counted only in drops in the amount indicated in the recipes.
  3. Masks and compresses are used only on clean and slightly steamed skin. The duration of the action should not be more than 40 minutes.
  4. Peppermint ether in its pure form is used to treat pimples, pustules, herpes, only pointwise for oily and combination skin.

Great results can be achieved with peppermint oil for the face.

Recommended doses depending on the method of use are:

  • applications - basic little and mint in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • masks - base 20 g, 5 drops of mint;
  • compress - alcohol 20 ml, 10 drops of oil.

Exceeding the dosage can lead to irritation and burning of the skin.


The oil is used to flavor ready meals, sauces, tea. For medicinal purposes, it is used to restore digestion processes, accelerate metabolism. To prepare a healing agent, 7-10 drops are added to 50 gr. basics, it can be honey, jam, unrefined vegetable oil.

You need to take half a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening, the course of treatment lasts no more than 2 weeks. Before starting home therapy, you need to consult a doctor, it is possible to undergo an examination.

In case of an overdose, irritation of the mucosa, headache, migraine, sleep disturbance, and a decrease in pressure are possible. Contraindication is individual intolerance, as well as taking homeopathic medicines.

Use of various mint-based acne products

Mint can be used to treat skin and eliminate acne in various ways, because on its basis many recipes for cosmetic preparations are prepared, based on the trends of traditional medicine. The choice of a specific prescription mainly depends on the type of skin, the problems that need to be addressed, as well as the specific result that you want to achieve through the therapy.

Most often, mint is used to treat acne with:

Peppermint essential oil

The natural essential oil of this plant has a pronounced tonic effect, perfectly mattifies the skin, disinfects it and soothes it. Peppermint oil for acne and skin care can be added to your usual cosmetic products, such as creams or lotions, mixing a few drops in a single serving. You can prepare lotions and special tonics based on mint oil, adding other natural ingredients to it.

This substance is often an integral part of special oil mixtures intended for cleansing the skin, nourishing it, deep moisturizing, restoring and maintaining elasticity. But very often this oil is used in its natural pure form, which allows you to cure acne in a fairly short time, while eliminating the inflammatory process in all layers of the skin, regardless of its intensity.

To treat acne on the body, peppermint oil can be added to the bath before taking it. For a one-time bath, 10 drops of the substance are enough. Such a bath not only significantly improves the condition of the entire skin of the body, but also helps relieve fatigue.

mint decoction

This simple remedy is most commonly used on the face as a lotion or tonic, and is also used to make ice cubes. Mint decoction perfectly cleanses pores, tightens them, tones the skin and significantly improves its color, while eliminating inflammation and reducing the size of acne.

It is not difficult to prepare a healing decoction, for this you should take 15 grams of plant leaves (fresh or dry) per 100 ml of pure water. The leaves should be poured into a saucepan, pour them with cold water and quickly bring to a boil under the lid. After that, the heating should be reduced to the minimum and simmer the mass on it under the lid for 10 minutes. Then the saucepan must be removed from the heat and the broth left to infuse (without removing the lid) for another 20 minutes, after which the liquid must be drained with the extraction of the herb.

It is possible to use this remedy as a tonic or regular lotion for all people, regardless of age and skin characteristics, if there are acne or pimples with inflammation on the surface of the epidermis, as well as enlarged pores. In case of severe skin lesions, the decoction is recommended to be used for warm compresses, for which a cotton napkin should be moistened in a slightly hot fresh decoction, squeezed a little and applied to the skin of the face for 20-30 minutes. The temperature of the compress should not cause discomfort.

Water infusion of mint leaves

It is recommended to use such a remedy in cases where the skin is prone to frequent irritation, since its main effect is directed to the dermis, improving blood circulation and activating tissue cell renewal processes.

For preparation, you should take 20 grams of mint leaves (in a dry version) for every 70 ml of pure water. Raw materials are laid in a fairly deep saucepan, filled with water (it should not be cold). After that, the mixture must be quickly brought to a boil and immediately after that remove the container from the stove, cover with a warm cap and leave for 3 hours.

The finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator, in a dark glass vessel for about 5-6 days, using the remedy as needed.

Mint infusion, as well as a decoction of this plant, can also be used as an additive to almost any usual facial skin care product in order to saturate it with many useful elements. The application of such mixtures allows you to activate all the main processes of cell restoration and enhance the effect on various pathogenic elements and other cosmetic defects of the epidermis.

