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Men's folk remedies: how to make the penis more sensitive


Causes and symptoms

Sometimes it is not clear why the sensitivity of the glans penis has decreased over time.

how to increase sensitivity

Sexual contact should be enjoyable, but with low sensitivity of the head of the penis, it is difficult to achieve orgasm.

Even the intensity of movements can not always lead to ejaculation. In this case, there is a risk of impotence, even at a young age.

It's easy to identify the problem. If a man does not ejaculate after an erection, this will have a bad effect on the body, it can provoke prostatitis and stagnation.

Schedule an appointment with a specialist if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  1. To achieve orgasm with a high degree of desire, a guy needs prolonged and intense stimulation. The low sensitivity of the penis makes ejaculation impossible.
  2. Lack of erection. With a lower threshold of sensitivity, the body builds a psychological barrier, because the process will not bring the desired pleasure.
  3. Ejaculation without pleasure. Orgasm does not bring the desired result, which indicates a problem with the nerve endings in the head of the penis.
  4. After a long pause in sexual life, a man fails to achieve orgasm in 20-30 minutes. At the same time, the sexual organ does not receive pleasant sensations.
  5. Decreased libido. Sexual desire becomes minimal, the guy is less interested in the opposite sex and does not set out to find a partner.

With this pathology, the body as a whole can function normally, only the nerve endings in the penis do not perform their function. It seems that the problem is insignificant, but in fact the consequences can be sad: from prostatitis to the formation of stagnation and the need for surgery on the penis.


The inability to achieve orgasm is reflected in the psyche of a man. A guy or an adult needs to urgently see a doctor to determine the cause of the deviation.

The reasons include:

  1. Diabetes. More than 60% of men develop penile dysfunction against the background of the disease. Also, due to the unstable level of glucose, the sexual organ does not receive sufficient nutrition, which leads to incomplete filling of the penis with arterial blood.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Pathology of nerve endings.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. Overweight and other metabolic disorders.
  6. Spinal injury.

In cores, blood supply to all organs, including the penis, and oxygen enrichment may not occur correctly. The reason is the pathological work of the central nervous system caused by a spinal injury.

The main reasons for the violation of the acuity of sensations during sex are the pathology of blood circulation and the work of nerve impulses in the brain.

Attention! The head of the penis may be affected by surgery. In this case, you need to go through a full course of rehabilitation to cope with the problem.

state of mind

Do not underestimate the degree of influence of the brain and even mood on the sexual organ. The male body is not as dependent on emotions as the female one, but the effect of stress on erection has been proven.

There are several factors that affect the sensitivity of the glans penis:

  1. Depressive state. At the same time, it is worth finding the roots of the problem in order to eliminate the root causes. It can be self-doubt, inexperience, or even memories of an embarrassment that happened once. To get rid of the syndrome of failure, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Stressful state. Even the mood, the state of affairs at work and the workload of the man are reflected. A tired person is not capable of physical and sexual activity. It is for this reason that businessmen often suffer from low sensitivity of the head or impotence.
  3. Difficulties in relationships with women. Emotional intimacy is an important aspect. Without psychological attachment, it is impossible to trust with a partner. Problems in bed for spouses begin precisely when feelings cool down, a feeling of discomfort appears.

Thoughts in the head have influence. A person gets the highest pleasure when he is in love. An additional release of endorphins stimulates sexual desire and increases the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the head of the penis.

External factors

Lifestyle, nutrition and physical activity help maintain a person's health. Due to bad habits, the use of large amounts of fast food and alcohol, problems may arise associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of the head.

The disease is caused by:

  1. Cigarettes. The whole body suffers from smoking. Blood microcirculation is disturbed, which provokes impotence, the inability of a man to receive satisfaction from sexual intercourse.
  2. Alcohol. A small amount of wine will not do harm, a single use of alcoholic beverages in a moderate dose can even benefit a man. However, abuse threatens with serious problems in bed.
  3. Drug addiction. Chemical compounds seriously change the body, negatively affect human life. Drug use can be fatal.


