Should I be concerned about the lower abdomen pulling during pregnancy?
All future mothers know that their body will change significantly during pregnancy - breasts will increase, belly will grow and, of course, extra pounds will increase. Women pay the most attention to the stomach. For example, at the beginning of pregnancy, many mothers worry that their belly is not growing fast enough. How should he grow and how will his shape change during the bearing of the baby?
Let's say right away that how the belly looks and grows during pregnancy depends on many reasons: the physique of the woman, the structure of the pelvis, the condition of the muscles, the growth of the uterus and the child, the amount of amniotic fluid. Therefore, for some, the belly grows faster, for some it is slower, for some mothers it is large, for others it can be almost invisible. But still, there are some general patterns of growth and size of the abdomen during pregnancy.
Abdominal pain in women during pregnancy
Abdominal pain during pregnancy is quite common, it can also be due to natural causes, and be negative, but before panicking and worrying for no clear reason, you should listen to your feelings and make an appointment with a doctor. It will not be superfluous, since nerves must be protected, but it is worth understanding some points yourself.
Types of abdominal pain during pregnancy
Painful sensations can be observed in each of the trimesters of pregnancy and be localized in different parts. The following types appear most often:
- Sharp pains in the groin and pubic area in the early stages (in the first trimester, the presence of pain in the pubic area can be negative. You should immediately consult a doctor);
- Pain in the pubic region in the later stages (during this period, such pains are considered normal if they are pulling and move from the pubis to the femoral part. This happens because the body is preparing for childbirth. In case of pain when lifting the leg up from a lying position, consult a gynecologist );
- Feeling of tension in the abdomen (it is considered normal if the pregnancy is going well, in the case of the effect of a “hard stomach”, there may be pathologies);
- Soreness when pushing a child (the activity of a child in the abdomen can be unpleasant for the mother, but if you can calm the baby, there is nothing to worry about. And if the pushes are too strong, you should consult a doctor to check for hypoxia (oxygen starvation).
Causes of abdominal pain
Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be both natural and require emergency care. The first category includes the following points:
- Minor pulling sensations at 2-3 weeks, when a fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus;
- Sharp short-term pain. Aggravated by sudden movement or heavy lifting, in the first trimester due to muscle stretch and tissue softening;
- Unpleasant sensations in the third trimester due to the movement of the child;
- Drawing pains from muscle tension and uterine growth in last trimester. As well as a slight discrepancy between the pelvic bones and training contractions.
To improve the condition when the stomach hurts for natural reasons during pregnancy and the intervention of a doctor is not required, follow the following rules:
- Walk the street more often;
- Avoid overwork and high physical exertion;
- Do special exercises for pregnant women;
- Use a bandage in the later stages;
- Try to get more sleep (a pillow for pregnant women helps a lot with this).
A good way to relieve discomfort is to be in the elbow position for 10-15 minutes (you can do this several times a day). This is worth doing if the stomach hurts during pregnancy and the help of a doctor is not required,
belly growth rate
First trimester. As a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy, the belly does not increase in size or increases very slightly. This is due to the fact that the uterus is still very small and takes up little space in the pelvis. So, for example, by the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches only the size of a chicken egg, by the 8th week it increases to the size of a goose, but most importantly, at this time it still does not reach the pubic articulation (located in the lower abdomen). That is why in the early stages no increase in the abdomen is visible. And only after the 12th week (the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy) the bottom of the uterus begins to rise above the womb.
Second trimester. At this time, the child is rapidly gaining height and weight, and the uterus is also growing rapidly. That is why, at a period of 12-16 weeks, an attentive mother will see that the stomach has already become noticeable. True, others will pay attention to the new position of a woman around the 20th week, especially if she wears tight-fitting things.
Third trimester. By the beginning of the 3rd trimester, no one doubts pregnancy. The abdomen is clearly visible even if the woman is wearing loose clothing.
At 4 weeks, the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg. At 8 weeks - a goose egg. At 12 weeks, the uterus reaches the upper edge of the pubic bone. The belly is not visible yet. At 16 weeks, the abdomen is rounded, the bottom of the uterus is in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel. At 20 weeks, the abdomen is visible to others, the bottom of the uterus is 4 cm below the navel. At 24 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel. At 28 weeks, the uterus is already above the navel. At 32 weeks, the navel begins to smooth out. The circumference of the abdomen is 80–85 cm. At 40 weeks, the navel protrudes noticeably. Abdominal circumference 96–98 cm.
