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My cosmetics and rituals for body care during pregnancy

 Body care during pregnancy: my cosmetics and rituals

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Proper nutrition

As before pregnancy, the basis of a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful figure is the correct and balanced nutrition.


You have to eat as much as you like - this is a myth!

1) Don't overeat

A woman during pregnancy should not overeat. You should eat in small portions and more often than it was before pregnancy.

Firstly, because the work of digestion is difficult, and a woman will feel discomfort from overeating. Secondly, overeating is a sure guarantee of stored fat. Moreover, this fat will not be deposited for the child, but in the most “favorite” zones - hips, buttocks, stomach, etc. Despite the fact that a woman can no longer lead the same active lifestyle as before, it will not work to drive off this fat before the birth of a child. But after birth, a woman will expect an extra couple of kilograms.

2) Balanced diet

The diet of a woman during this period should be especially carefully balanced. I will talk more about a balanced diet in one of the following articles.

Diversify your diet with fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese and lean fish. Reduce consumption of sweet, starchy foods. It is especially not recommended to eat junk food at night.

3) No fast food

Fast food is, as a rule, food with a high calorie content, but at the same time it does not carry any benefit. Well, what use is this for the child and the expectant mother?

4) Control the amount of liquid

A woman's body is prone to swelling during pregnancy. If by the evening you notice that your legs are swollen, then you must first limit your fluid intake, and secondly, inform your doctor about this and check your kidney function.

5) Take vitamins

There are a wide variety of multivitamin complexes on the market today, which usually contain vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fats. Also, doctors, based on the results of the tests, may recommend additional intake of iron and magnesium.

How to stay in shape during pregnancy

Getting your body ready for the stresses of pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation is well before you take that step. Even if you are not a fan of sports and fitness, devote at least 15 minutes a day to strengthening your muscles, especially those that will have to undergo the greatest load during your interesting position.

 It is recommended to start preparing the body for pregnancy long before this moment.

Even the simplest exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and obliques will play a huge role in returning your body to its previous state. Exercises to strengthen other muscle groups are also not forbidden. All this will help your body to tone up faster.

Further, I would like to note that pregnancy is the strongest incentive to give up bad habits, and moreover, to accustom yourself to a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Even if you previously had sins such as smoking, junk food, disordered eating and alcohol consumption, now, I am sure, your baby will help you say goodbye to all the mistakes of your youth and acquire healthy skills that will accompany you throughout your future. a life.

It should also be remembered that pregnancy is not a disease, and even becoming more and more unwell does not mean at all that you should lie on the couch for 9 months (in this case, by the eighth month you will not be able to roll over on your own from one side to another).

Movement is life, and the life that is born within you will be grateful for your activity. Swimming, yoga, Pilates... Yes, just hiking, finally! And if you have previously led an active lifestyle, then in no case should you stop it, unless, of course, there are contraindications for that.

Physical exercise

1) During pregnancy

active physical activity is prohibited, even if there are no special contraindications for this. First of all, it concerns exercises for the press. Also, doctors do not recommend activities associated with repetitive shaking.

2) It is not recommended to visit water parks, ride a bike, and even spend more than 4 hours in a car in a row.

3) Special yoga and water aerobics complexes for pregnant women are ideal for pregnant women . With their help, the expectant mother will strengthen the muscular frame and improve the activity of the cardiovascular system. And of course, do not forget about the usual swimming . At the same time, the load on the spine is minimal, but the muscles of the legs and arms work, and the heart and respiratory muscles are strengthened.


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Is it possible to lose weight

Most expectant mothers are afraid to gain a lot of weight, not knowing that there is a possible weight that should increase over the entire period. For pregnancy with one child, this figure is from 9 to 14 kg, with multiple pregnancy - from 15 to 21 kg.

Weight control is important

Important! All indicators are average and may differ, depending on the characteristics of the female body, lifestyle and even nutrition.

At the same time, for the first trimester, the expectant mother can add a maximum of 2 kilograms in weight. Further, weight gain per kilogram per month is considered normal. Starting from the 7th month, the desired weight gain is no more than 400 grams. in 7 days.

In the normal course of pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat at least 2300 calories per day. The initial weight should not increase or decrease sharply, it is best that the indicators increase steadily.

Reviews: how I lost weight during pregnancy

You may find it helpful to hear from new moms as they tried to lose weight during pregnancy.

Ksenia, 24 years old (gained 12.5 kg):

This is the second child, so I already knew what cutlets and buns eaten supposedly for the good of the baby could turn out to be. I would not want to carry the extra 20 kg again: it was hard not only for me, but also for my daughter. I will tell you how to lose weight during pregnancy. Fasting days helped me a lot - I didn’t starve with them, and it slowed down weight gain well. One day a week was enough for me, I ate one cottage cheese and apples that day. My doctor confirms that such unloading is wonderful and absolutely safe for the fetus.