The penis is a sensitive organ. With an injury to the scrotum, a person can lose not only pleasure in

sex, but also the opportunity to have offspring. It is especially worth protecting manhood for athletes.

Aggravating factors include:

  • excessive masturbation. It can provoke not only a decrease in the severity of sensations, but also injure the delicate skin of the head. Intense stimulation will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it. And do not forget about the hygiene of the body.
  • member injury. When hit in the groin area, acute pain occurs, and the likelihood of deformation of the organ increases.
  • hard sex. Each person has his own pace of activity, but you should not practice rough intercourse often. Otherwise, it will reduce the sensitivity of the head.
  • increased sports loads. Physical activity should be in moderation, more than 60% of professional athletes suffer from numbness of the penis.
  • poor quality linens. Clothing can cause harm to the skin and tissues of the penis. You should choose underpants made of cotton material and a suitable size.

Hormonal imbalance

Testosterone is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system. With a lack of androgens, the male body begins to function incorrectly.

The reasons can be both hereditary and acquired in nature:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. You should monitor the level of androgens, regularly visit a urologist, otherwise erectile dysfunction and prostatitis may develop with loss of sensitivity.
  2. Influence of chemical sports additives. With the abuse of doping or other means for building muscle mass, the level of serotonin increases, which has the ability to reduce the severity of sensations during sexual contact.
  3. Medicines. Side effects may occur during treatment. Feelings will become aggravated again after the end of therapy.

Attention! Contact your doctor. The sooner you start to eliminate the cause, the faster and easier it will be to restore normal sex life.

Where has the vaginal feeling gone? How to develop and increase the sensations during sex

First of all, the sensitivity of the vagina depends on physiological factors and the state of health, primarily gynecological. It often happens that after surgical abortions or traumatic childbirth, sensitivity decreases. This happens due to muscle damage and ruptures, violations of the mucosal receptor apparatus, as well as hormonal changes in the ovaries (after an abortion). All this, of course, is the reason that the sensitivity at the entrance or in the entire vagina has disappeared, the libido has decreased and even the orgasm has disappeared.

Recovery of lost or reduced feelings occurs within a few months or years from the moment the problem is recognized and active actions are started to correct it. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to return or increase the sensitivity of the vagina to the end, and first of all, due to the lost time and the individual psychological or physiological rigidity of the body to the therapy.

Corrective Therapy

The vagina (especially its entrance and “bottom”) is sensitive to external irritation, and therefore it is the second most important (after the clitoris) erogenous zone of a woman. And all that is under the regulatory influence of sex hormones produced by the ovaries. Therefore, a possible therapeutic and prophylactic effect should be directed precisely at these 3 structures of the female body, namely:

Goals and objectives of therapy:

  1. Improve blood circulation in the organs concerned;
  2. Eliminate stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvis, which 100% occur in the absence of orgasms;
  3. Increase the receptor sensitivity of the vagina;
  4. Influence neurological abnormalities (if any);
  5. Support and restoration of hormonal levels.

To solve the above problems, clinic specialists can offer a number of procedures. Below we list the main list of possible services, but this does not mean that you need to try everything. The set and sequence will be selected by the doctor after getting acquainted with your problem and clarifying the state of health. So, here is the list, for a detailed description of the services, see the links.

What will help develop sensitivity in the vagina

• Intimate plasmolifting of the clitoris and vaginal walls; • Hirudotherapy on the perineum and G-spot; • Hyaluronic acid injections to tighten the vagina and/or moisturize it; • Accentuation of the G-spot zone with a filler; • Pelvic massage (gynecological, lymphatic drainage); • Correction of the clitoral hood (if there is a problem).

✔ In addition to a beneficial effect directly on the uterus, ovaries, massage has a general health effect on the reproductive system and the woman's body as a whole. The main health effects of its implementation:

  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph circulation in the pelvic area;
  • increasing the tone of the uterus, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic organs;
  • correction of abnormal displacement of the uterus after an abortion or childbirth;
  • elimination of congestive and residual inflammatory phenomena;
  • normalization of hormonal balance;
  • exacerbation of sexual sensations by improving the production of hormones by the ovaries and increasing the activity of vaginal receptors.

