How does a pregnant woman sleep? Can you sleep on your stomach, back or side, which is better?
During pregnancy, a mother's body undergoes many changes that can change a woman's sleep. A growing belly, hormonal changes, pressure of the uterus on the bladder can lead to the fact that a night's rest becomes inferior. This condition negatively affects the physical and emotional mood of the mother, so it needs to be dealt with. How to sleep during pregnancy? Can I sleep in my usual position? What to do if insomnia haunts? All this is detailed in our article.
Everyone has their favorite sleeping positions. But, unfortunately, not all of them are acceptable for a woman during the period of bearing a baby. Some positions can harm both the expectant mother and the child. And others will become uncomfortable as the pregnancy progresses.
How to choose the right and comfortable sleeping position?
The first 12 weeks is the period when you can not think about how to sleep during pregnancy. Any position is suitable for relaxation during this period. At a later date, you will have to choose a position.
The optimal position for sleeping during pregnancy is on the side, preferably on the left. At the same time, all the necessary nutrients come to the baby, since this position ensures normal blood circulation. When a woman sleeps on her left side, the liver is not compressed and the heart works well. If a transverse presentation of the fetus is detected, then the expectant mother is recommended to lie down more often on the side in which the baby's head is located.
The choice of positions for a pregnant woman is not so great - the position on the right or left side, which must be changed several times a night.
Choosing the right posture for a night's rest for expectant mothers
From the first days, as a woman became pregnant, she needs to completely reconsider her lifestyle. The girl refuses bad habits, physical activity, changes her diet. Also, the changes relate to her favorite positions in which she sleeps. Due to the growing belly, the usual position becomes physically uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby. To get enough sleep even at a late date, you need to go to bed correctly.
Until the 12th week, you are allowed to sleep the way you like, with the onset of the 7th month of pregnancy, the woman is limited only to rest on her side. So that the next morning your whole body does not hurt, you need to periodically change your position.
Advice! It is recommended to forget about the habit of sleeping on your stomach, even if it is not yet visible, from the first trimester. This will make it easier for you to adjust in the final term.
dangerous positions
There are dangerous sleeping positions for pregnant women that are completely excluded. Women who continue to follow their habits increase the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. You can not lie on your back, especially when the fetus begins to quickly gain weight. The expectant mother will sleep restlessly, and the baby will suffer from oxygen starvation.
If you regularly rest while lying on your back or stomach, this will lead to the following consequences:
- fetal hypoxia;
- pelvic or transverse presentation;
- increased activity of the baby, entanglement with the umbilical cord;
- dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnea;
- lowering blood pressure;
- convulsions;
- swelling of the legs, arms, face;
- circulatory disorders in the pelvis;
- lower back pain.
It is recommended to monitor your condition and position during the rest. But this does not mean that a woman should not sleep, so as not to accidentally harm the baby and herself. As long as the fetus is within the pubic symphysis, it is safe from external pressure. Lying on her stomach from 22 weeks becomes impossible, it is uncomfortable for a pregnant woman, so she refuses this position on her own.
Mid-pregnancy restrictions
In early pregnancy, it is allowed to use the usual postures. The middle of gestation is the most favorable and safe period. At this time, the woman does not experience toxicosis, is less emotional. From the 18th to the 28th week, complaints about restless sleep are received the least. While the tummy is small, you can rest briefly on your back.
It's important to know! If you have twins or attachment of the placenta along the front wall, then already in the middle of pregnancy it is recommended to sleep exclusively on your side. Also, be sure to create comfortable conditions for yourself with the help of pillows, a blanket, a comfortable mattress.
Late term bans
In the third trimester, a large belly appears, because of which it is difficult for a woman to breathe, walk, sit and sleep. In order not to aggravate the condition and not harm the developing fetus, observe the following rules:
- Do not sleep on your stomach, it is traumatic.