Irina, 27 years old (gained 15 kg):

Lately, I realized that my extra weight is just extra water. Terrible swelling during pregnancy made me almost completely give up salt and it helped a lot.

Olga, 31 kg (gained 11 kg, the baby was born with a weight of 3150 g):

During pregnancy, sedentary work is very bad, and I saved myself by attending fitness courses for pregnant women. Once a week I did water aerobics - the coach had special exercises for expectant mothers.

How much weight can I put on?

To determine how much your increase during the period of bearing a baby corresponds to the norm, we suggest calculating personal "boundaries" taking into account your parameters.

Step one: Calculate the body mass index.

Surely you have calculated this index more than once, just remember your indicator or count again: divide the initial weight in kilograms by the height in square meters.

Determine the type of your figure:

  • Index up to 19, 8 (group 1) - thin physique.
  • Index 19, 8 - 26 (group 2) - average index.
  • Index over 26 - fullness.

The fight against excess kilograms and the prevention of large weight gain

Prevention of weight gain is a comprehensive approach that includes both the organization of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. At the same time, one should not forget about the constant monitoring of weight and other indicators responsible for the health of the mother and child.

Healthy food

A properly organized diet will help to carry a child and maintain a slender figure in the postpartum period.

Let's start with the fact that the food will become more fractional (5 times a day), and the portion size will decrease. Such changes will allow not only to control, but also to lose excess weight gained in the previous trimester. In the diet of a pregnant woman, vegetables, fruits, greens, lean meat, fish, dairy and sour-milk products must be present without fail. The latter are valuable sources of calcium, which expectant mothers lose in significant quantities.

The diet of each of the trimesters has its own characteristics associated with the process of growth and development of the fetus.

The first 3 months are often accompanied by toxicosis and heartburn. During this period, it is recommended to focus on clean (non-carbonated) water, as well as foods rich in fiber:

  • cereal cereals;
  • bran;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • rice (brown);
  • bananas;
  • vegetables and greens.

An enlarged uterus increases pressure on the rectum, which is why pregnant women often experience bowel problems. Fiber is a simple and safe way to get rid of constipation.

In the second trimester, the body needs enhanced protein nutrition. During this period, 4-5 times a week, fish or lean meat should be present in the diet. At the same time, when choosing a cooking method, it is worth giving preference to safer baking or steaming. Vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries are best consumed raw, as in this case they retain the maximum amount of vitamins.

The third trimester is characterized by increased work of the kidneys and liver, so the diet should be as light as possible. Light soups, vegetable and fruit salads, vegetarian dishes, dairy products are welcome.

Important! After 35 weeks in the diet should reduce the amount of foods containing calcium. An excess of this element can provoke hardening of the bones of the child's skull and make it difficult for the mother to labor.

There are a number of foods that must be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman. These include:

  • canned food;
  • pate;
  • unpasteurized milk;
  • raw eggs;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • seafood (oysters, raw fish);
  • moldy cheeses;
  • fast food;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages;
  • fatty fish;
  • pork and lamb;
  • smoked and pickled foods;
  • alcohol.

 If we talk about the approximate menu of a pregnant woman, then it looks like this:

BreakfastMuesli, natural yogurt, fruits and berries, cereals, cottage cheese, vegetable casseroles, eggs, whole grain toasts
LunchFruits, yogurt, nuts (1 handful), milkshake, dried fruits
DinnerSoups, boiled or stewed meat or fish, baked vegetables, pasta (from durum wheat), vegetable vitamin salads (without mayonnaise), compote, herbal tea
afternoon teaFruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, cottage cheese with honey and nuts, fruit salads, low-calorie baked goods
DinnerSteamed meat or fish, salads, steamed vegetables, herbal tea

An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of warm milk, kefir, fermented baked milk or natural unsweetened yogurt.

To reduce weight during pregnancy, you will have to remove all types of pastries, sugar from the diet, limit the consumption of honey, nuts and dried fruits.

Water, vitamins, minerals

The drinking regimen of a pregnant woman is accompanied by a number of features. In the first trimester, toxicosis is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, during which dehydration occurs, so the lost fluid must be restored.

The best option is pure water, rosehip broth, green tea, fresh fruit and vegetable juices. In order to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis (nausea) and start the metabolism, it is recommended to start the morning with a glass of warm water with a small amount of lemon juice diluted in it.

Vitamins and micronutrients play a huge role in the formation of the fetus and the smooth flow of the entire period of pregnancy.

