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Acne on the face in an adult - causes and treatment

Symptoms and signs (photo)

Signs of acne are expressed in various rashes. You can visually recognize them after studying the photo, which shows various types of formations. Dermatologists divide the manifestations of acne into non-inflammatory and inflammatory.

Photo of acne in an adult woman

The first ones include:

  • Blackheads or open comedones. Formed after the opening of the pores and the ingress of dirt;
  • Closed comedones. Hardened fat accumulates deep in the pore, and a tubercle appears.

Inflammatory forms of acne:

  • Papule. A nodule that a comedone turns into after an infection enters it. It has a red color and is accompanied by swelling of the adjacent skin area;
  • Pustule. Pimple containing pus. It can form from a papule or arise independently under the influence of pathogenic microflora.


Treatment of acne in adults has its own specifics, which is associated with a number of factors:

See also:   Treatment of acne on the back and shoulders. How and how to treat acne on the back and shoulders?

  • The skin loses its ability to quickly regenerate, more pronounced traces remain;
  • Rashes form in the deeper layers of the skin and are more difficult to treat;
  • Localization on the cheeks and chin requires an integrated approach and consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • The tendency to dry out the dermis in people of mature age limits the choice of local agents.

Systemic drugs

Systemic therapy is required in the later stages, when "local" remedies fail. The choice of medicines has a gender rationale. Women are more likely to be prescribed hormonal drugs or less often antibiotics. Male acne is effectively treated with systemic retinoids, but for the fairer sex, these medications are rarely prescribed.

Oral contraceptives are effective in forms of rashes on the face caused by hormonal imbalance. A number of gynecological pathologies or changes in the body provoked by menopause require treatment with androgens or drugs of a similar effect. They normalize the production of skin secretions, however, like any medications containing hormones, they have contraindications. Therefore, before starting therapy, permission from the gynecologist and endocrinologist is required.

According to reviews, Diane-35, Janine, Jess , Yarina are recognized as the most effective for the treatment of hormonal acne .

Antibiotic therapy for adult acne is a popular treatment for moderate acne because:

  • Differs in rapid absorption into the blood;
  • Aggressively affects the pathogenic flora;
  • Allows active ingredients to quickly accumulate in the secretory glands.

Unidox, Doxycycline , Lincomycin, Clindamycin, Erythromycin have proven themselves in dermatology.

The last stage of acne in most cases lends itself only to retinoids. The most famous are Roaccutane, Aknekutan. They systemically affect the entire body:

  • Preventing the formation of acne;
  • Reducing inflammatory processes;
  • Normalizing the synthesis of glandular secretion.

Systemic retinoids have an extensive list of contraindications, it is allowed to resort to them only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Ointments and creams

Ointments, gels and topical creams form the basis of acne therapy. With a mild course of the disease, dermatologists recommend limiting themselves only to them.

The best remedies for treating acne in adults:

  • Differin, based on adapalene. Reduces the number of acne, reduces the production of fat, dissolves plugs, relieves inflammation;
  • Skinoren containing azelaic acid. Dissolves fatty plugs, removes age spots , eliminates inflammation processes, reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Intraskin, which contains organic components. Regulates the secretion of glands, increases local immunity, reduces the number of inflamed areas, evens out the skin relief, nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis.


The use of masks is a method of treating skin rashes known since ancient times. Now you can either buy ready-made cosmetic products or prepare a medicinal mixture yourself.

The most effective options:

  • Black mask. Formulated with healing vegetable oils, bamboo charcoal, elastin & collagen. Cleanses the epidermis and dermis, tightens pores, eliminates rashes and inflammation;
  • magnetic mask. An innovative development that uses magnetic particles to remove dirt and dead cells from the pores. Contains plant oil extracts, beeswax & vitamin E.

Homemade mask recipes:

  • Juice mask. Mix orange and lemon juice 1 dessert spoon each, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Mix olive oil and beer yeast powder (one tablespoon each) with juices. Apply on face for 15 minutes;
  • Horseradish mask. Take a vegetable and chop it, pour in 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Rub, apply to the skin. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes include both topical agents and oral drinks.

