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After removing a mole, how to smear (treat) a wound for speedy healing

 Women who have undergone treatment should know what not to do after cauterization of erosion - the result of treatment depends on this.

Violations of the integrity of the epithelium of the cervix is ​​a complex pathology that is diagnosed in every second woman. Such a violation occurs due to many reasons and has a background of inflammatory processes in the body. Cauterization is used when conservative treatment fails.

Violations of the integrity of the epithelium of the cervix

Methods of radical impact on the cervical mucosa are constantly being improved, becoming more and more gentle for a woman. The prohibitions that a woman must adhere to after radical treatment depend on the method by which cauterization was carried out.

Ways to remove papillomas

Modern medicine has developed various methods for removing neoplasms, which differ in chemical, hardware and surgical. The choice of method depends on the location of the papillomas, their size, number and preference of the patient. The doctor, depending on the indications, may recommend:

  • chemical cauterization;
  • cryodestruction;
  • radio wave surgery;
  • surgical excision with a scalpel;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser treatment.

Photo 1: The speed of healing and the manifestation of side effects depend on the flawless execution of the procedure and postoperative care, which may differ depending on the method used to remove the papilloma. Source: flickr (Vlad Dostoevsky).

Wound care after destruction

Of all the ways to remove papillomas , the least traumatic and bloodless are electrocoagulation and laser removal .

Laser removal of papillomas

The essence of the procedure is that a high-temperature laser beam burns out the neoplasm, while sealing the damaged vessels and skin cells. Thanks to powerful cooling, pain sensations are blocked.

Bleeding, postoperative scarring and inflammation with this method of wart removal are practically excluded.

The safety and sterility of the procedure is due to the fact that the instrument itself does not come into contact with the patient's skin.

The laser acts only on the keratinized growth, therefore it does not leave any burns on healthy areas of the skin .

Postoperative wound care after laser destruction consists in lubricating it with wound healing agents.

It is important! You can not tear off the crust formed after laser removal of papilloma! This can lead to infection and suppuration.


A high-frequency, precisely coordinated electric current is applied to the papilloma and adjacent tissues using electrodes of various shapes. Under the influence of temperature up to 800C, the cellular protein is folded, the tissue is wrinkled, then charred.

The procedure is almost painless, if we are not talking about large neoplasms . In this case, it is performed under local anesthesia. Tissue samples are usually subject to histological analysis for benign papilloma.

Note! It is recommended to lubricate the dry crust at the site of the removed wart with antiseptics for 10 days.

Treatment of the wound after removal of papillomas

With other methods of destruction, the healing of the wound surface is more difficult.

To speed up the healing process and avoid inflammation, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not remove the crust;
  • do not wet the operated area;
  • exclude injury and exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not apply cosmetic, detergents to the wound area;
  • do not stick it with adhesive tape and do not bandage it.

You can treat the skin around the crust:

  • iodine solution (5%);
  • pharmaceutical greenery;
  • alcohol solution.

After the scab falls off on its own, in order to accelerate healing, it is recommended to apply:

  • Solcoseryl. Promotes the production of collagen, accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Ointment with hydrocortisone. Relieves swelling, itching and inflammation.
  • Methyluracil ointment. It has anti-catabolic and anabolic effects, stimulates regeneration.

It is important! Any postoperative complications - suppuration, inflammation, weeping wound - require immediate medical advice!


Often, women may not notice the appearance of pronounced signs of the disease at all, since the cauterization itself still provokes the occurrence of certain symptoms. But directly in this period, every woman is obliged to focus special interest on changes in her body in order to quickly stop the disease.

The most basic signs of thrush are:

  • thick white vaginal discharge that may resemble cottage cheese;
  • discharge appears very often;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • minor pain in the lower abdomen.

When the uterine cavity is infected, it is possible to note excessive cutting pain in the lower abdomen, and in addition, excessive white and bloody discharge.

Therapy in this version is determined only by a specialist after taking all the tests for examination.