Precautionary measures

When using oil for skin care , do not exceed the recommended dosage 2-3 drops per 10 ml of base. It is also necessary to test the product for a possible allergy. Apply diluted ether on the wrist, leave for 15-20 minutes. In the absence of burning, redness, rash, the product can be used for cosmetic care.

There are also a number of contraindications in which it is not recommended to use oil:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchospasm;
  • taking homeopathic medicines.

Contraindications for Using Peppermint Oil on the Face

In the presence of diseases associated with skin problems, peppermint essence should be used with great care. Strict contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • open lesions on the skin;
  • children under 7 years old.

Mint oil for the face is not recommended for use during pregnancy

It is not recommended to use the oil in conjunction with homeopathic remedies, because the first neutralizes the effect of the second. Menthol has invigorating properties, so the best time for treatments is morning or lunch.

Advantages and disadvantages

Peppermint ether has healing properties , is widely used for restoration, rejuvenation, treatment of the skin The natural product transforms the face, gives the covers an even color, smooth, elastic structure. It is worth considering not only the positive qualities of the ether, but also recommendations for use, possible disadvantages.


  • suitable for all skin types, a pronounced effect can be achieved, including in the care of oily, problematic, porous, aging dermis;
  • it is possible to use throughout the year, does not have photosensitivity properties, is actively used even in hot summers;
  • used not only to restore skin elasticity, treat acne, antifungal and regenerating properties are used to care for curls, in the treatment of herpes, to increase the volume of the lips;
  • economical consumption , only 2-3 drops are enough to obtain the desired aesthetic effect per 10 ml of base
  • affordable cost of oil, also a healing agent can be prepared independently at home;
  • combined with base oils, floral, woody, citrus esters, other ingredients of natural cosmetics.


  • if the dosage is violated, skin irritation is possible;
  • not applicable for individual intolerance.

Peppermint oil, properties and uses for the face

Peppermint oil is a liquid with a slightly yellowish color and a pronounced aroma. Slightly bitter in taste. The product is obtained by distillation from the stems and flowers of the plant. Subspecies of the herb include peppermint and meadowsweet.

Menthol, in contact with the skin, has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the product includes cineole, limonene and phellandrene. Thanks to this chemical composition, peppermint oil has a complex effect on the skin:

  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • cleanses the epidermis of impurities and tightens pores;
  • fights pimples, acne;
  • soothes and eliminates itching on the skin;
  • smoothes small and mimic wrinkles;
  • due to the control of water balance eliminates peeling and dryness;
  • protects the dermis from external factors;
  • relieves viral diseases;
  • improves complexion.

The concentrated composition should be used only pointwise or included in other home-made cosmetics.

People's reviews

On the forums you can find a lot of reviews of girls using mint ether for face care, curls.

The user writes about how to use it for skin, hair, body.

The girl uses oil to prepare thermal water, which refreshes and moisturizes the skin in the summer season.

The review describes how to apply to treat acne and narrow pores.

The participant draws attention to the need to use courses, uses to care for oily dermis.

For skin rejuvenation

To restore the withered dermis, you need to prepare the following mask:

  1. Main ingredients: avocado pulp, 7 drops of peppermint oil and 5 g of pink clay.
  2. The fruit must be peeled. Turn the pulp into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Then add peppermint oil and pink clay to the product.
  4. The skin of the face must be steamed. Apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer.
  5. After 30 minutes, remove the product from the face with a paper towel.

To enhance the effect, a gel with hyaluronic acid can be applied to the skin. It is recommended to use peppermint oil for the face no more than 1 time per week.

Application features

You can harvest mint yourself, then prepare cosmetics based on it at home. You will receive a 100% natural product. In order for it to be useful and not disappoint you, its use requires knowledge of certain nuances.

Procurement of raw materials

  1. Collect during flowering, i.e. in July-early August.
  2. Do not pluck the plant near landfills, factories, roads.
  3. Cut the branches along with the flowers.
  4. Cut stems immediately hide from the sun, as essential oils disappear very quickly under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Collect them in a loose bundle, tie, hang with inflorescences down.
  6. No need to wash before drying.
  7. Hang under a canopy or in the attic with good ventilation.
  8. Do not dry mint in the oven, as it will lose its flavor.
  9. Store in canvas bags or cardboard boxes, no more than 2 years.
  10. Properly dried, the plant remains green and does not lose its aroma.


