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What to do if a newborn, infant, or older child has a high temperature of 38-39 ° C without any symptoms?


Deviation from normal body temperature is a very important indicator in making a diagnosis. Hypothermia and hyperthermia are indicative of various diseases. But the temperature in an infant can vary depending on other factors that are not dependent on the disease.

The thing is that the processes of thermoregulation are still developing in infants, and they do not independently maintain the optimal body temperature. Hypo- and hyperthermia lead to serious consequences, so it is important to ensure that the body temperature of babies is within normal limits.

Temperature measurement for newborns

Newborn children can measure the temperature in different areas - in the armpits, in the rectum, in the mouth, in the groin or elbow folds, in the ears, and so on. There are some features of temperature measurement for children.

The temperature of the baby in different areas of the body may vary. Under the armpit, thermometer readings up to 37.4 degrees can be considered normal. In the rectum and in the ears, they are higher - the norm is up to 38 degrees. The temperature should be measured when the baby is calm and lies motionless. If at this time he sucks his mother’s breast, cries, actively moves, the mercury in the thermometer will reach a higher mark than it actually is.

What to do at low temperatures?

To know how to eliminate the low temperature, it is necessary to find out the reason for its decrease. If during the day the temperature fluctuates between 35.8°C and 37.1°C, this is considered normal. For example, in the morning, the rates are lower than in the evening.

If the temperature, measured three times a day, is low for several days, consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the necessary examinations and, after determining the causes that caused the temperature to drop, will prescribe a competent treatment. The doctor may prescribe the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and internal organs;
  • fluorography;
  • ECG;
  • general clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • chest x-ray.

If the tests show that you have a serious illness, you will definitely be referred to the appropriate specialists. In case of detection of reduced immunity, you will be prescribed vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, and also adjust your diet. At a low temperature, which was the result of hypothermia, it is required to give the victim hot sweet tea to drink and cover with a warm blanket. You can also warm up with a warm bath.

In the fair sex, the temperature may drop or rise depending on the menstrual cycle. To prevent the development of conditions accompanied by a decrease in body temperature, follow preventive measures. Be outdoors more often, avoid stress, eat right, exercise and harden your body.

What temperature should the child have?

The rate depends on the age of the child. For a one-year-old baby, the thermometer readings from 36 to 37.4 degrees are considered the norm. By the end of the first year of life, they are set in the range from 36 to 37 degrees.

If it is hot outside, the child is dressed too warmly, it is stuffy at home, the baby screams and worries, the mercury of the thermometer can reach up to 37.8 degrees. While this is not a reason to see a doctor. Ventilate the room, calm and change the child's clothes according to the weather, repeat the measurement in half an hour - an hour. The readings should go down.

When there are no other symptoms of the disease, one should try to create comfortable conditions for the baby, and everything will return to normal. If the thermometer shows 38 degrees, you need to call a pediatrician at home. When the body temperature is above 39 degrees, it's time to call an ambulance. The ambulance doctor who arrived will make a primary diagnosis and send a call to the district pediatrician the next day.

Causes of temperature jumps in women

Most often, sharp jumps in temperature are recorded in pregnant women. This phenomenon is due to the transformation of the hormonal background, a significant increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the blood. During pregnancy, body temperature usually rises and falls between 36.0 and 37.3°C.

Moreover, temperature fluctuations do not affect the well-being of expectant mothers. They are observed mainly during the first two or three months of gestation of the embryo, when the mother's body gets used to its interesting position. But in some women, the temperature jumps until the very birth.

Article in the topic - how long does the temperature drop after antibiotics.

Sharp temperature fluctuations pose a danger to the health of young mothers only if they are accompanied by a profuse rash on the skin, pain in the abdomen, impaired urination and other symptoms. Not only the pregnant woman herself, but also the baby in the womb can be seriously affected. Therefore, if you experience the slightest ailment during temperature fluctuations during pregnancy, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Sharp jumps in body temperature are often noticed at the onset of ovulation. At this time, temperatures jump from 36.0 to 37.3 ° C. In addition to fluctuations in temperature, signs of the onset of ovulation are the following symptoms manifested in a woman:

  • weakness, impotence;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • puffiness.

By the arrival of menstruation, the above symptoms disappear, the body temperature stops jumping. The deterioration of the woman's body during ovulation is not considered a pathology; in this case, you do not need to consult a doctor.