Among them:

  • Herbal ice. Useful for washing. Instead of ordinary water, it is necessary to freeze the decoction, which is prepared from 2 tablespoons of chamomile and St. John's wort. Boil the mixture in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, then leave for 5-6 hours. Pour into molds and put in the freezer;
  • Compresses. Prepare or buy ready-made alcohol tincture of calendula. Dissolve 20 ml of honey in a glass of hot water. Pour in the tincture and mix. Apply cotton pads soaked in the composition to inflamed areas in the morning and evening;
  • Herbal collection. Water infusion is prepared as follows: 500 ml of boiling water pour a mixture of 10 g of horsetail, 20 g of St. John's wort, 15 g of plantain leaves, chamomile flowers and marigolds, sage. Strain after an hour. Drink 3 times a day after meals for ¼ cup;
  • Herbal tea. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of string, violet flowers, lamb and strawberry leaves. Brew in 2 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons of the collection. After an hour, add honey and drink instead of tea.

Apparatus therapy

Technologies for the treatment of acne with the help of devices allow you to quickly get rid of acne in severe form, when large areas of the skin are affected.

Among the most effective and popular stand out:

  • Laser therapy eliminates rashes and normalizes the production of sebum;
  • ELOS technology is based on a combination of laser exposure and radio frequencies. Most effectively removes pathogens;
  • Peeling with fruit acids, cleans the pores, stimulates the outflow of secretions, eliminates dead skin particles;
  • Phototherapy, affects problem areas with therapeutic light, which creates an unfavorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • Cryotherapy activates cell metabolism and increases protective properties.


Adult acne can appear even at the age of fifty and is divided into several types:

  • Late acne. More often occur in women. Formed in the chin area in the form of papules or pustules. Their appearance can be tied to the menstrual cycle, but if the rashes persist constantly, then they indicate gynecological diseases;
  • Inverse acne. Formations appear in the armpits, perineum, around the navel. They look like large knots, painful when pressed. They open on their own, which is accompanied by the release of purulent contents, sometimes with an admixture of blood;
  • Bodybuilding acne. Occur due to the use of steroids and androgens. May indicate endocrine pathologies. Most often they have a nodular cystic character;
  • Globular eels. appear on the body. Cysts, large comedones and nodes form a conglomerate of lesions. A sign of seborrhea of ​​the last stage of development in men and polycystic ovaries in women. Scars remain after treatment;
  • Pyoderma. It usually affects women, the disease is characterized by the regular formation of inflamed nodes.

How to prevent relapse?

Acne is a disease that often recurs. In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is important:

  • Carefully balance the diet;
  • Choosing the right care products
  • Comply with hygiene standards;
  • Use soft water for washing;
  • Brush your teeth with a non-bleach toothpaste to avoid rashes around your mouth;
  • Give up milk for six months - sometimes its “proteins” provoke a disease;
  • Wearing a "high" hairstyle or putting your hair in a ponytail - often they cause irritation;
  • Change the pillowcase at least 2 times a week - it can become a source of infection;
  • Minimize the impact of stress factors;
  • Wear clothes made from natural materials, and avoid overly tight collars;
  • Timely diagnose and treat any diseases.

Pimple acne in adulthood

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

For most of us, the words "acne", "blackheads", "pimples" are associated with adolescence (pubertal) period. But there are people for whom this problem persists into adulthood.

There are two ways to review the problem of acne in the post-pubertal period: the first is to collect and process theoretical medical information related to this disease; the second is to try to answer frequently asked questions. The second option will no doubt be more useful for people suffering from such problems, so we will focus on it.

Everyone has an idea of ​​what a typical acne rash is - "black dots", red inflamed pimples, pustules in a mild form of the disease, as well as "internal inflammation" of painful nodules in a more severe form.

1. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, I’m 25 (30, 35, 40) years old, my face was completely clear in my teens, and now the skin condition is getting worse.”

Acne in the post-pubertal period is becoming more common, especially in women. If 10 years ago in the total number of people suffering from acne, only 15% were occupied by people in adulthood, now their number has grown to 50%, the majority are women. The reasons for this are varied, and each specific case must be considered individually.

2. “I use only very expensive and high-quality cosmetics all the time, and the rash continues to appear.”