  1. Commonly used for cosmetic purposes is peppermint, known for its skin-friendly properties. However, you can also use the meadow (wild), which will have a greater antiseptic effect (it is better to use it for acne).
  2. For the treatment of mint rosacea and extensive rashes on the face, you must first consult a dermatologist.
  3. Having prepared mint cosmetics at home, first test it on your wrist. There will be no allergic reaction - use on the face.
  4. Local applications and wiping can be done no more than 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  5. Masks for dry and sensitive skin are recommended to be done once every 7-10 days, for oily and problematic skin - twice a week. The course is up to 12 procedures.
  6. It is impossible to use mint cosmetics for too long, because it greatly expands not only the pores, but also the blood vessels. You need to take breaks in time and give the skin a break from this herb.
  7. All products should be applied to a clean face without dirt and makeup residues. To do this, you need to wash with cleansers, steam (steam bath) and clean (scrub) the face.
  8. Contraindications for use: individual intolerance, asthma and bronchitis (due to strong odor), tendency to allergies, insomnia, lactation and pregnancy.
  9. It is impossible that all the cosmetics that you use at the same time contain mint. 3 products will be enough: for example, scrub, mask and cream. Let everything else pamper the skin with other plant extracts so that addiction does not occur.

At first glance, nothing complicated, but in order for homemade mint cosmetics to benefit your appearance, all these points must be taken into account. Do not take this lightly: ignore contraindications - only worsen the condition of the skin.


Veronica, 27 years old

“This is one of my favorite oils. I use it wherever possible: to the point that I put a couple of drops into the cream after epilation - it perfectly relieves burning sensation. But first of all, it is my first assistant in getting rid of black spots on my face.

I dilute cosmetic clay with a decoction of chamomile, and sometimes with ordinary water, dripping just a couple of drops of mint oil (no more than three or four per large spoonful of the mixture), stir and apply to problem areas. I wash off after 15 minutes. The effect came literally after the first session - the points became much lighter.

Love, 34 years old

“I became interested in aromatherapy and now I collect various essential oils. Recently I bought peppermint oil for the face, I liked the reviews about it. In addition to aromatherapy, I use it by adding drop by drop to the washing gel. Pleasantly cools and refreshes the face.

One time there were pimples. Give, I think, I’ll try to deal with them with the help of mint oil too! I lightly moistened a cosmetic pad with olive oil, put a drop of peppermint oil on it, and wiped my face. The stinging was quite noticeable, but soon passed. And acne became less than after two applications.

Galina, 46 years old

“For me, the problem of oily skin is important. Infinitely annoying is this constant greasy sheen around the nose, and indeed the whole physiognomy.

I found on the Internet a recipe for a simple mask with two functions at the same time: it works both as a lifting and a drying agent. I add a drop of mint ether to the protein of one egg and apply it on the face (more often on the most shiny area - the nose) in one layer. When it dries, apply another layer on top, and so on, until the entire composition is finished. Lie down with such a mask for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water at room temperature. The result is encouraging!”

What helps peppermint tincture

The properties of peppermint in the form of an infusion have a medicinal effect in a wide range of ailments. It is used for:

  • chronic fatigue and increased irritability;
  • overexcitation and problems with sleep;
  • tachycardia and angina pectoris;
  • migraines and headaches arising from muscle tension;
  • runny nose, cough and sore throat;
  • dental inflammation;
  • stones in the gallbladder and ducts;
  • flatulence and food poisoning;
  • hypertension.

Peppermint tincture is recommended for nausea and vomiting. Also, its properties bring a good effect with a hangover, as they help to remove most of the discomfort.

Composition and components of peppermint

Thanks to its unique natural composition, peppermint for the face is the most valuable plant, all components of which are completely absorbed by the skin, fighting imperfections.
Let's take a closer look at the composition of this fragrant herb:

  1. Menthol
    This is the working substance No. 1, which gives an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Vitamin C
    It is pure vitamin C that gives the face a smooth and fresh look while deeply nourishing the dermis.
  3. Carotene
    A vitamin that is responsible for the elasticity of the dermis and provides a tonic effect. Due to it, mint has a rejuvenating effect.
  4. Flavonoids
    Unique natural ingredients responsible for healthy looking skin. They work in several directions at once: they promote cell renewal, saturate the dermis with microelements, moisturize, prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles, improving the state of natural collagen.
  5. Tannins
    Contribute to the rapid absorption of the working elements that make up the mint. They also fight acne, accelerate the healing of the dermis.
  6. Essential oils of mint
    They are responsible not only for the characteristic pleasant smell, but also eliminate inflammatory processes, oily sheen.