In the vast majority of older women, the temperature jumps in the initial stages of menopause. This phenomenon occurs due to a sharp decrease in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. Almost all representatives of the weaker sex, upon entering the menopause, in addition to temperature fluctuations, the following symptoms are observed:

  • flushes of heat;
  • excessive sweating;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • minor heart failure.

Fluctuations in body temperature during menopause are not dangerous to health. But if a woman feels very bad, then it is better for her to contact her doctor. It is likely that the medical specialist will have to prescribe hormonal therapy to the patient.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The reasons can be very different. If there are no other symptoms of any disease, a high fever in an infant is possible from:

  • overheating in summer from hot weather or in winter from too warm clothes;
  • conditions after vaccination;
  • teething;
  • infectious disease, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately.

Depending on the cause of the fever, measures are taken to eliminate it. Every parent should know what measures are needed in a particular case.

READ IN DETAILS: how many days does the temperature last when teething in children?

Measures for overheating

Overheating occurs in children of all ages when the weather is too hot or they are dressed too warmly. Newborns can be excessively insulated at home. Overheating manifests itself in the anxiety and whims of the baby. Parents understand that something is wrong with the child, put their hand to his forehead, find that the baby is hot. The thermometer can show more than 37.9 degrees. What to do:

  • bring the air temperature in the apartment to 22 degrees by thorough ventilation of the rooms;
  • in case of overheating on the street, take the baby home or take him to the shade;
  • undress the baby, leaving the lightest clothes on him or hold him completely without clothes;
  • offer him a plentiful, slightly warm drink throughout the day.

In the case when overheating really took place, the child's body temperature will drop in half an hour or an hour. If this does not happen, then there was no overheating, the reason is something else.

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This reason is very common. There are additional symptoms of teething that suggest that the child is not sick:

  • thermometer readings do not rise above 38 degrees;
  • a child from 6 months to 2.5 years (just at this age, milk teeth are cut);
  • the little man pulls all the objects into his mouth and tries to scratch his gums with them;
  • the gums are swollen, the edge of the tooth is slightly visible from above;
  • thermometer readings are increased no more than 3 days, after which they become normal.

READ IN DETAILS: a child is teething - symptoms and ways to help a baby

Parents consider increased salivation and poor appetite to be a sign of teething. This is wrong, in the third month the salivary glands actively develop in a child, and teeth are cut only at six months. Poor appetite occurs at elevated temperatures, which appeared for various reasons.

In case of heat during teething, the doctor will recommend keeping the baby at home and not bathing him entirely. It is also necessary to maintain a comfortable climate in the room and give the baby more to drink. If the values ​​on the thermometer exceeded 37.9 degrees, you can give the baby the children's antipyretic Nurofen (ibuprofen and paracetamol), which is also an anesthetic. It will reduce itching and relieve pain in the gums. To anesthetize the gums, there are children's ointments and gels that are used during teething.

READ IN DETAILS: ointments for children for teething

Applying all these measures, it must be borne in mind that in most cases a strong fever is a sign of an infectious disease - SARS, influenza, intestinal infections, and so on. To exclude these causes, you need to contact the children's clinic. The infection can also be activated during teething.

Reaction to vaccination

When a newborn is three months old, it is necessary to be vaccinated against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (DTP) or only against tetanus and diphtheria (DT). Which of these vaccinations to do, the pediatrician decides. Some children develop a fever after vaccination. Because of this, you should not worry if the temperature drops to normal the next day.

A one-year-old child is vaccinated against measles and mumps. This vaccination can cause fever on the 5-6th day after vaccination, and on the 8-10th day, the thermometer readings can be much higher than normal. Do not sound the alarm and call an ambulance. If the baby has no other signs of illness, nothing terrible happens. There are also vaccinations that should not cause fever in children - vaccination against polio and against tuberculosis (BCG).

Throat infections

It is necessary to learn how to look the baby in the throat and distinguish its redness from the usual state of the pharynx. Small sores, pimples may appear on the throat. Since throat infections are characterized only by a high fever and sore throat, which a small person cannot yet tell his mother about, such skills will come in handy for parents. These infections do not have other symptoms.