Expert advice.

Kegel exercises will also help to return the pleasant sensations during sex. It is also not superfluous to do yoga, fitness or swimming to improve blood circulation throughout the body.

Subsequently, for adequate arousal and orgasm experience, first of all, it is necessary to stimulate the sensitivity of the clitoral region along with the entrance to the vagina, which can be developed using self-stimulation or masturbation with the help of a partner. It is recommended to diversify your sex life. You can add oral sex, petting, try new positions. It is very important to devote sufficient time to foreplay. Patience and regular practice with a regular partner is needed, and then the sensitivity will gradually improve.


  • There are allocations
  • Itching and burning
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • intimate pain
  • Delay of menstruation
  • Pain while urinating
  • Odor from the vagina
  • Pain during menstruation
  • How not to get pregnant
  • Pass the gynecologist
  • Check for infections
  • Gynecological examination
  • Get help
  • Choose contraception
  • Gynecologist on holidays
  • Inspection
  • Colposcopy
  • Analyzes
  • Biopsy of the cervix
  • Paypel endometrium
  • pelvic ultrasound
  • Ultrasound of tubal patency
  • Definition of pregnancy
  • smear on flora
  • PCR smear
  • Bakposev
  • Florocenosis
  • Oncocytology
  • HPV analysis
  • Gardnerella
  • General and clinical
  • Biochemistry of blood
  • Tests for vitamins
  • Blood for PCR
  • blood for hcg
  • HIV testing
  • Blood for hepatitis
  • Vitamin D
  • Tests for hormones
  • Genetic analysis
  • tumor markers
  • Intestinal infections
  • Quantiferon test
  • Hemostasis
  • immune status
  • Interferon status
  • Allergy
  • Anonymous analyzes ✔
  • Express analyzes (quick tests) ✔
  • Tests for STIs ✔


How to increase the sensitivity of the penis, the doctor will tell you. There are folk and medicinal remedies for this. First of all, you need to establish why the sensitivity of the head has disappeared.

You can eliminate the symptoms yourself at home:

  1. Reduce the intensity of masturbation, give up rough sex. You need to practice gentle and smooth sexual intercourse, try to feel every movement of your partner. When masturbating, you should use special lubricants and gels to improve gliding.
  2. Increasing tactile acuity with a pen. Gently stroke the numb area, focus on the problem area. Replace the nib with a soft cloth if it is missing. It is also recommended to change the temperature.
  3. Changing nutrition. Include seafood, nuts and beef in your diet, eat natural aphrodisiacs. Try the folk recipe: mix parsley leaves, garlic, boiled eggs, add a little pine nuts. Mix the ingredients in a blender and use as a sauce for meat dishes every day.

You can also visit the sex shop. Among pharmaceutical products, it is difficult to find suitable ointments to increase the sensitivity of the tip of the penis.

Among the lubricants and gels, two products are in the lead, you can buy them in a sex store:

  1. VigRX Plus. A tool that helps improve blood circulation. It contains only herbal ingredients that have the ability to cause an erection and increase blood flow to the penis.
  2. man oil. Another ointment from the group of irritants. The mode of action does not differ from the previous gel. It also causes an erection and helps to restore the sharpness of sensations during intercourse.

It is not recommended to buy drugs to increase blood flow, contraindications and possible side effects should be taken into account.


Frigidity refers to sexual coldness, manifested in a reduced sexual desire or its complete absence. Features of therapy vary depending on the causes that caused it:

  • violence suffered by a woman;
  • improper sexual education;
  • dislike for a partner;
  • misbehavior of a partner;
  • painful intimate relationship;
  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • existing gynecological and physiological diseases.


Preventive measures will help to avoid negative consequences. How to increase the sensitivity of the penis. To increase the acuity of sensations, it is recommended to follow the basic rules of hygiene.

Doctors also advise:

  1. Use gels and lubricants for masturbation or intercourse.
  2. Go in for sports without exceeding the norm.
  3. Eat right, eliminate alcohol from the diet, stop smoking.
  4. Pick up cosmetics for care, moisturize the skin.
  5. Monitor your mental state, avoid stress.