Vitamins and trace elementsMeaningWhat products contain
Retinol (Vitamin A)Responsible for the development of the organs of vision of the child, the regeneration and growth of tissues.Peaches, apricots, zucchini, carrots, eggs, cod liver, butter.
Thiamine (vitamin B)Reduces pain during childbirth, improves digestion.Wholemeal flour, cereals, legumes, beef liver.
Folic acidParticipates in the synthesis of RNA and DNA, reduces the risk of malformations in a child.Liver, nuts, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, oatmeal.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)Necessary for the synthesis of hormones, the formation of immunity.Blackcurrant, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, strawberries, sweet peppers, herbs, apples.
BiotinAn important element of protein-carbohydrate metabolism.Eggs, dairy products, fish oil, legumes, beef.
CalciumResponsible for bone mineralization, blood clotting of both mother and child, muscle contraction.Dairy and sour-milk products, cheese, beans, salmon, cottage cheese.
CopperParticipates in the formation of the cardiovascular and nervous system, the formation of connective tissue.Nuts, liver, kidneys, seeds, chicken, dried fruits (raisins), fish, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal).
PhosphorusTakes part in the formation of bone tissue.Poultry, fish, dairy products, whole grains, nuts.
IronStrengthens the immunity of pregnant women, participates in hematopoiesis.Eggs, liver, meat, legumes, pomegranate juice, caviar.
chloridesParticipate in the removal of excess fluid, the formation of gastric juice.Nuts, butter, sea salt.
RiboflavinEssential for normal liver function.Cottage cheese, milk, liver, beef, eggs.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)An important element of cellular metabolism of amino acids, fats and carbohydrates.Legumes, beef, kidneys, milk, eggs (yolk).
Vitamin DRequired for calcium-phosphorus metabolism.Animal products, butter, egg yolk.
TocopherolResponsible for the endocrine system of mother and child.Vegetable oil, buckwheat, green beans, peas, lettuce.
Vitamin PProvides elasticity of blood vessels, prevents varicose veins.Citruses (lemon, orange), blackcurrant, wild rose, parsley.
A nicotinic acidParticipates in intercellular metabolism, regulates oxidation processes.Eggs, beef, veal, potatoes, beans.

Considering the global hormonal restructuring of the body, which often negatively affects weight, we should not forget about the additional use of iodine-containing foods, such as seaweed, beets, grapes, plums, seafood, and eggs.

In some cases, the supervising doctor may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant women, which, although it will not help to lose weight, will definitely allow it to be controlled.

Physical training

Moderate exercise is essential at any stage of pregnancy. It promotes:

  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • reduce stress levels and improve mood;
  • more intense calorie burning.

The basic complex includes the following exercises:

TrimesterName of exercisesTechnique
I trimesterFor thighs and perineal muscles1: IP - lean on the back of a chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

2: Slowly sit down in a semi-squat, return to the starting position (IP).

3: Run 5-7 times.

For calf muscles (prevention of edema)1: IP - standing, socks apart.

2: Having risen on toes, linger for 1-2 seconds and return to the PI.

3: Run 6-8 times.

For pectoral muscles1: PI - pick up a tennis ball and place it in front of your chest, elbows parallel to the floor.

2: Press with all your strength on the ball (without lowering your elbows), linger for 2 seconds and relax your hands.

3: Run 8-10 times.

II trimesterFor the muscles of the back and abdomen1: IP - sit on the floor, cross your legs, straighten your arms back.

2: Simultaneously rotate the upper half of the body and head, first to the right, then to the left.

3: Run 4-5 times.

For waist and back muscles1: IP - lie on your side, stretching out your arms in front of you and folding them with your palms together.

2: Raise the upper arm up and back, without turning the body.

3: Repeat the exercise on the other side.

4: Run 3-4 times.

For the muscles of the back and abdomen1: IP - sit on the floor, heels under the buttocks, knees pressed (if the stomach interferes, you can slightly spread your legs).

2: Gently lean forward, stretching your arms and trying to touch your forehead to the floor.

3: Run 2-3 times.

III trimesterTo strengthen the muscular corset of the back and abdomen (with dumbbells)1: IP - sitting on a fitball, lower your arms with dumbbells (back straight).

2: Bend your arms at the elbows, bringing the hands to the line of the shoulders, slowly lower.

3: Run 8-10 times.

For the muscles of the thighs and perineum1: IP - lying on the floor, place your right foot on the fitball.

2: Slowly roll the ball to the side and return it back. Repeat with the left leg.

3: Run 5-6 times.

For chest muscles1: IP - hold the fitball with outstretched arms in front of you.

2: Slowly squeeze the ball, then relax your hands.

3: Run 7-10 times.

This set of exercises is a good way to lose weight during pregnancy or just keep yourself in good shape.