  • Acute pharyngitis is very common. All of the above signs - redness of the throat, sores, pimples - speak of this disease.
  • A fever can begin in a baby with herpangina. With it, bubbles also appear on the tonsils, the arches of the throat, on the back wall of the larynx.
  • Children who are three years old often have tonsillitis. It is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the tonsils and the back of the throat. The fever starts. One-year-old and younger children do not have this disease - they are protected by their mother's immunity, from 1 to 2 years of age, angina is also very rare.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. With angina, antibiotics are prescribed. Pharyngitis can be viral or bacterial. To prescribe a medication, the diagnosis is first specified. Herpangina is a viral disease and does not require antibiotic treatment.

Acute stomatitis

Children who often put dirty objects in their mouths may develop stomatitis. With stomatitis, the baby begins to salivate profusely. His temperature rises, his appetite decreases. Treatment of the disease requires specialist advice. Before the arrival of the doctor, the child should be put on a diet of liquid and pureed foods. The mouth can be rinsed with infusion of sage and chamomile or furacilin.

Acute otitis media

When bathing, water is sometimes poured into the ears of a newborn, which the parents did not wipe off in time. In a draft, the ear is supercooled, the infection in it is activated, otitis media begins. A thermometer in acute otitis media can show up to 40 degrees, the baby's ears hurt. He teases them and cries in pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for instillation into the ears or an antibiotic through injections. Sometimes you can get by with taking pills rather than injections.

Roseola (roseola rash)

Roseola (sudden exanthema) affects young children aged 9 months to 2 years. The disease begins with a rise in temperature to 38.5-40 degrees. The baby has swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Fever can last up to 5 days. Then it subsides, a patchy pink rash appears on the body. Then the rash disappears. The disease brings a common type of herpes. About 70% of children get it in early childhood.

SARS, influenza, colds

The common cold can cause a high fever. This means that the child's body fights the infection with the help of its immune system. Without pills, the disease should go away on its own in 7 days. You can give the little man tea with honey, boiled milk, raspberry jam and antipyretic in extreme heat. This will help you get rid of a cold. The thermometer readings exceed the norm for ARVI and influenza. Treatment in such cases is prescribed by a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient and his personal characteristics of the organism. Only a doctor can understand what disease your cub has started.

Infections of the urinary system and intestines

Urinary tract disease may be characterized only by significant fever. The most attentive parents notice that the baby hurts to urinate, that his legs or face are swollen. The diagnosis is made by the doctor, for which he prescribes tests. The urinary tract infection is bacterial in nature. When sick, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment.

Intestinal infections cause initially only a high fever. Other manifestations - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - do not appear immediately. Before these signs, sometimes it takes several hours, or even a day after the onset of the disease.

Why does the temperature change

Temperature allows you to assess the general state of human health. This is the most important indicator of our body, for which the hypothalamus is responsible - the part of the brain that monitors thermoregulation. The brain is sensitive to the slightest changes in the body, and the hypothalamus speaks of the problems that have arisen.

At night, immunity is most active, as the processes of restoring spent energy are launched. That is why body temperature fluctuates especially strongly at night. The immune system fights pathogenic signs by sending antibodies to the affected areas. Pyrogens are produced - substances that affect thermoregulation and the hypothalamus. This is one of the reasons why the temperature rises at night.

If you experience chills, sweating, or other ailments at night, take your temperature. These pathologies may indicate the presence of some kind of latent inflammation, especially if they occur permanently.

The main reasons causing temperature drops or increases:

  • Infectious diseases. This is a common reason why body temperature rises in the evening. If there are no other visible pathologies, we can conclude that the infection is sluggish, including dangerous diseases that require immediate treatment. If the body temperature increases constantly in the evening, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to find out the source in order to avoid an increase in the pathology.
  • Chronic fatigue. Now many people work from morning to evening, tired and exhausting their body, and the problem of fatigue is well known. It is bad that some began to consider this condition normal. Our bodies heat up with a large and prolonged consumption of resources. This can occur due to hard work, both mental and physical, chronic lack of sleep, excessive stress on the nervous system. All this leads to a decrease in immunity, which can not cope with the stress. The body turns on a defensive reaction, which is why the body temperature rises in the evening. Often this pushes a person to draw conclusions and begin to be more attentive to their health.
  • Recent illnesses. If you recently had some serious illness, for some time the temperature remains elevated, especially in the evening and at night. The body is not yet strong enough, and the immune system continues to defend itself against pathogenic agents. During the recovery period, you need to drink more vitamins, walk, relax, drink healthy herbal teas.
  • toxic effects. If the body is poisoned by any chemicals, the temperature may rise. This is often faced by people working under harmful working conditions or using potent drugs. The body is not able to remove toxins, so it defends itself in this way. In such situations, you should immediately go to the doctor.
  • Diet. Many sit on excessively rigid diets, trying to lose weight. If you sharply reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed, you can cause a change in temperature. The condition is not normal, as the body saves all possible resources, which affects thermoregulation. Diet is something that should not be carried away, especially if it is not developed by a nutritionist, but read on the Internet. This can lead to health problems that develop into something serious. It is best to make your diet balanced, eat portions of food fractionally, actively engage in sports and generally lead a healthy lifestyle. This will allow you to constantly keep yourself normal and avoid temperature fluctuations.
  • sedatives. These drugs affect not only the nervous system, relaxing us, but also inhibit the receptors that mark the change in ambient temperature. The body does not understand that it needs to warm up now, so it does not feel chills, and the temperature drops. If you notice this reaction in yourself, talk to your doctor about changing medications.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland. This body is responsible for a huge number of metabolic processes in our body. If you break this cycle, the body temperature in the evening will always fall. In such situations, you need to consult a doctor immediately, otherwise serious illnesses may occur.
  • Neoplasms. If the temperature constantly jumps, this may indicate neoplasms in the hypothalamus. They block the breakdown of substances and cause chills. If there is pressure on the hypothalamus, you need to quickly look for a method of treatment. Please note that a change in temperature may not be accompanied by other symptoms.

Observe temperature jumps regularly, do not delay going to the doctor.

How to alleviate the condition of a child with a high fever?

Pyretic is a temperature from 38 to 40 degrees (see also: what kind of temperature should a child bring down?). If the marks on the thermometer scale are as follows, you should call a doctor. The child should be given a baby antipyretic, non-drug methods of treatment can be used. It is desirable to give an antipyretic in the form of a syrup, it acts faster and more efficiently.

If the nature of the disease is viral, the fever will last no more than three days. When it does not subside further, this indicates the bacterial nature of the disease or a latent inflammatory process. You need to contact your pediatrician immediately. He will give directions for urine and blood tests, for x-rays and ultrasound, and based on the results, he will make a diagnosis.

The concept of the human thermoregulation system

Sometimes it can decrease or, conversely, exceed the upper limit marks. Significant deviations in one direction or another disrupt the coherence of the processes occurring in the body, and can even threaten life:

  • 28°C - the muscle structure is damaged;
  • 33°С – consciousness is lost;
  • 42 ° C - damage to the central nervous system occurs;
  • 44 ° C - death occurs.

But within 24 hours, there are still slight fluctuations in this indicator, which is due to some factors:

  • time of day;
  • hormonal stability;
  • physical activity;
  • temperature and humidity;
  • age.

Attention! Thermoregulation is controlled by the hypothalamus, a small area of ​​the diencephalon responsible for neuroendocrine activity and other vital body processes.

Its function is to respond to any changes in the external or internal nature, the development of the disease.

How to bring down the temperature without drugs?

If your baby is less than 13 weeks old and has a fever, and the thermometer shows a value above 38 degrees, you can try the old ways to relieve the heat. For an older baby, you can try to bring down the temperature above 39 degrees (we recommend reading: how can you quickly bring down the temperature in a child?).

READ ALSO: What to do if the child has a high fever and cold hands?

  • Do not cover a baby with a fever with a warm blanket. On the contrary, it must be cooled down. To do this, wet the gauze pads with warm water, put one of them on the baby’s forehead, the others on the bare arms and legs. The water will start to evaporate and the body will cool down. You can wipe the entire body of the baby with such a napkin from time to time. Pediatrician Komarovsky advises using warm water for wiping, and not vinegar or vodka, since it will not harm the baby's body and will not cause intoxication.
  • In extreme heat, the baby must be given plenty of fluids, because he sweats, and the fluid from the body evaporates. If the mother is breastfeeding, during a fever, you should offer him to eat more often than usual. For drinking use children's tea, boiled water or rehydration solution. Plentiful drink will be prescribed to the baby by the attending physician.
  • The patient should be at rest, observe bed rest. The air temperature in the room should be comfortable - 20-22 degrees. If you just undress the baby and hold him naked in the room for 10-15 minutes, the body will cool and the fever will subside.

READ ALSO: what should be the normal body temperature in newborns up to a month?