How to avoid complications

Removal of papilloma should be done exclusively by an experienced doctor - dermatologist, oncologist, surgeon . You should not trust such a responsible matter to a beautician from a beauty salon. Before removing the build-up, the doctor will conduct a visual examination and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary studies, after which he will make a clear diagnosis, on which the treatment will depend.

He will also recommend wound care products, with the help of which the skin area after destruction will heal faster and without complications.

Pain, inflammation and suppuration are almost always the result of improper care, bacteria ingestion, peeling off the scab.

Note! If complications occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment with ointments containing antibiotics: lincomycin, erythromycin, to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Another cause of complications is an allergy to some antiseptics: potassium permanganate solution, calendula tincture. After their use for wound treatment, itching and flushing of the skin may occur. If an allergic reaction occurs, the drugs should be changed to those recommended above, in parallel using antiallergic drugs: Loratadin, Fenistil.

How to avoid scars

After removal of large papillomas, the formation of keloid scars is possible, which can only be eliminated with the help of peeling or laser procedures.

To avoid the appearance of keratinization and irregularities, you need to take preventive measures .

One of the most effective means to prevent scarring is Contractubex gel, which has antithrombotic, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic effects.

Photo 2: Daily use of the product up to 2-3 times a day for a month will help to avoid the appearance of scar tissue and eliminate the fresh scar that has already formed. Source: flickr (Aleksey Salov).

Frequently asked questions when removing papilloma

  • How soon after papilloma removal can I sunbathe?

It is necessary to refrain from sunbathing and exposure to the sun in general throughout the healing period of the postoperative wound. You can start sunbathing no earlier than a month later, when the crust falls off (on its own!), And young, pink skin forms in its place.

  • How long does healing take?

The duration of the healing process depends on the method of removal of the papilloma and on the size of the formation itself and lasts from two to six weeks. During this time, the redness subsides and the scab falls off.

  • When can I bathe after surgery?

The wound should not be wetted until complete healing. The average is one month. Therefore, hygiene procedures must be performed with the utmost care.

  • Are relapses possible?

According to various sources, relapses after removal of papillomas occur in 16-30% of patients. It is important to remember that warts are just an outward manifestation of HPV infection. The problem cannot be solved only by removing papillomas. It is necessary to take a course of antiviral, immunostimulating therapy, and in the future try to lead a correct lifestyle and monitor your health.

Treatment of wounds after removal of papillomas is an important step that affects the speed and quality of epidermis rehabilitation after destruction of the neoplasm. If you properly care for the wound, you can minimize the risk of recurrence, scarring and inflammation.

When cauterization is not performed

Not all women are shown radical treatment. There are a number of conditions under which the method becomes impractical.

Contraindications to cauterization are as follows:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • sexual infections and HPV;
  • the presence of bleeding;
  • blood diseases that disrupt its coagulability;
  • neoplasms of the vagina and cervix;
  • childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • postpartum period;
  • diabetes;
  • installed spiral;
  • a history of caesarean sections;
  • pathologies from the central nervous system;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (in some cases).

If the cause, due to which erosion is not cauterized, can be eliminated, medical treatment is carried out, and then a decision is made to cauterize. This applies to inflammatory diseases and sexual infections, exacerbations of chronic pathologies.

In most cases, an epithelial defect occurs against the background of inflammation, and doctors do not have a unanimous opinion on this matter - whether erosion is a provocateur of inflammation, weakening the body's defenses, or vice versa - constant infection affects the reproduction of the epithelium.

How is the process of skin recovery after removal of papillomas?

Regardless of how the neoplasm was removed, an open wound forms at the site of destruction. As a rule, it has a funnel-shaped form. The depth and size of the damage depends on the method of removing the build-up, as well as on its diameter, the depth of penetration into the dermis.

If the size of the papilloma was impressive, then the depth of the wound can reach the papillary layer of the epidermis. This means that the process of tissue repair will be long, there is a high risk of scar formation even with proper care and treatment of the wound after removal of the papilloma.