When is medical attention needed?
Pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may indicate serious problems (if in doubt, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor for advice). To prevent problems, it is important to know the following main symptoms when an urgent call to a doctor for help is required:
- Aching pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, which are accompanied by bloody discharge. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. Since in the absence of adequate treatment, pain can take on a cramping character and there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage.
- Sharp pains in the abdomen with simultaneous dizziness may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. It is determined during an ultrasound examination (most often this problem occurs for a period of 5-7 weeks).
- If the stomach hurts very sharply and severely in the lower part during pregnancy, then this may indicate premature detachment of the placenta in the uterus. The cause of the latter can be any injury, preeclampsia or a number of other pathologies. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. It may be necessary to induce labor and stop possible internal bleeding.
- Sharp cramping pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, in which it, together with the uterus, becomes hard for a while. We are talking here about the increased tone of the uterus, which is dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. This is due to the deterioration of the blood supply to the raft, which leads to a lack of supply of nutrients and oxygen. Here it is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe therapy to reduce tone, and, if necessary, refer you to hospital for inpatient treatment (treatment includes taking antispasmodics, hormonal and other drugs).
Also, complaints that the stomach hurts during pregnancy may be due to the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As well as internal organs. Usually a woman knows about them in advance. To prevent problems, it is advisable to undergo a general examination before conception. If necessary, treatment of existing diseases.
The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy
The reason for the appearance of aching pains in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy may be the process of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus or the development of serious gynecological or surgical pathologies that threaten the life of a woman and a child. The expectant mother needs to learn to distinguish harmless symptoms from dangerous ones in order to be able to seek qualified medical help in time.
The root cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen is pregnancy itself, or rather, a change in the hormonal background in the body. An increase in the level of progesterone and relaxin stimulates the process of endometrial growth, sprain of the sacro-uterine ligaments and a shift in the center of gravity.
In addition to increasing the production of sex hormones, pain can be directly related to the process of implantation of a fertilized egg and the preparation of the uterus for the onset of pregnancy. The uterus changes shape, increases in size and becomes softer and looser.
Similar symptoms in the absence of other causes are not too painful and do not need medical treatment. Often, as the duration of pain of this etiology increases, they disappear on their own.
Bowel dysfunction
Pregnant women often experience bloating. In such a situation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the diet and diet. It is necessary to exclude foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines: fresh white bread, rich pastries, some vegetables and carbonated drinks.
Another common problem during pregnancy is constipation. Untimely emptying can also cause discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Risk of miscarriage
The threat of abortion is accompanied not only by acute cramping or pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies every day. Bloody discharge, general weakness, nausea, and fever are added to the discomfort in the uterus. The abdomen with the threat of termination of pregnancy often becomes quite hard.
Unpleasant sensations indicate premature exfoliation of the placenta. If the embryo develops normally, and the detachment area is small, the woman is immediately admitted to the hospital to preserve the pregnancy and fetus.
Frozen pregnancy
A frozen pregnancy, that is, the cessation of the development of the embryo and its death, can also lead to pain in the lower abdomen. This pathology is most often diagnosed in the early stages. The main causes of fading are acute infections or chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
The woman abruptly stops feeling all the symptoms of the onset of pregnancy: toxicosis disappears, the breast becomes soft, the level of hCG in the blood does not correspond to the real term. On ultrasound, the doctor does not hear the fetal heartbeat.
Other symptoms depend on the time during which the dead embryo continues to be in the uterine cavity. In addition to changing the intensity and nature of pain in the back and lower abdomen, a woman develops brown or pink spotting, general weakness, body temperature rises, fainting and uterine bleeding are possible.
Most often, in the early stages of pregnancy, the uterus, after some time, is independently released from the frozen fetus. If this does not happen, gynecologists carry out curettage of the cavity in order to avoid the development of serious complications.
Ectopic pregnancy
The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy are very similar to those of a normal pregnancy. A woman may be disturbed by nausea, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, which is localized from the side of the ovary or fallopian tube in which the fertilized egg was implanted.
In addition to discomfort in the abdomen, an ultrasound examination and a blood test for hCG can determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. On ultrasound, the doctor will not be able to detect a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, and the concentration of the hormone is significantly lower than that which should be at a given gestational age.