In fact, the appearance of acne in adulthood is associated with two main reasons - hereditary predisposition and a combination of provoking factors that may be associated with improper skin care. The use of comedogenic creams, no matter the price, can cause rashes or worsen existing mild acne.

3. "I take care of my face, I visit a beautician regularly, but the rash does not disappear."

Acne disease in adulthood can occur for various reasons - improperly selected cosmetics, taking hormonal drugs, chronic stress, and others. It is naive to believe that regular visits to a beautician can achieve anything more than a small temporary improvement. It is important to know that cosmetic cleaning of closed comedones can significantly worsen the situation.

4. “I have had acne for many years, I have experimented with various medications, but nothing helps. I want to undergo a hormonal study! "

In fact, each case must be considered separately. There are clinical symptoms that necessarily require hormonal research - increased hair growth, irregular menstruation, obesity and many others. On the other hand, if the reason is the misuse of cosmetics, adequate topical treatment lasting a month or two should solve the problem.

See also:   Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs for genital herpes

5. “I went to the doctor, he prescribed me facial therapy, but after a week I stopped taking the drugs because I don’t like them!”

Acne in the post-pubertal period is a disease, so it is treated with medications. Usually drugs are not as pleasant to use as cosmetic products, because the purpose of their use is not to please you, but to help. Of course, the treatment process can be more comfortable if the drugs are combined with medical cosmetics, which is the current trend. This is the job of a dermatologist.

6. “I have been on treatment for more than a month, but there is no visible result!”

Standard acne treatment lasts from three months and can last more than a year. Of course, it is very good if after a month of therapy there is a minimal improvement.

7. “I went to the doctor, but he did not prescribe any treatment, only a very expensive examination. I don't have time for this! I want treatment, not examination! "

The best treatment in medicine is etiological, that is, the elimination of the cause of the development of the disease. Sometimes the cause of acne can be very unusual - diabetes, intoxication, hypervitaminosis from excessive intake of vitamins, hormonal problems. To successfully treat the cause of the disease, and not its consequences, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

8. "I'm tired of these rashes, I want to solve the problem once and for all, but I categorically refuse to take medicine!"

In fact, in most cases, acne can be cured with medication over a period of a few months to a few years. The doctor can suggest all available options and the patient makes the final decision, but sometimes medication is the only option.

9. “I was prescribed Roaccutane, but I didn’t take it because I read on the Internet that it is dangerous!”

In fact, Roaccutane is no more dangerous than many other medications and is sometimes the only treatment option. The problem is that, unfortunately, sometimes it is used uncontrollably, and this creates a certain danger. A qualified dermatologist will inform you about the possible risks, refer you to blood tests before and during treatment, so that the treatment should go smoothly and without complications.

10. “I was prescribed Roaccutane, but after taking it, the skin and lips became very dry, and I stopped the treatment.”

Roaccutane can actually dry out the skin and lips, which is normal as it works on the sebaceous glands. The dermatologist, during the treatment, will prescribe you a suitable cosmetic product that will eliminate discomfort.

11. “I got rid of acne, but I don’t feel better because my face looks like a spotted hyena.”

Yes, after acne treatment, spots often appear that disappear over a period of several weeks to several years. The duration of this period depends on the type of skin and the type of treatment. Crushing and squeezing pimples prolongs skin recovery time. The best way to eliminate this problem is laser treatment.

12. “I don’t have any blackheads or blemishes, but I do have enlarged pores and sunken scars. I want my skin to be the same as when I was 6 years old! "

This is not possible, and what is happening is considered the norm. Removing these features is a complex and lengthy process that rarely results in improvements over 70%. The most successful treatment for this problem is laser treatment.

13. “The treatment was successful. Acne disappeared, but black dots remained on the skin of the nose! "

Few people know that black dots on the nose are not comedones, but tiny hairs that grow. They are very successful with powerful hair removal lasers that can remove fine hairs. In conclusion, the treatment of post-pubertal acne is a complex and lengthy process that must begin with an accurate determination of the cause of the disease. Proper treatment is carried out with the use of medicines, and medical cosmetics help to make the treatment process more comfortable and are used to maintain results. Adequate treatment helps to remove acne scars and rejuvenates the skin in the treated areas.

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