To use the plant for cosmetic purposes, it is best to collect mint leaves before flowering. During this period, they concentrate more of the active substance - menthol. And the inflorescences contain more essential oils. Leaves and flowers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

How to take care of your hair with oil

Peppermint essential oil is especially recommended for damaged, dull and brittle hair as a restorative agent. In addition, it is effective when used on oily hair, but owners of too dry scalp should be careful and be sure to use softening shampoos and moisturizing conditioners after the procedure.

Do not use peppermint oil in concentrated form on the scalp - mix it with base products to avoid local irritation.

To use peppermint essential oil on the scalp, mix it with a carrier oil such as almond oil.

Before applying oil to your hair, check if you are allergic to it. To do this, treat the area behind the ear with a couple of drops of ether and see if the skin in this place turns red or if other inadequate manifestations appear. Keep in mind that an allergic reaction can take up to 24 hours to appear, so it is recommended that you perform this test with plenty of time to spare.

Other contraindications for the use of peppermint oil are:

  • low pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance.

Remember that any use of mint ether, whether it is applying masks, adding to shampoo or carrying out aroma combing, should be limited to the course in order to avoid negative consequences. It is recommended to expose the hair to oil no more than 2 times a week to achieve a therapeutic effect, and for prevention, only 1 time per week is enough.The duration of one course is no more than 1 month with a break of 2-3 months.

Why and how to add to shampoo

Peppermint ester is added to many shampoos at the stage of their production, but you can supplement it with a hair care product on your own. Thanks to this oil, hair is better combed, becomes stronger and shinier, and their growth is enhanced by improving blood circulation. Many note that before using it, they often had to wash their hair, and after using the oil - only once every 3 days. This is due to its effective cleansing properties.

Mint is often found in shampoos, but you can add the oil to your hair product yourself.

It is best to add ether to shampoo according to the following scheme:

  1. Before you start washing your hair, pour the amount of shampoo you need into your palm.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of oil and lather thoroughly.

    Try to mix the product with the oil as best as possible, since a concentrated hit of ether on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scalp can cause a burn.

  3. Spread the composition over the roots with massaging circular movements for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product and use the shampoo again (now without adding oil) to remove the remaining ether.

During the procedure, you may feel a slight coolness on your head, but there should not be a burning sensation. In case of discomfort, immediately rinse off the mixture.

Video: using oil with shampoo

Aroma Combing

When aroma combing, it is important to apply the oil directly to the curls, without affecting the scalp. If you have dry hair or sensitive skin, then 3-4 drops of peppermint ether is best combined with 1 tablespoon of base oil to avoid irritation.

It is preferable to use flaxseed, almond, castor oil or jojoba as base products for aroma combing.

Jojoba oil is suitable as a base for aroma combing

Follow these steps to complete the procedure:

  1. On a clean brush, apply 3 drops of peppermint oil or a prepared composition using a base product.
  2. Comb the strands, slowly running through the hair, for 5-7 minutes.
  3. After the end of the procedure, wait about 30 minutes for the components to be absorbed into the hair structure.
  4. Rinse your hair with warm water using a mild shampoo.

The session is recommended to be carried out with a wooden comb or a comb made from natural materials. Avoid metal and plastic brushes, where oil can cause an oxidation reaction if it comes into contact with it.

Use a natural wooden comb for aroma combing

Video: how to conduct aroma combing

Mask Recipes

By mixing peppermint ester with other ingredients in various hair masks, you can achieve an additional effect on oily, split ends, dry or normal hair. For the best effect, after applying the mixture, put on a plastic cap, and cover your hair with a towel on top.

To prepare masks for oily hair that will help cleanse the skin and hair of impurities, relieve irritation and normalize the sebaceous glands, use the following recipes:

  • With egg yolk.
    1. Mix 2 beaten egg yolks with a teaspoon of lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed).
    2. Add 4 drops of mint essential oil.
    3. Thoroughly rub the composition into the root area and apply to the strands.
    4. Wait 30 minutes and wash off.

      Two egg yolks are enough to prepare one serving of the mask.

  • With the addition of henna.
    1. Dilute colorless henna powder in an amount of 50 grams in hot water until a composition resembling sour cream in consistency is obtained.
    2. Add a tablespoon of cocoa butter and 5 drops of peppermint ester.
    3. Mix and distribute through the hair, leaving the mask for 50 minutes.