It is impossible to save and endure such a pregnancy. The fallopian tube or ovary cannot stretch with the increase in the size of the embryo and are torn. This leads to the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina and sharp pain.
Gynecological and venereal diseases
One of the causes of the condition, when the lower abdomen is pulled in the first weeks of pregnancy, may be a cyst of the corpus luteum. Most often, this pathology does not require treatment, because its occurrence does not pose any danger to the fetus. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the cyst gradually resolves on its own. Medical attention will be needed in case of rupture or twisting of the leg.
Often during pregnancy, women experience problems with the urinary system, the most common of which is cystitis - a non-physiological increase in urination due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder. Pathology is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, a feeling of a constantly filled bladder, pain in the process of urination.
If an STD infection occurs during unprotected intercourse, this can also cause abdominal pain. To unpleasant sensations are added itching, redness of the external genital organs and non-specific discharge with an unpleasant odor.
Surgical pathologies
In addition to inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and other gynecological problems, surgical pathologies, such as acute appendicitis, can provoke discomfort in the abdomen in early pregnancy. The woman is concerned about acute pain in the right side, which can spread to the entire peritoneum.
Pyelonephritis, a dangerous inflammatory disease of the kidneys, can also provoke pain in early pregnancy. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterial infection, the presence of which is diagnosed by urinalysis. In addition to discomfort in the back and abdomen, a woman is worried about frequent urination, the presence of blood in the urine, severe swelling of the face and limbs.
The cause of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may be an inguinal hernia, which is pressed by an enlarging uterus. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by walking. A characteristic feature of the pathology is a noticeable bulge on one side of the abdomen. It is possible to remove a hernia only after the baby is born, so during pregnancy a woman will have to wear a supporting bandage and special underwear.
The next provoking factor may be cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder. In addition to dull or sharp pain in the abdomen and right hypochondrium, the pathology is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness.
Another possible cause of discomfort is intestinal obstruction. The main symptoms of the pathology are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, prolonged lack of defecation.
What are practice bouts?
If during the 38th week pregnancy is accompanied by pulling pains, not of a strong nature, this means that contractions are approaching. Doctors often call such sensations the harbingers of the imminent birth of a baby. They are accompanied by:
- The abdomen drops a little;
- the fetus may be slightly slowed down;
- breaks the lower back;
- weight gain stops;
- discharge may be streaked with blood;
- the mucous plug is separated;
- increased state of fatigue;
- emotions can be unstable.
These sensations are like training for childbirth, and they can be a little painful. You should not worry about them, as this is a moral and physical preparation for the birth of a child. At 38 and 39 weeks, childbirth may begin, after such training, but if this does not happen, you should not panic, the child may be born at 40 weeks or later.
Checklist for abdominal pain during pregnancy
In the event that pain continues to accompany you, this checklist will help. What you need to do to ease the discomfort:
- Choose a comfortable position.
- Try to relax and get some rest. Set aside 30 minutes to find the most comfortable position.
- Could something be causing the pain? Whenever you go to the toilet, do you tense up? What did they eat? Weren't you overworked?
- Look carefully: do you have any unnatural discharge (yellow, brown, gray or other shades, what is their consistency?)
Time to see a doctor
If abdominal pain is accompanied by one of these factors, you should go to the doctor for an appointment:
- The discharge changed color and began to smell unpleasant.
- If there is pain when going to the toilet.
- The pain in the lower back is too severe and does not go away after rest.
We call an ambulance
- If bleeding occurs or discharge is accompanied by a considerable amount of blood.
- With regular contractions and severe pain.
- The pain in the abdomen becomes stronger and does not go away within half an hour after rest.
Sometimes abdominal pain during pregnancy can take you by surprise. Don't worry, it will only hurt more. Feel free to follow the checklist. If there are deviations from the norm, dial a doctor or call an ambulance. Modern medicine can eliminate problems and help you give birth to a healthy baby.
What to do if your stomach hurts?
As can be seen from all of the above, there are quite a few causes of abdominal pain in a pregnant woman. Some of them can threaten the health of the mother and the life of the child .
Therefore, if you experience any pain in the abdomen, be sure to seek medical help. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can accurately determine the cause of the pain, determine how dangerous it is, and prescribe treatment.
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