- Regular sleep on the back disrupts the normal course of pregnancy, there is frequent squeezing of the lower hollow vessel.
- Minimize sleeping on your right side, as an enlarged uterus in this position puts pressure on the kidneys. If a woman was diagnosed with cystitis or pyelonephritis before pregnancy, pressure can provoke a relapse of the disease.
It is very difficult to choose comfortable and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy in the last months. A woman will have to briefly sacrifice her comfort for the sake of a baby.
Advice! Pay attention to movements, if in any of the positions they increase, the child may be uncomfortable or not enough oxygen.
Sleep on the left side
The best positions recommended for sleeping and daytime rest during pregnancy are the side position, as well as resting with a pillow sandwiched between the legs. From the 36th week, it is necessary to lie on the left side more often, since the vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Regular squeezing of the vessel leads to impaired blood circulation.
Sleeping on the left side affects pregnancy in the following ways:
- sufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus;
- reduction of swelling, normal functioning of the kidneys;
- reducing the load on the heart;
- sound and healthy sleep;
- no pain in the lower back and pelvis.
If the ultrasound showed a transverse presentation of the fetus, the gynecologist should warn you about the features of sleep. You can not sleep on the side on which the baby's butt falls. Therefore, if she is on the left side, the pregnant woman must be laid on her right side.
The best position for a woman expecting a baby
If a woman is uncomfortable sleeping on her side, you can try to rest in a half-sitting position. Pillows should be placed under the back and head. Thus, the vena cava is not compressed, the uterus does not come into contact with the diaphragm, shortness of breath and snoring disappear.
To relieve swelling and fatigue from the legs, for the duration of dreams, you can put a soft roller under them. This position helps to reduce the load, therefore, prevents the development of varicose veins. The main thing is that you are comfortable. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to lie on your left side more often. If there is excessive fetal activity, change position.
Other positions allowed during pregnancy
Unfortunately, the choice of sleeping position is limited by physiological characteristics. With a large abdomen due to the anterior attachment of the placenta or multiple pregnancy, the most correct posture is reclining. Until the third trimester, you can draw your legs to your chest. In order not to provoke cramps, do not stretch.
If a woman does not get enough sleep in the listed positions and feels tired, it is necessary to pay attention to other reasons for the development of restless sleep. Relax on a comfortable bed, it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and special pillows for pregnant women. While getting ready for bed, turn off the lights everywhere, turn off the TV, put the phone on silent mode.
You should not constantly monitor your position during the rest, and with the wrong posture, it is unnecessarily worried about the condition of the baby. Compliance with these rules will allow you to completely relax, which contributes to a sound, good sleep.
What to do to fall asleep faster?
Strange as it may sound, in order for sleep to be calm, you need to start taking care of it in the morning. A person's lifestyle, his daily routine largely determines the quality of sleep.
A pregnant woman can be recommended throughout the day:
- Don't overstress. Excessive fatigue can have the opposite effect of what is expected, and instead of sound sleep, lead to insomnia.
- If you have problems with sleep, you will have to give up daytime rest for several days, even if the woman is used to it and she needs it. Perhaps this measure will help solve the problem of night sleep.
- Doing moderate physical activity throughout the day. Swimming, dancing, hiking or special fitness for pregnant women is very useful.
In order for sleep to be strong and healthy, in the evening you should not eat heavy food, engage in active physical or mental labor. No need to plan for the night looking at unpleasant conversations, make serious decisions, watch heavy films.
A warm bath taken at night with the addition of a few drops of aromatic oil will have a relaxing effect on the body of the expectant mother. In the evening, you should reduce your fluid intake so that you do not have to empty your bladder often at night.
You can drink a glass of warm milk with honey or chamomile tea - an excellent proven remedy for insomnia. If you are concerned about the feeling of hunger, then before going to bed during pregnancy, it is recommended to arrange a light snack, for example, eat a sandwich with boiled lean meat. Read more about nutrition during pregnancy →
One of the causes of insomnia during this period may be a decrease in blood sugar levels. You can determine this condition by such symptoms as weakness, heart palpitations, dizziness. A piece of sugar, sweet tea or juice will help get rid of this problem. If symptoms recur, they should be reported to the doctor.