After that, the wound is covered with a protective dense crust of dried lymph and blood products. This crust is a natural "bandage" for damage, which protects it from pollution, mechanical damage, microorganisms.

To form a scab, free access of oxygen to the surface of the wound is necessary. Therefore, it is impossible to cover the damaged area when treating the wound after removing the papilloma with adhesive tape for a long time. Oxygen dries the protruding lymph and blood, forming a dense crust.

The scab on the wound lasts about a month and should fall off on its own when the damage is completely healed. Under the crust, new epidermal cells are formed. Over time, young pink skin forms under the scab. In the first days, it stands out significantly from the rest of the skin. But in the process of regeneration, the shade at the site of removal of the build-up merges with a healthy epidermis.

Thus, wound healing after removal of papillomas by laser or any other method occurs within 3-4 weeks. However, this process is individual for each patient and its duration depends on the general state of the immune system, the regenerative abilities of the skin, the location of the damage and its depth.

Is coexistence possible?

Erosion - damage to the mucous membrane, similar to abrasion on the skin, which does not heal for a long time. Thrush is an infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which settle on the mucosa. Fungal infections are common and are not always associated with the presence of erosion. But in most cases, thrush and erosion occur together.

This is due to the following reasons:

  • With erosion, the mucosa is more loose and inflamed. It is much easier for a fungus to take root on it;
  • In the presence of such a pathology, local tissue immunity decreases significantly. Namely, he is able to resist the activity of the fungus;
  • Sometimes the presence of erosion also affects general immunity. It also protects to some extent (if strong enough) against Candida;
  • The microflora of the mucosa is disturbed in this disease. It also significantly increases the risk of developing mycosis;
  • By themselves, mechanical trauma to the mucosa also increases this risk.

Thus, although thrush does not always indicate the presence of erosion, erosion is almost always accompanied by thrush.

Thrush is a frequent companion of erosion

Rules for wound care after removal of papillomas

Do not use adhesive plaster after removing papillomas!

In order for the wound to heal as quickly and without complications as possible after removal of the skin formation, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations for caring for the damaged area.

Wound healing after removal of papillomas requires compliance with the following conditions:

  • Keep the affected area well ventilated to allow a crust to form. Do not use the adhesive plaster on the site of destruction of the neoplasm, so as not to further irritate the skin and not block access to oxygen.
  • Until the crust itself falls off, it is forbidden to separate it from the wound. Otherwise, you can cause severe bleeding. After healing, a scar often remains at the site of removal. There is also a risk of infection in an open wound.
  • Try as little as possible to touch the place of tissue healing with your hands. Avoid pressure, friction of the damaged area of ​​the epidermis.
  • Until the scab falls off, it is not recommended to frequently wet the wound, as well as apply decorative cosmetics to it. This can lead to traumatic peeling of the crust. If water gets on the damaged area, you should allow it to dry on its own or blot it with a dry cloth. Do not rub the place with a hard towel. So wound healing after removal of the papilloma will be faster.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the site of papilloma removal until the skin in this area is completely restored. It is recommended to use a sunscreen with a high protection factor.
  • You can not treat a place with young pink skin after a recently healed wound with scrubs, aggressive chemicals, including those containing alcohol.
  • Do not rub the delicate skin at the site of a healed wound after removing the papilloma with a washcloth and do not use a razor in this area for some time.
  • Refuse for a while from visiting the sauna, solarium, swimming pool.

Restrictions and advice for the rehabilitation period

The main rule for the successful healing of damaged tissues is that during the recovery period after surgery, any actions that can provoke bleeding are avoided. For 1 or 2 months after the destruction of the ESM, a woman is recommended:

  • observe sexual rest and not become pregnant;
  • replace sanitary tampons with pads, change them often;
  • do not douche;
  • switch to underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • refrain from lifting weights and playing sports;
  • do not lie in the bathroom, but take a shower of medium temperature (not hot and not cold);
  • delay going to the sauna, swimming pool or beach, and not swimming in open water;
  • do not take medicines that contain acetylsalicylic acid;
  • do not be under direct bright sunlight;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • postpone diagnostic methods with the introduction of instruments into the vagina (for example, ultrasound with a vaginal probe).