      For a mask that eliminates oily hair, you will need 50 grams of colorless henna

  • With a complex of essential oils.
    1. Mix 2 tablespoons of almond oil with essential oils of lavender, sage, juniper and eucalyptus (3-4 drops of each is enough).
    2. Supplement the composition with mint oil in the amount of 2 drops.
    3. Rub the mixture into the scalp, work through the hair and leave for 30 minutes.

      Lavender, juniper, peppermint and eucalyptus oils, combined with sage ether and base product, are used to effectively cleanse oily hair.

  • With white clay.
    1. Take white clay powder in the amount of 2 tablespoons and dilute with cooled boiled water to the consistency of sour cream.
    2. Mix the composition with 5 drops of peppermint oil.
    3. Massage the skin, distributing the product through the hair.
    4. Wait 20 minutes and wash off the composition.

      White clay must be diluted with water to a state of sour cream

If your hair is prone to dryness, then it is recommended to use the following masks that will help restore hair structure and restore shine, nourishing the follicles:

  • With burdock oil.
    1. Heat 2 tablespoons of burdock oil using a water bath.

      Instead of a burdock base, you can use peach or wheat germ oils, as well as castor oil.

    2. Add just 4 drops of peppermint essential oil.
    3. Apply the composition to the surface of the head and hair, holding the mask for 40 minutes.

      Burdock oil must be heated to prepare the mask

  • With cocoa butter and jojoba.
    1. In a small container, combine a tablespoon of jojoba oil with the same amount of liquid cocoa butter.
    2. Hold the composition for a while in a water bath and pour in 3-4 drops of mint oil.
    3. Distribute the composition through the hair and leave for 50 minutes.

      To prepare a moisturizing mask for dry hair, liquid cocoa butter is suitable.

  • With cream.
    1. Add to 3 tablespoons of cream with a fat content of 33% a tablespoon of castor oil and liquid honey.
    2. Heat the composition in a water bath.
    3. Add 4 drops of peppermint essential oil to the mixture.
    4. Mix the product and treat the hair, leaving the mask for 30 minutes.

      Cream is used to nourish and restore dry hair

For all types of hair, the following types of masks are suitable, aimed at solving various problems:

  • Firming.
    1. Using a water bath, heat the burdock oil - 2 tablespoons are enough.
    2. Add 2 drops of each essential oil of mint, lemon, lavender and rosemary to the base treatment.
    3. Spread the mixture through the hair, not forgetting to treat the roots, and leave for 30 minutes.

      Lemon and lavender oils, combined with peppermint and rosemary esters, help strengthen hair

  • For hair growth.
    1. Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and heat it up.
    2. Add 5 drops of mint essential oil.
    3. Rub the product into the skin and hair for 7 minutes.
    4. Wash off the mixture after 20 minutes.

      To use peppermint ester to promote hair growth, use coconut oil as a base treatment.

  • From hair loss.
    1. Prepare an infusion of nettle from 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, filled with 10 ml of boiling water.
    2. Wait 15 minutes and mix the prepared composition with 4 drops of peppermint oil.
    3. Gently rub the mixture over the entire length of the hair and leave for 50 minutes.

      Nettle infusion combined with peppermint oil will help to cope with hair loss

  • From dandruff.
    1. Mix almond oil with burdock in the amount of 1 tablespoon of each product.
    2. Warm the base products a little in a water bath and add aloe juice (1 teaspoon is enough).
    3. Supplement the composition with mint and tea tree oils in the amount of 3 drops of each ester.
    4. Leave the mixture on your hair and scalp for 25 minutes.

      To prepare an aloe dandruff mask, you only need a teaspoon of healing juice

  • From split ends.
    1. Prepare 2 tablespoons of kefir, which must be mixed with a teaspoon of liquid honey.
    2. Add the resulting mixture with beaten egg yolk.
    3. Add 3 drops each of fish oil and mint oil.
    4. Distribute the composition through the hair, especially treating the tips, and wait 30 minutes.

      As the basis of the mask for split ends, kefir is used in combination with honey

  • For damaged hair.
    1. Combine a teaspoon each of coconut oil, jojoba oil, and shea butter in liquid form, with a teaspoon of olive base oil.
    2. Heat the mixture with a water bath.
    3. Add 3 drops of patchouli, mint and lime oils to the composition.
    4. Gently apply to curls and leave for 40 minutes.

      Use shea butter to prepare a mask that repairs damaged hair

Do not use more than 5 drops of peppermint ether per procedure.