Massage of the back and legs before going to bed has a relaxing effect. It will help get rid of lower back pain and prevent nighttime leg cramps. In some cases, sex can help you unwind before bed. If for health reasons it is not forbidden, then you can try this way of dealing with insomnia.
If sleep disturbances become a problem, you can solve the problem with the help of sleeping pills. Since only a few drugs are allowed during pregnancy, it is extremely important not to self-medicate. The doctor must choose the medicine.
Disadvantages you may encounter
Lying comfortably on the stomach of a woman freed from the burden and spending a couple of hours like this can be prevented by some circumstances:
- Traumatic childbirth. During the process, some people develop perineal tears, which basically make any movement painful. But this does not mean that bed rest for a young mother is indicated until the wounds heal. She will still need to get up, walk, that is, give her body a load. Turning over on the stomach is its optimal form, especially at first.
- C-section. The women who underwent it because of the seam are afraid to make an extra gesture, fearing the divergence of the muscles and the edges of the skin. But these fears are unfounded. After a caesarean, recovery is especially important to prevent complications. And lying on your stomach speeds it up. With the inconvenience arising from pain, it is easy to cope with the help of a bandage. That is, after childbirth, you can sleep on your stomach in this case, if the seam is normal.
- Milky breasts. It comes almost immediately, causing soreness in that area. Discomfort is felt more acutely if you roll over on your stomach. You should avoid taking this position until feeding is established. Then lactation will be tidal, and not cumulative, the mammary glands will no longer cause so much trouble and fear to get lactostasis. If the chest prevents you from lying on your stomach for a long time, then you can adapt to do it in such a way as not to disturb it. It is enough to place dense pillows under the lower body from the abdomen to the knees.
Returning to the former freedom of movement after childbirth not only brings positive emotions, but can also suggest that not everything is going well in the body. If, after a long time, lying on your stomach is as painful as it happens in the first days, this indicates a problem. Discomfort should not be ignored, but it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
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Prohibited sleeping positions during pregnancy
How not to sleep during pregnancy? Starting from the middle of the second trimester, you can not sleep on your stomach. This position is a direct threat to the child. But the refusal to sleep on the stomach does not cause problems, because for long periods it is uncomfortable to lie like that.
Giving up sleeping on your back is much more difficult. And this should be done by the end of the second trimester. This need is due to the fact that the growing uterus compresses the vena cava, therefore, blood circulation and nutrition of the organs of the mother and child are disturbed. Lying on your back in late pregnancy can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness in a woman, and rapid fetal movements.
What is the best position to sleep in after childbirth?
After a caesarean section, with normal recovery, the absence of concomitant diseases, you can sleep in any position in the bed that is comfortable, only it is better to periodically change positions. Each has its pros and cons (see table).
Can I lie on my stomach after a caesarean? | Advantages | disadvantages |
On the back | The spine relaxes, there is no compression of the internal organs | The tone of the anterior abdominal wall is restored for a long time |
on the side | No strain on the muscles of the back and abdomen, easy to breastfeed, for many it is a familiar sleeping position | Sagging and slowly shrinking belly after childbirth |
On the stomach | The anterior abdominal wall is tightened, bowel function is activated, adhesions are prevented | The organs of the abdominal cavity, mammary glands are squeezed |
How to organize your sleep?
A good rest is necessary for a woman's body during the period of bearing a child. Therefore, it is important to understand how to make sure that you sleep enough and soundly during pregnancy.