Sometimes when the baby is hot, the extremities remain cold. In this case, the legs and arms should be warmed by covering them or putting on socks and mittens. Such cooling of the extremities indicates poor circulation. It is necessary to give the baby a warm drink and carry out warming procedures.

The person is resting, the body is working

If in a dream all the functions of the body completely stopped, the person would simply die. Nature is arranged rationally, and while people are resting, their organs are working. Some are engaged in purification, others in restoration, others accumulate energy.

  • Muscles relax and rest, because they have the maximum physical load during the day. In a dream, they are not inactive, allowing a person to change the position of the body several times.
  • In order not to freeze without active movement, the internal “thermostat” is always on the alert.
  • The digestive system stops the breakdown of food that has entered it - the body does not need a large amount of energy during sleep. For this reason, it is not recommended to fall asleep with a full stomach.
  • By the beginning of sleep, breathing slows down and becomes more even, but depending on dreams, it can accelerate. There are also cases of temporary cessation of breathing (this is called apnea).
  • All organs (even sleeping ones) need oxygen and nutrition, so the circulatory system continues to work like clockwork. The rhythm of movement in the vessels is more calm due to a moderately working heart. The beating of the "motor" can accelerate or freeze under the influence of dreams.
  • Sleep is a good time to restore the immune system. There is a main fight against infections and bacteria that have entered the body. Rest helps to normalize the level of leukocytes in the blood, which is the key to strong immunity.
  • The hormonal system has distributed its functions at the stages of sleep and wakefulness. During the day, corticosteroids and adrenaline are produced, which are necessary for activity.
  • At night, protein growth hormone begins to be produced. It contributes to the restoration and renewal of all tissues and cells that have been “worn out” during the day.
  • Melatonin helps to enter the stage of sleep, which is responsible for controlling the rhythms of the body's life. The active formation of this hormone directly depends on the decrease in the temperature of the human body. As soon as the sleep cycle comes to an end, the production of melatonin decreases and the body temperature returns to normal during the day, causing the person to wake up.
  • It is during sleep that most of the hormones responsible for fertility and sexual activity are released - during this period, the best body temperature for them.

The brain controls all processes in the body, including the subconscious during sleep. Through nerve impulses, the necessary commands are given to each cell. He is also responsible for the stages of sleep, in each of which a person shows different activity. This is confirmed by the chaotic movement of the eyes under closed eyelids, a slight twitching of some muscles.

Some people talk and even laugh in their sleep - another confirmation of the work of the brain. No matter how actively internal processes go during this period, the body temperature does not rise, because in fact it is in a stationary state that does not require energy.

Medicines for high fever

After parents carry out non-drug measures to eliminate elevated temperature, the effect is achieved in half an hour. In the case when the measures did not help, it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

At the age of up to 3 months, medications are prescribed when the temperature has exceeded 38 degrees. Children who are already 3 months old are given an antipyretic after 39 degrees on the thermometer. There are exceptions - if the baby feels unwell, turns pale, feels chills, the medicine is given immediately, regardless of the thermometer reading.

There is a group of children who need to be given an antipyretic at temperatures above 37.5. These are sick children who have been diagnosed with heart disease (cardiomyopathy or congenital malformation), kidney disease, and pathology of the nervous system. There are children in whom fever leads to convulsions. If the baby has heart disease, fever can lead to serious malfunctions in its functioning. Nervous diseases lead to convulsions in intense heat.

READ ALSO: what to do if a 5-month-old baby has a temperature of 37.5?

To eliminate fever, babies are given drugs of 2 groups - paracetamol, on the basis of which Panadol and Eferalgan are made, and ibuprofen, which Nurofen consists of:

  • The dose of paracetamol is calculated based on the fact that 15 mg of the drug is given per 1 kg of weight at a time, and 60 mg per 1 kg of infant weight per day. The daily dose is divided into 4 doses. The doctor can increase the dose of the drug to 90 mg per 1 kg per day.
  • Ibuprofen is given in smaller doses - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per dose or 30 mg per kg of body weight per day.
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given in turn.
  • Adult medicines - Analgin and Aspirin, children should not be given!

Antipyretics in syrups and suppositories

There are certain rules on how to give medicinal syrups to children. First of all, they relate to the dosage. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the child, and not according to his age group. The syrup should not be given after taking it out of the refrigerator. You need to warm the bottle in your hand or in warm water. Different drugs help different children. If you have given ibuprofen and there is no result, you can give paracetamol after 2 hours.