When preparing and applying masks, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not store the prepared mixture with mint ether for a long time - use the product immediately, otherwise it will lose its healing properties.
  • If a recipe uses a large number of ingredients, add esters last.
  • Do not heat base oils above 37 degrees. Be sure to check the comfort of the temperature of the composition before applying to the hair, trying to drop a little product on the wrist area.
  • When applying the mask, follow the direction of movement - first rub the mixture into the root area, and then distribute it over the curls.
  • Before the session, it is not necessary to wash the hair, but after removing the mask, it is necessary to clean it with a moisturizing shampoo.
  • Observe the time indicated in the recipe for leaving the mask on your hair.

Video: how to prepare a mask for hair growth

Other Uses for Alcoholic Peppermint Tincture

In addition to home medicine and cosmetology, the benefits and harms of peppermint tincture are used in some other areas. In small doses, its properties can be in demand when cooking, and the tool can also be useful in everyday life.

In cooking

Peppermint tincture is mainly used to flavor dishes and give them unusual flavor notes. The agent is most often added to alcoholic cocktails and soft drinks. Also, the tincture is used in the preparation of desserts, spicy sauces, biscuits and other pastries, the product is added to sweets and ice cream.

At home

The rich minty aroma is pleasant to humans, but repels insects and rodents. Peppermint tincture can be a good and affordable way to get rid of pests in an apartment or country house.

To repel mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, as well as rats and mice, it is enough to spread cotton pads soaked in infusion in several places, or put small open containers with the product. The smell of peppermint will have the desired effect in just a few days, there will be fewer insects, and rodents will begin to avoid the apartment or house.

Advice! Since the alcohol infusion evaporates quickly, it is necessary to regularly pour it into the container or re-moisten the cotton pads.

In beekeeping

The properties of peppermint tincture are used in apiaries when it becomes necessary to unite bee colonies in one hive.

In the evening, after the end of the summer of bees, the beekeeper installs a temporary frame instead of a plug-in board in the hive, filled with sugar syrup with the addition of mint infusion.

The frame of the second bee colony moves close to the frame with syrup, after which the bee colonies are left overnight.

By morning, the bees unite into a single family, spreading mint syrup throughout the hive, and there is no fight between them.

Also, using the properties of mint infusion, the swarm is relocated to a new hive. In this case, a few drops of the product are dripped onto the bottom of the new bee dwelling and the bees are launched inside. After that, the swarm no longer tries to leave the hive and quickly settles into it.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any other cosmetic product, peppermint oil should be used with great care. Before you start using it, read the accompanying instructions and do not exceed the specified norms. Despite the undoubted benefits of the drug, it is not recommended to use it for a long time: an effect may appear that is the opposite of a sedative - insomnia.

It must be remembered that it is impossible to use it in a concentrated form for everyone: irritation may appear on the skin. And also the areas of the face around the eyes are not subject to treatment with this tool.

Although peppermint essential oil is not a strong allergen, it should not be used by people who are allergic to any of the components of the product. To establish this, testing is carried out. A little mint ether is applied for half an hour on the delicate skin of the wrist. During this time, did not a rash, redness, burning appear? Oil can be used.

There are also taboos for expectant and nursing mothers, as well as for preschool children.

Experts do not recommend using mint oil at the same time as homeopathic medicines that can neutralize its effect.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Like any medicinal plant, mint can adversely affect a person's condition. It is not recommended to use it in any form if:

  1. The person has high blood pressure. This herb stimulates blood circulation, after its application, a sharp jump in blood pressure can be observed.
  2. The woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. Essential oils and other components of mint can cause high blood pressure, heartburn, drowsiness, and decreased lactation.
  3. The man suffers from varicose veins. Mint can reduce the tone of venous vessels, which is fraught with exacerbation of varicose veins.
  4. There is an allergic reaction to this plant.
  5. The person is taking drugs that cause drowsiness. This plant exacerbates this condition.

If a person has a chronic disease of any nature, before using this medicinal plant, it is better to get the opinion of a specialist in your particular situation.
It is believed that it is better to use it in courses so as not to cause an overdose.

Important! Mint should be used especially carefully when caring for an infant! In the worst case, this plant can cause respiratory arrest in the crumbs.