Sleep will come faster and be better if :
- well ventilate the bedroom and ensure a comfortable temperature;
- sleep in socks when your feet are cold;
- do not go to bed with a feeling of hunger, but also do not eat a lot before going to bed;
- buy beautiful and comfortable sleepwear that does not restrict movement;
- sleep on a comfortable mattress;
- use pillows of different sizes and shapes, or a special pillow for pregnant women (they can be placed under the side, neck, legs to ensure the most comfortable body position).
Night feedings
A newborn baby will wake up for night feedings. Therefore, you should not express milk at night, so as not to disturb the baby's meal. Accordingly, the position on the stomach will be inappropriate in this case.
A young mother can fall asleep on her stomach only after feeding, when there is practically no milk in her breasts. This will help to avoid the appearance of hardening and pain. The most comfortable and natural sleeping position is the side position, so you can rest in this position while feeding.
If it so happened that in the morning a young mother woke up on her stomach, then there is nothing wrong with that. Such a sleeping position is acceptable for a woman if she does not feel unpleasant pains in her chest and spine.
The importance of healthy sleep during pregnancy
Good quality sleep is of great importance for a pregnant woman. During this period, numerous changes occur in the body that increase the load.
Normal for a future mother is considered to be 8-10 hours of sleep at night and, if necessary, several half-hour breaks during the day. If a woman does not sleep enough, the immune system worsens, mood swings are observed, and appetite decreases. This can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother and the development of the baby.
How much sleep do you need during pregnancy?
If we talk about the duration of sleep for pregnant women, then this figure should be at least 8-9 hours a day. With a lack of sleep, a woman becomes irritable, and also quickly gets tired.
It is best to go to bed at 10-11 pm so that sleep lasts until 7 am. Sleep at this time is the best time to restore the body. Of course, not all women manage to get enough sleep. About 70% of all pregnant women complain of restless sleep. They may wake up frequently or suffer from lack of sleep.
What can interfere with sleep?
Unfortunately, many circumstances prevent the expectant mother from falling asleep:
- hormonal changes;
- limiting positions in which you can sleep during pregnancy;
- back pain;
- baby pushes;
- the need to get up often to go to the toilet;
- heartburn;
- leg cramps;
- dyspnea;
- itching of the skin on the abdomen due to stretching.
In addition to physiological causes, insomnia can be caused by psychological, for example, nervous stress, tension, fears of childbirth, anxiety for the baby. Uncomfortable emotional climate in the family and at work, unpleasant news before bedtime can lead to sleep disorders.
Good rest is the basis for maintaining the health of the expectant mother and the normal development of the child. Sleep problems need to be analyzed and their cause identified. This will help you figure out how to sleep soundly during pregnancy.
Perhaps a change in diet, a walk before bedtime, or the purchase of a comfortable pillow for a pregnant woman will be sufficient. If the cause of insomnia lies in fears, then you can attend special courses for expectant mothers, which will prepare for childbirth.
Author: Veronika Ivanova, especially for
How to get good sleep during pregnancy
The problem with falling asleep is caused not only by the physical changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, but also by many other factors that can and should be corrected. In this regard, it is necessary:
- Establish a daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time, in the afternoon exclude activities that cause physical and mental overwork, serious negotiations, watching disturbing films and TV shows. Do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air and gymnastics for pregnant women.
- Exclude from the diet foods that increase the excitability of the nervous system or complicate digestion (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, rich fatty and spicy foods). The last meal and drink should be no later than 1.5 hours before rest.
- Take care of the microclimate of the room (cleanliness, optimal air humidity, ventilation).
- Do not resort to sleeping pills - such appointments are made by a doctor in exceptional cases. Warm baths with aromatic oils, a glass of milk with honey, a decoction of mint and lemon balm have a noticeable sedative effect.
- If the cause of insomnia is fear of an upcoming birth, attending an antenatal course is a constructive step. Specialists will step by step analyze situations that cause concern with the future woman in labor. Having specific ideas about the subject and a clear plan of action in certain circumstances will help overcome fear and gain confidence.
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