Special exercises

If a woman has problems with orgasm and arousal, with the help of a series of simple exercises, you can get rid of them, wake up your own sensuality.

They can be performed every day at home (except for the period of menstruation) in the form of a simple exercise in order to get a noticeable result soon. Let's list some of them.

  • Flashing. On inspiration, contract the muscles of the vagina and relax with exhalation. At the same time, try not to strain the gluteal muscles and abdominals. This exercise is done in any position: standing, sitting or lying down.
  • Retention. The vaginal muscles contract for five seconds, while you need to breathe evenly and calmly. Then, as you exhale, relax. This exercise can also be done in any position.
  • Pushing. At the same time, a woman needs to push, as during childbirth, so that the sphincter of the anus and vagina opens.

We told how to restore sensitivity in the intimate area.

Psychologist, sexologist, sex coach. Online School of Sex Education by Valeria Aginskaya.

He is the author and co-author of many unique programs that allow women to develop their sensuality and sexuality, improve sexual health and harmonize intimate relationships. In particular:

  • "Vaginal sex as art"
  • "Female Orgasm Awakening"
  • "Male orgasm in your hands"
  • "Intimate muscle training"


  • 2004 - Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky, psychologist.
  • 2008 - advanced training "Psychological counseling in sexology" NOU HPE "Academy of socio-economic development".
  • 2009 - certified instructor for the development of intimate muscles according to the Vagiton system.
  • 2012 - advanced training "Sexology and correction of marital disharmony" Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.
  • 2015 - American College of Sexologists Certification


To increase the sensitivity of the male genital organ, you need to find out the cause of the problem. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after the following diagnostic procedures:

  • analysis to detect the number of red blood cells in the blood and the presence of genital infections;
  • analysis of the secret that is produced in the prostate gland;
  • conducting ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • analysis of sex hormones and blood sugar;
  • examination by a psychologist, neuropathologist and sexologist.

Note! To undergo a competent diagnosis, the first thing to do is to contact a urologist, and already this specialist will give the necessary directions for research.

What it is?

The penis is made up of muscles, blood vessels, and nerve fibers. The latter play a special role, it is they who make it possible to provide high sensitivity of the tissues of the penis , including conveying a signal of excitation to the brain.

Muscles relax when the nerve fibers are involved in the work. Then the penis begins to fill with blood, an erection occurs. In this case, the man should feel the excitement and high sensitivity of the head, but this may not happen.

Also, sensitivity is sometimes not observed, which becomes the reason for the lack of sufficient erection, complete arousal and readiness for sexual intercourse.

After the completion of sexual intercourse, a man must experience a certain intensity of feelings, the saturation of orgasm. If this is not the case, then the problem may lie in the nerve fibers that do not function enough.

Sinsera is an effective dietary supplement for arousing women

Of the biologically active supplements for raising the female libido, it is worth highlighting Sincera, which occupies the 6th place in the list of the best oral preparations. With its help you can:

  • increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  • increase desire for sex;
  • activate the production of vaginal lubrication, which is one of the signs of a lady's readiness for intercourse.

Sinsera's ingredients are:

  • rhodiola rosea;
  • poppy peruvian;
  • wild yam;
  • oats;
  • medicinal ginger;
  • damiana;
  • ginseng extract;
  • gotu kola.

The bioadditive comes in the form of capsules. They must be taken 1 time per day in the amount of 2-3 capsules an hour and a half before sexual intercourse. Can be used with alcohol in small doses. Sinsera is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • breastfeeding;
  • insomnia;
  • allergies to the ingredients of the supplement.

Side effects may be represented by redness of the face. Benefits of Sincera:

  • natural composition;
  • protects the genitourinary system from infections;
  • can be taken in conjunction with other drugs.


  • the bioadditive has a cumulative effect and is intended for course intake. This means that it does not act immediately, but after 2-3 days;
  • should not be taken during pregnancy, feeding a child, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus;
  • natural ingredients can provoke an allergic reaction.

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