READ ALSO: how much "Paracetamol" to give a child to lower the temperature?

Medicines for fever in suppositories act more slowly than in syrups, since a suppository in the rectum touches the baby's body with a smaller area than syrup in the stomach. In some cases, it makes sense to treat with candles. At elevated temperatures, some babies slow down the process of absorption of the medicine from the stomach, then there is only hope for a candle. In addition, many children vomit when they have a high fever and cannot swallow the medicine. There are children who are not helped by drugs taken by mouth, but a candle will help. If you gave the baby medicine, but the fever did not subside, you need to put a candle. And if you gave paracetamol syrup, then put a candle with ibuprofen.

Some nuances of relieving fever in a baby

  1. It is impossible to constantly “feed” a child with an antipyretic. Conduct a course of medication. If you give an antipyretic longer than the period prescribed by the doctor, you may not notice the complications from the disease, which also begins with a rise in temperature. This leads to the fact that the moment when it is necessary to start treatment of the complication will be missed.
  2. Antipyretics are not intended to prevent fever. They are prescribed prophylactically for some children only after DTP vaccination, which can cause severe fever. In this case, the drug is prescribed for a single dose.
  3. When a doctor prescribes an antibiotic to treat an illness, the antipyretic drug must be stopped, otherwise it will blur the picture of treatment. The antibiotic itself should cause a decrease in the thermometer readings, which is one of the indicators of its effectiveness.

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Sleep body temperature readings

Sleep is an important physiological state during which minimal brain activity and a slow reaction to external stimuli are recorded. At the same time, the level of activity of physiological systems and internal organs may decrease, but does not stop for a minute.

At the same time, the level of activity of physiological systems and internal organs may decrease, but does not stop for a minute.

Norm for sleep and wakefulness

Since the rate of chemical reactions and the intensity of the functioning of the body depends on age, normal temperature can also have different values ​​in different periods of life.

It's important to know! According to research, at night the human body is in an unstable state, and body temperature during sleep can also change. So, from 2.00 to 3.00 hours, the lowest values ​​were recorded - 35-35.5 ° С, which is due to the slowdown in the activity of organs and systems and the activation of catabolic processes.

But since information received during the day is processed in a dream, the brain, on the contrary, enhances its functionality, which invariably leads to an increase in the temperature of this organ.

In the morning, the body begins to wake up and prepare for a new day, so the work of all vital systems resumes. As a result, the body temperature rises to normal levels.

Abnormal night temperature and accompanying signs

If the state of health does not cause anxiety, and the temperature of the human body during sleep and after waking up has slight deviations, then it is considered normal. Thermoregulation is provided by the endocrine system, which, if necessary, starts the processes of increasing or, conversely, reducing this indicator. When the temperature rises during sleep, it is well felt by a person, as it is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • chills, fever, or fever;
  • headache;
  • body aches, especially in the joints and muscles;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • dry mouth that persists after drinking liquids;
  • increased sweating, or, conversely, its absence.

If unpleasant symptoms are pronounced, then any antipyretic will help to eliminate them.

List of reasons why the thermometer rises

The temperature indicator is considered an important factor by which one can determine the state of human health. The main reason for the development of hyperthermia are pyrogens - substances that affect heat metabolism and increase the effectiveness of the fight against pathological disorders. They can penetrate from the outside or be secreted by cells of the immune system.

If in a dream the body temperature rises, then the factors provoking this condition in the absence of characteristic symptoms of a cold are:

  • the onset of menstruation or pregnancy;
  • the development of a latent inflammatory process;
  • severe infections occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • STIs, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • nutritional errors due to a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates;
  • endocrine disorders associated with the production of the hormone thyroxine;
  • poisoning with toxins or chemicals due to specific activities;
  • long-term use of drugs of some groups can also provoke a rise in thermometer readings.

In most cases, abnormal body temperature during sleep is an indicator of the presence of an incomplete pathological process in the body.

Factors contributing to a decrease in the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the thermometer

It is considered proven that one of the signs of ill health is fever. But the presence of any violations may also indicate a reduced value of this indicator. If hypothermia persists for a long period, then a person develops such conditions as weakness, loss of strength, depression, drowsiness, apathy. He often complains of chills, feeling of coldness in the extremities. The most common causes of hypothermia, and a decrease in its rates to 35.8 ° C and below, are:

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