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Where did the gender diagnosis of flat or acute shape of the belly during pregnancy come from?

 Gone are the memories of the time when the presence of a large solid belly was an indicator of the age and well-being of a person. Today, it is not difficult to see a young man with a protruding "labor callus".

Unfortunately, many of them do not even think that the growing waist not only does not decorate the figure, but often signals problems in the body. To avoid negative health consequences, it is important to find out the cause of the growth of the abdomen and not be too lazy to deal with it like a man.

man has beer belly

External signs that distinguish pregnancy between a boy and a girl

Already at an early date of several weeks, a woman begins to change, especially externally. According to experts and women in labor, this feature can be used to distinguish between a boy in the stomach or a girl. What factors may indicate that there will be a daughter?

  • There are changes in the outlines of the face associated with swelling in the nose and its increase in size, the appearance of a second chin, swelling of the eyelids. As a result, the face loses its former shape and becomes blurry;
  • Due to the fact that the hormonal background is changing, from the early weeks of pregnancy, the face is covered with pigmentation. This kind of rash can affect any part of the body;
  • Skin problems appear, manifested in the face and body in the form of dryness and various kinds of rashes (pimples, blackheads);
  • Due to the lack of calcium and fluorine, leaving mother to daughter, the condition of hair and nails changes - they become brittle;
  • There is a change in the shape of the body of the expectant mother, associated with weight gain. This will be evidenced not only by a growing belly, but also by more voluminous hips, buttocks, as well as an enlarged chest. The birth of a girl should be expected if both breasts have significant differences in size, namely the right one is smaller than the left;
  • Due to the transfer of a greater proportion of vitamins and nutrients from mother to daughter, female beauty fades for a while.

What changes in appearance occur in expectant mothers of sons and do they differ from external changes during pregnancy with a girl? Women who are carrying boys do not have to face the problem of withering natural attractiveness. On the contrary, during the period of bearing a male fetus, the expectant mother blooms outwardly, she becomes brighter and more noticeable.

Also, as with a girl pregnancy, there are changes in the physique associated with weight gain.

However, if there is a boy in the stomach, then the main difference will be the uniform distribution of the fat layer throughout the body. Outwardly, the figure will remain attractive: the forms will be proportional and seductively rounded.
Other external signs that indicate the presence of a male fetus in the abdomen include: a change in the size of the nose, which acquires a pointed and at the same time neat appearance, and increased hair growth. Particular hair growth is observed on the legs and abdomen. The reason for this is the male hormone, which rises during the period of pregnancy by a boy. After the birth of a son, the level of hair growth will be the same.

Uterine dimensions

The increase in the size of the uterus occurs throughout pregnancy. For the first time in a few weeks, the uterus is pear-shaped. At the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, its size increases approximately three times, and it has a rounded shape. During the second half of pregnancy, the uterus retains its rounded shape, and at the beginning of the third trimester it becomes ovoid. Before pregnancy, the mass of the uterus averages 50-100 g, and at the end of pregnancy - 1000 g. The volume of the uterine cavity at the end of pregnancy increases by more than 500 times. During pregnancy, each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times and thickens approximately 5 times. The vascular network of the uterus increases significantly, in terms of its oxygen regime, the pregnant uterus approaches such vital organs as the heart, liver and brain.

These parameters can be determined by measuring the uterus using external obstetric examination techniques. To do this, measure the so-called standing value of the bottom of the uterus, but at the beginning of pregnancy, until the uterus extends beyond the pelvic bones, an increase in the size of the uterus can be determined using a vaginal examination (it is performed during a gynecological examination) or ultrasound.

The doctor determines the height of the fundus of the uterus at each regular examination with the help of a centimeter tape: this helps to navigate the rate of growth of the abdomen. The doctor measures the distance from the upper edge of the pubic joint to the upper part of the uterus - its bottom. Approximately the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters corresponds to the gestational age in weeks. For example, if the height of the uterine fundus is 22 cm, the gestational age is 22 weeks.

How to distinguish a pregnancy between a boy and a girl by internal sensations

So, we have considered external distinguishing features. However, they are not enough for a complete picture and accurate setting of the sex of the unborn child. It is also worth taking into account some internal and emotional features that suggest for a period of several weeks, whose birth to expect.

To make sure that there will be a girl, you should pay attention to a number of signs. Firstly, women who carry a female child suffer from excruciating toxicosis from an early period and throughout the entire 40 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, a vivid manifestation of toxicosis is observed not only in the morning, but also in the daytime with the evening.

Secondly, the presence in the girl's stomach will be indicated by urine changed in color, which has become pale yellow or transparent.

Thirdly, expectant mothers of daughters throughout the entire period of pregnancy are accompanied by increased emotionality, capriciousness and pickiness to food. Taste preferences change towards fruits, vegetables and sweets. Women who carry girls are primarily drawn to fruit juices, chocolate and other goodies, such as sweet pastries, sweets. In anticipation of a daughter, expectant mothers prefer to exclude all meat, salty and fish from their products. However, some mothers are sometimes drawn to eat a sweet dessert first, and then something salty, like pickled vegetables. From fruits they prefer persimmons, peaches and watermelons. You can also talk about female gender if the expectant mother is drawn to sour dairy products, such as fermented baked milk and kefir. An important difference is that women who carry girls

Fourthly, the period of pregnancy for a girl is accompanied by an increased heart rate (up to 150 beats / min), and sometimes the pulse rate reaches 170 beats / min.