Strict health monitoring

A sharp weight gain can be triggered by both a hormonal surge and ordinary overeating. Ignoring weight gain can lead to very sad consequences, such as:

  • late miscarriage;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • development of diabetes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • premature birth;
  • varicose veins on the legs;
  • gestosis.

The appearance of the latter is often associated with an unbalanced diet, and as a result, fluid retention in a woman's body. When diagnosing preeclampsia, a pregnant woman is placed in a hospital, since the development of this condition is fraught with risks of oxygen starvation for the fetus, as well as disorders in the work of the kidneys, liver and heart of the mother.

In addition to weekly weighing, pregnant women should regularly take tests that allow timely diagnosis of the development of diseases or any other pathological conditions.

How to care for the skin of the abdomen and thighs during pregnancy

A pregnant woman becomes especially beautiful. And everyone knows this.

But you will have to look after this new beauty with special attention. You need to take care of your skin with even more zeal than before pregnancy.

Skin care procedures during pregnancy will have their own nuances and differences from "pre-pregnancy" care. Firstly, from the first weeks you will feel that the skin has become drier and thinner, its sensitivity will increase. Quite often, age spots or redness may appear.

If you do not start actively moisturizing the skin in time, already in the first trimester, the mood of a pregnant woman can be spoiled by stretch marks in the abdomen or thighs, followed by cellulite.

What happens to the skin during pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy are physiological changes in the body or skin. This happens due to constant stress on the body due to its new position. The hormonal background changes dramatically, the water-lipid balance of the skin is disturbed , since the percentage of estrogens to progesterone in your body changes. Therefore, the skin becomes dry and very sensitive.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother dramatically increases the likelihood of stretch marks in the abdomen and chest. After all, it is in these places that the skin stretches the most, requiring more careful attention. You need to take care of her until the very birth.

Expectant mother Katya from our forum says: “I was very worried that during pregnancy I would not excite my husband at all. I took care of myself diligently, swam in the pool, signed up for yoga for pregnant women. I realized that expectant mothers really need care. I used all sorts of creams and oils against stretch marks almost immediately after conception. My husband loves me even more. Of course, it's mainly because I'm expecting our baby."

The most problematic areas are the chest, abdomen and hips. Of course, skin care products must be selected very carefully, because now your skin may react to some components in a completely different way than before pregnancy. The main distinguishing features of the products are hypoallergenicity and a high content of moisturizing ingredients.

How to care for the skin of the abdomen and thighs

For 9 months, the baby inside you is actively growing, and with it your body. This is how strong stretch marks and cellulite appear.

Stretch marks during pregnancy appear as a result of dysfunction of the cells that produce collagen and elastin . Even healthy skin has its limits for stretching. In expectant mothers, in places of strong tension, tissue fibers are torn, which the body seeks to quickly heal. This is where striae, or stretch marks, form. At first they are quite bright, but over time they become lighter and more inconspicuous.

Prevention of stretch marks is better than fighting them later. First of all, you must be a physically active mom. Sports or even a simple walk in the fresh air stimulates blood circulation and improves the degree of stretching of the skin.

Svetlana Podorozhnyak, therapist : “From the beginning of the second trimester, a woman can use special creams, gels, oils against stretch marks. If changes on the skin are noticeable earlier, you can start using them earlier. Massage and contrast showers (after consulting a doctor) improve the condition of the skin, especially in problem areas, by stimulating metabolic processes and improving blood circulation. To prevent the appearance of cellulite, use cosmetics that improve skin turgor (elasticity).

Weight control during pregnancy is also very important. The faster you recover, the higher the risk of stretch marks. If the weight is gained evenly, without sudden jumps, the less likely there will be these unpleasant skin changes.

To minimize the likelihood of stretch marks , it is necessary to thoroughly moisturize the skin. Care products for the abdomen and chest must contain vitamin E (responsible for the synthesis of elastin and collagen), lavender extract (heals tissue breaks) and cocoa butter (makes the skin supple and elastic, nourishing and moisturizing it well).

Start using cosmetics from the third or fourth month of pregnancy. Apply them on the skin of the abdomen and thighs with soft, stroking movements until completely absorbed. Remember that cosmetics should not contain chemicals . Everything should be as natural as possible.

During the application of creams or oils, you can simultaneously massage yourself, thereby improving blood circulation and increasing the flow of active ingredients.

Watch your diet . Let it be rich in beef, cheeses and dairy products, eggs, vegetable oil. It is better to leave flour and sweet dishes for “later”: they will only contribute to the appearance of excess weight and, as a result, stretch marks and cellulite.

Love yourself, take care, take care of your body, because now it is the repository of your most precious treasure in life. Beauty to you and easy pregnancy!

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