Failure to comply with these rules threatens a general deterioration in well-being, the development of infection, and heavy bleeding. Therefore, in order for the healing process to go according to plan, the doctor always tells the patients about the restrictions on the rehabilitation period and gives advice on how to quickly recover after cauterization. Often the doctor prescribes suppositories for a woman (for example, sea buckthorn or Depantol). With the infectious nature of ESM, antiviral suppositories Kolpocid are prescribed.

On a note! Women are advised to fight bacteria with Terzhinan vaginal tablets or Levomekol ointment.

How to treat wounds after removal of papillomas?

Photo of brilliant green for treating wounds after removing papillomas

As a rule, with a gentle method of destruction of papillomas, for example, with a laser or radioknife, the wound does not require the use of special care preparations. The area of ​​damage is usually minimal in size and depth, which means that it is easily and quickly restored in a natural way.

Before choosing how to treat a wound after removing a papilloma with a laser or any other method, it is worth remembering that the list of recommended remedies depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the condition of his skin, and the location of the neoplasm. In most cases, doctors prescribe antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Complications after removal of papillomas

In the photo Levomekol for the treatment of wounds after removal of papillomas

The main complication after removal of a benign skin neoplasm may be wound infection . As a rule, purulent inflammation is accompanied by fever (local and general), pain, swelling, redness, pulsation in the wound. This indicates that an infection with staphylococcus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa has occurred.

If the doctor suspects bacterial inflammation, then the first thing he will do is open the wound and clean it of pus. For this, medicines such as Furacilin solution are used.

or its analogue - hydrogen peroxide .

In the future, the use of antimicrobial drugs will be required - treatment of wounds after removal of papillomas by Levomekol

(from 25 rubles) or its analogue Tetracycline ointment. After eliminating the symptoms of inflammation, the wound should be treated in the same way as a regular scab.

Also, scars can become a complication after the destruction of deep and large papillomas and warts Preventive measures will help reduce the risk of their formation. They should be used at the stage of wound healing, if the patient has a tendency to form keloid scars. To do this, you can use tools such as Contractubex

(from 713 rubles) or its analogues Venitan Forte and Dermofibrase.

How to treat wounds after removing papillomas - look at the video:

Removal of papillomas is only the first stage in the process of getting rid of unwanted neoplasms. High-quality skin care after the destruction of the build-up is important so that no traces remain after the procedure. Self-medication in this case is not recommended. Only a specialist is able to paint the correct scheme for preventive treatment and treatment of wounds after removal of papillomas in order to avoid consequences and accelerate tissue regeneration.

City Dermatovenerologic Dispensary St. Petersburg

Treatment of papillomas is a complex process and the first stage on the path to recovery is the removal of pathological neoplasms. Next comes the rehabilitation period, during which the patient needs to take care of the resulting wound. As a rule, after the destruction of small papillomas, the skin is restored quickly, and there are no traces of the intervention. If the removed process was large, the wound will heal a little longer, and you need to take care of it more carefully. Proper care will prevent the development of complications, scarring, and also help to avoid relapse.

How long does healing take

It is impossible to determine exactly how long the recovery period will last, the healing process is influenced by several factors at once - localization, size, as well as the number of neoplasms, subsequent care of the wound surface and the body's ability to resist the virus.

In addition, the duration of recovery is affected by the method of destruction, as well as the professionalism of the doctor. There are several ways to remove papillomas. The average period of rehabilitation after:

  • Cryodestruction - 14-18 days . Immediately after removal, swelling, hyperemia will appear, an epidermal bubble is formed. After a day, all the symptoms disappear, and the death of the pathological tissue begins;
  • Laser removal - 7-10 days . At the site of exposure, redness is observed, similar to a sunburn and a small wound, which eventually becomes covered with a crust;
  • Radio wave destruction - 4-7 days . After excision, redness appears around the former papilloma (it disappears within a day), then a scab forms;
  • Electrocoagulation - 10-14 days . On the treated area, redness and swelling are noticeable, which disappears within a day, after which a scab begins to form;
  • Excisions with a scalpel - 30 days . Due to the fact that the surrounding healthy tissues are involved in the removal process, a scar is inevitably formed at the site of exposure.