These signs are a great helper for every young couple who wants to make sure at an early date that there will be a girl. However, with the help of internal sensations, it is impossible to get a 100 percent result. It is realistic to establish gender with maximum accuracy by means of an ultrasound examination for a period not earlier than 20 weeks.

In the process of bearing a boy, a number of cardinal changes are also observed. What kind of internal sensations distinguish the presence of a male gender in the baby's stomach? Unlike expectant mothers of daughters, they rarely suffer from morning sickness and other manifestations of toxicosis. The next sign that there will be a son is a change in the color of the urine, which takes on a bright yellow hue.

Another difference between pregnancy by a boy is the increased feeling of hunger of the expectant mother. As the weeks of pregnancy increase, women who are carrying sons become more and more hungry.

Most often they prefer something meaty or salty. Some are drawn to fried, others to boiled.

The more and more often something meat is used, the higher the likelihood that a boy will be born, since during pregnancy a girl is not drawn to meat at all.

As for fruits, berries and vegetables, future mothers of sons prefer cranberries, tomatoes and lemons.

Often, pregnant boys are strongly drawn to another type of vegetable - potatoes, both fried and boiled. A boy should be expected if the expectant mother is drawn to salty.
They prefer pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Also, many women who are carrying a male child prefer salty not only in the form of vegetables, but also in the form of juices. It also happens that the future mother of her son is drawn to various alcoholic beverages. But sour dairy products do not pull at all.

The fact that there is a boy in the stomach may indicate a mild pregnancy. The results of the analysis of external and internal parameters will help to reassure curious parents who want to quickly find out whether there will be a son or daughter.

Signs of difference in pregnancy between a boy and a girl on ultrasound

Not every pregnant woman trusts her inner intuition and will rely only on sensations and signs.

You can more accurately determine the gender of the unborn child by passing certain tests and undergoing examinations. Reliable results are obtained by an ultrasound examination, during which the expectant mother can find out not only about the gender of her child, but also about the presence or absence of any developmental abnormalities.

According to experienced specialists, pregnancy by a boy and a girl during ultrasound diagnostics for a period of several weeks is distinguished by only one parameter - the angle connecting the genital tubercles and the dorsal region of the fetus. Setting the gender of the future baby for a period of several weeks through ultrasound diagnostics requires considerable effort, since the development of the genital organs occurs later.

Finding out exactly who is in the stomach - a boy or a girl - is more likely for those women whose gestational age is over 25 weeks. By this period, the formation of the baby is coming to an end, which means that the distinctive sexual characteristics are more clearly visible. Also, for a period of 25 weeks or more, with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor has the opportunity to say with accuracy whether the development of the baby meets the standards or whether there are violations.

slow growth

There are situations in which the situation is hardly noticeable even deep in 16 weeks.

This does not always mean pathology, developmental delay, missed pregnancy and other horrors that expectant mothers draw from the Internet.

Everything has a logical explanation. If growth is not noticeable

, first of all, you need to calm down and talk about your experiences to the leading doctor.

He will argue with arguments and prove that everything is in order. If necessary, prescribe an ultrasound.

Reasons why the growth of the abdomen slows down:

  • physical training. If mom's abs are trained, they can hold their shape for a long time. This is fine. Imagine new stretch jeans and old ones. The new ones sit on the leg and smoothly fit, and the old ones swell with bubbles on the knees and hang. The leg does not hurt from the fact that the new jeans fit it. So is the child. It’s another thing to tense your abdominal muscles hard, but this is a completely different topic;
  • body structure. Hip width plays an important role. If the hips are wide, there is enough space for the uterus, it will grow in the femoral zone and push the organs out of the abdominal cavity later than usual;
  • zone for fixing a child's place. If the fetus is attached to the uterus at the wall, which is located closer to the back, then the increase in the fetus will be noticeable later;
  • amniotic fluid. Their volume is individual: someone has more, someone has less;
  • heredity. If an interesting position in the mother / grandmother of the expectant mother was not noticeable until 6 months, then these are the features of the organism that are inherited;
  • completeness. The position is easy to miss in obese women: the larger the waist before the appearance of two stripes, the less noticeable changes.

Are there any differences in the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl

To determine whether there will be a son or a daughter, many mothers recommend paying attention to the shape of the abdomen. The result of long-term observations of ladies in position was the following conclusions:

  • If there is a girl in the stomach, then its shape will resemble a melon. The more weeks, the more vague the belly becomes. Due to the shape in the form of a melon and constant growth, the stomach gradually begins to lose its clear outline. All this makes the waist inconspicuous;
  • If there is a boy in the tummy, then its shape will be pointed and raised to the top. The more weeks, the more noticeable the growth of the abdomen along with the protruding and upturned navel.