Facial lotion

The recipe is suitable for all skin types for daily use. The product is designed to cleanse the skin of makeup and impurities. The lotion makes the face matte, restores its healthy look and color. The product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. Recipe information:

  • Ingredients: baking soda - 15 g; mint oil - 8 drops; mineral water "Borjomi" - 100 ml, 50% medical alcohol - 30 ml.
  • Cooking steps: grind soda with oil so that there are no lumps. Add mineral water, alcohol. Mix thoroughly, pour into a bottle.
  • How to use: Wipe the face daily before applying the cream.

What diseases are peppermint used for?

  • toothache
  • heartburn attack
  • stomach cramps
  • heart pain, menstrual
  • upper respiratory disease
  • with periodontal disease; odor from the mouth
  • with nervous exhaustion, overwork
  • with the appearance of acne, rosacea
  • in the care of fading and aging skin, as well as in the presence of inflammation

Mint for weight loss. The best mint recipes for weight loss


Mint is a widespread herbaceous plant, characterized by a large species diversity. In the plant world, over 20 species and 100 subspecies of mint are known. For many centuries it has been used in the food industry, household chemicals, perfumery, folk and official medicine.

There is hardly a person who would never come across this plant in one area or another of life. However, not everyone knows that mint can become a true ally in the fight against excess weight. To understand the mechanisms of its fat-burning action, you need to learn more about what, in fact, this herb is.

Composition of mint

The flowers, stems and leaves of the plant contain a whole complex of organic and mineral chemical compounds, which give it all the variety of useful qualities:

  • Essential oil, the main valuable component of which is menthol - it is with it that the cooling, anesthetic properties, relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the walls of the digestive tract and urinary tract are associated, the combination of menthol with other essential oils gently stimulates the secretion of digestive juices by special glands.
  • Carotene - a precursor of vitamin A, exhibits the properties of an adaptogen (helps the body adapt to changing environmental conditions), an immunostimulant and an antioxidant (prevents the destructive effect of free radicals on cellular structures).
  • rutin, vitamin P, has a positive effect on blood vessels - prevents blood cells from sticking together and the formation of blood clots, reduces capillary permeability and reduces swelling, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.
  • Tannins and resins lower the secretory function of the digestive tract, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa;
  • ascorbic acid, vitamin C, in addition to pronounced antioxidant properties, participates in the synthesis of adrenal hormones, participates in the neutralization of toxic substances by liver cells, stimulates the immune system, strengthens the vascular wall, has an activating effect on brain cells and normalizes the processes of food digestion.
  • Chlorogenic acid reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, reduces the number of free radicals in the body, protects liver cells, lowers blood glucose levels, and is effective in fighting viruses.
  • Arginine is an amino acid that causes vasodilation, improves liver function and activates immune defenses.
  • Isovaleric acid esters cause a sedative effect.
  • The combination of menthol, ursolic acid, β-pinenes, cineole, limonene and tannins gives antimicrobial, antifungal effects and restores the normal functioning of the inner lining of the upper respiratory tract, which protects the body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and irritants.

Possible side effects

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Irritation.
  • Redness.
  • Itching, burning.

You may be interested

Medicinal properties of mint for women.

Peppermint can solve many problems: improve the condition of hair and skin. The number of masks, decoctions and tonics is huge. Each woman can choose the best option, taking into account the type of hair and skin.

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Essential oil properties

Peppermint essential oil not only cleanses the skin, but also gives the skin an amazing feeling of pleasant freshness and morning vigor. Due to a wide spectrum of action - from a soothing mild effect on the skin, with a low concentration of oil, and to, with an increase in its concentration, stimulation of blood supply.

If there are wrinkles on the skin, the skin looks bad, flabby and sagging, there is rosacea, or pigmentation, then this oil is undoubtedly recommended for you. It is also used for porous, rough skin, with a tendency to comedones, and with enlarged pores. Mint improves complexion, eliminates the shine of fat on the skin. It has a relaxing and refreshing effect on the skin.

When is it forbidden to use mint?

Since mint is a medicinal plant, it can cause various unwanted reactions. In this regard, it is necessary to use mint-based products with care in patients who suffer from hypertension. Precautions also apply to pregnant and lactating patients. The plant has a calming effect, so it should be used with caution in cases where a person uses medications that provoke drowsiness. In addition, you should not resort to the help of mint-based cosmetics for people who have allergic reactions to the components that make up various mixtures.

Bath oil

Mint essential oil salts have an exceptional soothing effect. They can help even with severe stress, in addition, such a bath will have a disinfecting and cleansing effect. It has the ability to remove toxins from the skin layers. Peppermint bath perfectly helps with severe mental strain, relieves depression.