Honey treatment

Honey and propolis are widely used in gynecological practice for the treatment of cervical erosion. The honey product is used for tampons and douches, suppositories are formed from propolis.

  1. A tablespoon of natural honey should be diluted in a cup of warm water, the solution is used for everyday douching.
  2. A small amount of the product should be wrapped in a bandage or gauze cut, the formed tampon should be inserted directly into the vagina every time before going to bed for 14 days.
  3. Melt 4-5 tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of propolis tincture and ½ pack of butter in a water bath, cool and form candles. They are recommended to be used every evening for 2 weeks.

Many women claim that after a few sessions, you can notice a significant improvement in well-being.

The first day after papilloma removal

During the first 24 hours after the removal of growths, the skin in the affected area is inflamed, hyperemic, and edematous. The patient may experience itching and even slight pain. The severity of such symptoms directly depends on the size of the removed neoplasm (the larger the growth, the more intense the manifestations).

It does not matter which destructive method was used, after a day all the unpleasant symptoms begin to subside, and a wound is clearly visible at the site of the removed papilloma. Over time, the wound surface begins to tighten with a scab, which is formed from the lymphatic fluid. The crust that appears not only prevents infection of the wound, but under it regeneration of the epithelial tissue occurs - in fact, the scab performs a protective function, it protects the newly formed thin skin from the negative impact. If this crust is accidentally (or deliberately) disrupted, the healing process will last for a few more days.

In order for the recovery period to pass quickly and without complications, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for caring for the wound surface (the doctor will tell you how and with what to treat the wound).

Normal discharge

Immediately after the operation, bleeding is almost always excluded: the scab prevents this by fixing the vessels. In the first 10-12 days of the rehabilitation period, a clear or white watery discharge normally appears, to which blood clots are gradually mixed. If coagulation is carried out according to all the rules, the secret is released in a small volume and does not smell. Over time, it becomes more viscous.

Important! If there are particles of pus in the discharge or they have an unpleasant odor, this indicates the development of an infection. A woman should also be alerted by burning and itching. In such a situation, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist.

After 14-20 days from the moment of cauterization, the crust peels off. The secret acquires a thick mucous consistency and turns pink or red. Such spotting lasts after cauterization of erosion for about 10 days and is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen. At a certain point, the intensity of bleeding increases: this indicates the complete separation of the scab, since peeling off the crust damages small vessels. Normally, blood stops flowing after a few hours. If this does not happen, they urgently go to the clinic: bleeding that does not stop carries the danger of severe blood loss.

At the last stage of recovery after the procedure, women observe smearing thick brown discharge. Usually they go no more than a week, disappearing without a trace. At the end of rehabilitation, only the usual whitish secret is released in patients, and after menstruation occurs, and the cycle returns to normal. These consequences should not cause concern. They are absolutely normal.

Care instructions

Strict adherence to certain rules will help speed up the pace of recovery, as well as avoid complications and relapses.

After removing papillomas, you can not:

  • Injure the wound surface (avoid any mechanical damage, wearing tight clothing or underwear);
  • Cover the wound with adhesive tape (free access of air helps speed up the process of regeneration and scab formation). It is allowed to apply a bactericidal patch when going outside;
  • Stay in the open sun for more than 10 minutes (the same bactericidal patch will help protect the wound from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation). If the neoplasm was located on the eyelid, wear sunglasses;
  • Wet for 24 hours, and even more so wash the wound with soap or other hygiene products (you need to wash very carefully, also do not rub the wound surface with a towel, just blot excess moisture with it, this will be enough);
  • Visit solariums, go to baths, swim in pools and open water for at least 3 weeks. Also, all this time it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.
  • Tear off the crust from the surface of the wound (thus prolonging the recovery process).