Young mothers who diagnose the sex of the unborn baby on such grounds as the growth and shape of the abdomen should be aware of the existence of an error. This method works effectively only in certain cases: if a woman is pregnant for the first time, her figure has ideal parameters, and there are no deviations from the norm in the size of the fetus.

In other cases, the assumption of whether it will be a boy or a girl based on the height and shape of the abdomen may be erroneous. The reason for this may be individual physiological characteristics. To increase the accuracy of the result will help information about what shape of the abdomen when carrying a boy and a girl was in women along the family line. However, in this case, it is not worth starting preparations for the birth of a baby of the established gender. The shape and growth of the abdomen can be influenced by various factors:

  • With multiple pregnancies, the abdomen differs significantly in size due to the growth of several babies;
  • The fact that a woman is not nulliparous will greatly complicate the determination of the sex of the fetus by such parameters of the abdomen as shape and height. During the first pregnancy, the shape of the abdomen is pointed, and during subsequent births, it may change due to stretching of the abdomen;
  • With an excess of amniotic fluid, the abdomen will look larger than it should be for a given number of weeks;
  • Under the fullness of the mother, the growth of the abdomen may be hidden;
  • If the child has taken a non-standard position in the womb (obliquely or across), then the shape of the abdomen will be changed;
  • In women with a narrow pelvis, regardless of the sex of the fetus, the abdomen will be sharp and neat in shape, as well as small in size;
  • If there is an increase in the size, weight and growth of the fetus relative to the norm, then the stomach will be larger.

In addition, the shape of the abdomen can change under the influence of muscle tone inherent in the uterus and abdominal wall. It is more difficult for large and tall women to determine the sex of the child by one of the parameters of the abdomen, since its growth is not noticeable for a long time. Expectant mothers of a fragile physique and short stature will have a larger belly from the earliest weeks.

All signs and patterns arise on the basis of long-term observations. But in fact, each pregnancy is individual and cannot completely coincide with the pregnancy of other women.

Many women in labor claim that during the period of bearing a child of one sex, there were some signs that are characteristic of pregnancy with a child of the opposite sex.

When does a big belly become a symptom of an illness?

What to do when the belly grows in men who lead an active lifestyle, follow a healthy diet and do not abuse bad habits? In this case, we can only talk about some kind of disease.

Seeing a doctor will help diagnose the disease and begin timely and effective treatment.

The reasons for the increase in the size of the abdomen can be:

  • peritoneal tumors - benign and malignant neoplasms on the abdominal organs and genitals;
  • liver disease (fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis) - an increase and thickening of the liver, an increase in fatty layers in its tissues;
  • dropsy of the abdomen (ascites) - a significant accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • hernia of the white line of the abdomen - bulging of the internal organs of the peritoneum with anatomical weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • endocrinological diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism) - a violation of the hormonal background against the background of improper functioning of the thyroid and pancreas;
  • worm infestations. Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bloating, flatulence and pain, are often observed in the presence of parasites in the intestines. Getting into the human blood, helminths release a large amount of toxins, which leads to intoxication and deterioration of the general condition.

The main distinguishing features of pregnancy for a boy and a girl

In order to simplify the process of determining the gender of an unborn baby, you can use a single list of signs that distinguish between a boy and a girl pregnancy.

So, the presence in the girl's stomach is accompanied by the following features:

  • There is a legibility and pickiness in food, the choice is often in favor of fruits, vegetables and sweet desserts. No less than fruits and vegetables, future mothers of daughters prefer sour dairy products;
  • There are changes in appearance in the form of a loss of attractiveness;
  • Behavior is accompanied by laziness and passivity;
  • There are concerns associated with swelling, edema and varicose veins. This especially affects the feet and lower legs;
  • In the process of growth, the stomach takes the form of a melon, which makes it blurry;
  • There is significant breast growth.

Other factors testify to the presence in the boy's stomach. Firstly, the expectant mother changes outwardly, becoming even more attractive. Secondly, the abdomen becomes sharp and bulging. Thirdly, taste preferences are changing in favor of vegetables such as tomatoes and potatoes. Especially women pregnant with boys prefer salty and meat. They want to eat such dishes more and more. Fourthly, hair growth increases. Particularly noticeable is the increase in hair on the legs. And the last difference between a boy's pregnancy is an increase in the size of the nose, associated with a slight swelling.

Do you believe that thoughts are material? Then remember who you imagined at the time of conception - a boy or a girl? In fact, the gender of the child is not the most important thing, it is much more important that the baby is healthy and happy.


Carrying a child puts a lot of stress on the body. The spine and skin in places of increased body volume are severely affected. To remove the load from the spine allows a bandage for pregnant women, which supports the lower part without squeezing the fetus, which means it is absolutely safe.

Stretch marks are the result of micro tears in the skin. It is easier to prevent their occurrence than to try to eliminate them, and it is impossible to do this 100%. Moisturize your skin regularly. The risk area includes: tummy, chest and hips. You can use modern cosmetic products or "grandmother's" recipes - olive oil. Until the moment of birth, the “chemistry” contained in cosmetic products will not affect the child. Unless the mother may have a negative reaction due to toxicosis.

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