The bath neutralizes problematic stagnant processes. It is very well tolerated by patients with dermatitis accompanied by itching, say, psoriasis or neurodermatitis. By the way, a cool mint bath in the summer will save you from the heat for a long time. It gives a feeling of freshness, and therefore it is advisable to take it even before the upcoming party. Essential oil must first be mixed with sea salt. You can put six drops of peppermint oil in the bath, mix it well with three drops of lavender for a soothing effect, and if you are going to have fun and you need a good mood, then mix peppermint oil with the same amount of lemon balm oil. Bath take no less than 20 minutes.

And the last. Since we decided to use this oil for beauty, it's good to have it in our first aid kit all the time. The aroma of peppermint essential oil perfectly and almost instantly relieves dizziness and weakness, headache. It is necessary to rub a drop into the whiskey.

What is useful?

Mint contains ascorbic acid, essential oil, arginine, organic acids and menthol. Thanks to these components, the plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effect;
  • cleanses and soothes the skin;
  • makes the skin supple;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat;
  • relieves acne and blackheads;
  • relieves redness;
  • fights with traces of rashes.

Mint for beauty: 9 recipes that have been successfully used in home cosmetology for centuries.

It has long been known that mint has a positive effect not only on the internal state of the body, but also on the appearance. Especially good this plant affects the skin of the face, body, hair. In combination with other natural remedies, mint refreshes, mattifies, removes fine wrinkles, relieves inflammation and signs of fatigue.

This herb can be used to make ice cubes, infusions, lotions, masks, and more. Check out these healthy mint beauty recipes.

Mint for beauty

Eye fatigue mask


Pour the ingredients with hot water and leave for half an hour. Put the resulting mass on cotton pads. Apply them to your eyes for 12 minutes.

Wonderful mask for all hair types


Pour mint, lemon balm and oak bark with hot water. Keep insisting all night. Drain the water, cool the gruel and add kefir. Rub the mask into the roots of the hair and spread over the entire length. Leave for a while. Wash off with shampoo.

Refreshing ice for the face



Mix dried flowers, mint and pour boiling water over it all. Keep covered until cool. Pour the decoction into ice cube trays and freeze. Use the remedy every morning.

Refreshing & whitening mask


Grind the cucumber in a blender. Put the pulp in a saucepan and cover with water. Put on a small fire. Bring to a boil, add finely chopped mint and cook the mixture for another 3 minutes. Let cool when ready. Apply to skin for 20 minutes. Then rinse.

Mask for combination skin


Add clay to mint leaves. Pour in water to make a thick paste. Apply on face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse after.

Gentle oatmeal and mint scrub


Mix the ingredients. Grind everything in a blender. Before use, dilute with warm water.

Amazing rejuvenating face mask


Grind the mint, add the rest of the ingredients. Mix and apply on face for 10-12 minutes. Do not forget to rinse with water immediately after the time has elapsed.

Nourishing face mask


Grind the mint, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Beat the protein before this. Apply for 20 minutes. Then rinse.

Bath for soft and velvety hands


Pour boiling water over the herbs. Insist for half an hour, strain. Add kefir. When the infusion is almost cool, put your hands in it for 10 minutes. Then rinse them with warm water, let dry without wiping with a towel, and brush with a nourishing cream.

Natural remedies are great. They take excellent care of the body, skin and hair. Mint is also useful in everyday life.

Share these mint care recipes with your friends!

The effect of mint on the skin

Most often, the use of mint in facial skin care is recommended for people whose skin type is combination, problematic or prone to excessive oiliness. When various mint-based cosmetics are applied to the surface of the epidermis, the following occurs:

  • Restoring lost skin elasticity, increasing its tone.
  • Elimination of existing acne, sebaceous plugs that clog pores, dead epidermal cells and various contaminants not only from the surface of the skin, but also from the cavity of the sebaceous glands and pores.
  • Redness and all signs of the inflammatory process disappear, so mint is often used to eliminate traces left after acne.
  • Strengthening natural blood circulation in all layers of the skin and tissues under them, which can significantly improve complexion and provide cells with good nutrition, oxygen and important elements.

In addition, the use of masks for acne from mint and other products based on this plant helps to cleanse the skin, tone it, smooth it, normalize metabolic processes, and soothe inflamed tissues. Such drugs help not only eliminate acne, but also rejuvenate the skin, restoring its smoothness and tenderness.

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