Tampons with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a folk recipe familiar to almost every woman and widely used in gynecological practice for the treatment of many diseases. Cotton wool or a small gauze swab is moistened with sea buckthorn oil, after which it is inserted into the vaginal opening.

It is recommended to carry out the treatment procedure at night, since the sea buckthorn tampon can leave noticeable marks on clothes or bed linen, which are almost impossible to remove. The best option would be a regular sanitary pad over a tampon. This method is highly effective in the treatment of diseases such as cervical cancer.

Video: Making a tampon with sea buckthorn at home

How to treat the wound surface

Of course, it is necessary to protect the wound from injuries, the negative impact of the environment, but these actions are not enough for effective healing. In order for the recovery period to pass without complications, the wound surface should be treated with antiseptic preparations.

However, remember that not all drugs are suitable for such manipulations - some are too aggressive and cause irritation, peeling of the skin, others are water-based, so after application the protective crust softens.

Most often, in order to speed up healing during the first 3-4 days, it is recommended to use antiseptics such as potassium permanganate, fukortsin, calendula infusion, chlorhexidine, as well as ordinary iodine or brilliant green. Further, if all actions are performed correctly, the scab is formed and rejected. After the crust has fallen off, doctors may recommend that patients use agents that improve tissue regeneration.

Most often, epithelizing, transdermal ointments, gels are used, such as Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Methylarucil, Iruxol, and others. They not only stimulate regenerative processes, but also have antibacterial, anabolic activity, and prevent scarring.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the use of steroid drugs, such as hydrocortisone ointment, which relieves inflammation, swelling, and itching. It should be noted that the product can be applied on a dry surface, that is, if even after the rejection of the scab, ichor or lymphatic exudate protrudes from the wound, this cannot be done.

Complications after removal

Usually complications arise in two cases - an inexperienced doctor or non-compliance with recommendations for care.

Lack of qualification can lead to the fact that during the removal process, the doctor unnecessarily injures areas of the healthy dermis around the papilloma, hence the long healing period and tissue scarring. To avoid such a complication as a scar, you can use the Contractubex cream (it is applied after the scab is peeled off, rubbed twice a day, the course is 1 month).

Also, due to his inexperience, the doctor may not completely remove the neoplasm - the remaining part of the papilloma begins to grow again - a relapse occurs, requiring repeated intervention.

Whether complications appear or not largely depends on the patient himself, or rather, on how correctly and regularly he followed the doctor's instructions. Without proper care, the wound surface may turn red, inflamed, pus will begin to stand out from it, and soreness will appear. Such symptoms indicate infection and require the use of antibacterial drugs (for example, Levomekol ointment).

If a seal appears on the treated surface, which is inflamed and causes pain on palpation, consult a doctor immediately, such signs may indicate the development of an abscess. In this situation, an autopsy and cleansing of the lesion is performed, followed by antibiotic therapy.

Even if the removal and healing was successful, after a while, papillomas may reappear - destruction is the first step towards recovery, then antiviral immunostimulating therapy is needed, which will help suppress HPV activity and increase the body's supporting forces.

The occurrence of re-erosion

If the recommendations are not followed, a recurrence of erosion is possible. The main causes of recurrence are:

  • low immunity, which is provoked by stress, hard work, inflammatory processes in the body, malnutrition, or vice versa - obesity;
  • acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • age-related hormonal disruptions or pregnancy;
  • violation of sexual hygiene (many sexual partners, unprotected, rough sex, use of sexual toys).

Initially, an incorrect determination of the cause of the disease or incorrectly prescribed treatment can lead to a recurrence of erosion.

Whatever method is used to cauterize cervical erosion, during medical manipulations, unhealthy tissues are destroyed so that a new layer of cells forms in this place.

But such a mini-operation does not solve all problems. During the rehabilitation period, a woman additionally needs to undergo a course of local therapy.

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