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Is it necessary to be concerned about a brown discharge after taking Regulon?


Indications for the abolition of Regulon

Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive used for planned contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the severity of PMS symptoms. However, in some cases, the completion of the drug is required:

  • if a woman wishes to become pregnant;
  • if a woman does not have an active sex life;
  • if the side effects of Regulon began to bother;
  • if additional barrier contraception is needed;
  • if a woman becomes pregnant while taking Regulon.

Medical indications for stopping birth control pills:

  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the organ of vision;
  • upcoming operations.

After giving up the contraceptive within 2-3 months, the reproductive function of the woman is restored, that is, the connection between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries is resumed. Gradually, the ovaries begin to function: an egg matures in them, ovulation occurs, and then, if pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum remains. This whole process is accompanied by the release of its own hormones.

A healthy woman who took the drug for contraception should not have negative consequences after its withdrawal. But each woman is individual, and one cannot be absolutely sure that there will be no side effects. The rate of resumption of ovulation processes after the end of taking the contraceptive depends on the properties of the drug, the age and health of the woman, and most importantly, on the duration of the drug.

The instruction to the drug determines contraception and prevention of pregnancy as the main purpose of its use. Regulon is also prescribed to restore the cycle, in case of hormonal imbalances, and to eliminate the diseases listed below:

  • tumor of the uterus;
  • abdominal cramps during regular;
  • development of endometriosis and adenomyosis;
  • the formation of cysts in the mammary glands and internal genital organs.

The drug is indicated for bleeding in the uterus and low concentrations of progesterone in the body due to abortion. Studies indicate almost 100% protection against pregnancy on the days of using the drug. However, you can use the pills, knowing all the rules for taking them. For example, if a woman misses a pill, an additional dose must be taken later and the oral contraceptive should be replaced with a local one.

What to do with discharge?

Is it possible to do something to make it less smeared? Unfortunately, this depends on the female hormone balance, so it is impossible to deal with such a problem until the adaptation period is over. But the patient can alleviate her condition. To do this, you need to wash regularly - at least 2 times a day, so that the labia does not turn red. They must be kept clean and fresh at all times. This way you can avoid itching and burning.

In addition, the use of sanitary pads is recommended. If the discharge is not abundant, the usual daily will do. With a more pronounced discharge, it is recommended to use menstrual pads.

The action of the drug

The composition of Regulon includes ethinylestradiol, which is a component of the estrogen type, desogestrel and progestin. The effect of the drug occurs due to blocking the production of hormones by the pituitary gland. The production of substances that affect critical days is reduced. Gestagens block the formation of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating components. Ovulation stops and the sperm is unable to fertilize the egg.

The action of ethinyl estradiol is to change the consistency of the mucus that forms in the cervix. Penetrating into the body of a woman, the sperm enters the aggressive microflora and cannot continue further advancement. The egg matures slowly, the development of yellow formation is inhibited, and the follicle remains intact. The underdevelopment of the endometrium is manifested.

In case of successful formation of the zygote, the cell will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. The nutrition of the fetal egg will also be insufficient. The contractility of the uterine tubes will decrease, and the egg will not be able to move through them at the required speed. However, in some situations, the components of the drug negatively affect the course of menstruation and there is a delay after Regulon is canceled, or menstruation does not end in any way.

Regulon Cancellation Rules

To finish taking the drug, you need to drink all the tablets from the package, completing the next menstrual cycle. Abrupt cancellation of Regulon in the middle of the cycle is undesirable, but is allowed in case of such alarming symptoms as:

  • high blood pressure;
  • pain in the legs;
  • dyspnea;
  • jaundice;
  • skin itching;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea or vomiting.

After 3-4 months of taking Regulon, the woman's body recovers very quickly. After the end of the last package of the drug, you can plan a pregnancy without taking a break.

If a woman took the drug for 6 months or more, then it will take 2-3 months to restore childbearing function. Due to prolonged use of the contraceptive, the endometrium is exuded (atrophied). Under such conditions, implantation of a fertilized egg is less likely.

After prolonged use of Regulon for 5-15 years, careful withdrawal of the drug is necessary with a gradual decrease in the dose of hormones, under the guidance of a gynecologist.

Note! Taking Regulon leads to a deficiency of folic acid, therefore, after discontinuation of the drug, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of this vitamin.

Do I need to visit a doctor?

If bleeding occurs while taking Regulon, it is recommended to go to the attending gynecologist. Even if a woman is healthy, an extra check will not hurt her. During therapy with Regulon, you can not place a gynecologist in the first 3 months of therapy. But if, in addition to the discharge, additional signs are observed - severe abdominal pain, it is necessary to visit a doctor. This is especially important if the bleeding is very heavy, and the woman has to change the pad more than once every 3 hours.

If after 3 months of therapy discharges begin, when they should not be at all, this may indicate the need to adjust the therapeutic regimen. In addition, this may indicate the beginning of the development of some kind of pathology. And most diseases are easier to treat in the early stages.

How to apply

In order for the contraceptive to have the desired effect, the first days of menstruation should serve as the beginning of taking the medication. It is better to use the medicine immediately when bleeding occurs. A delay of up to 5 days is possible. The first week after the start of use, you must use local contraception.

Therapy continues for 21 days. Then you need to take a week break. The second or third day after the abolition of Regulon is the time when menstruation comes. Bloody discharge may also appear later - within a seven-day period. Menstruation indicates the cessation of the effect of the drug. On the 29th day of the cycle, OK is resumed with a new package. How many to repeat the course is desirable to check with the gynecologist.

The menstrual cycle after the abolition of Regulon

There are several rules for the use of the drug and the correct termination of its use: It is undesirable to take pills for a long period and allow a dose to be skipped. If a woman is going to conceive and bear a child in the future, after several months of therapy with Regulon, regular breaks should be taken. So the reproductive function of the body will get time to recover.

Before canceling the medicine, you need to consult a gynecologist. It is safest to stop using the product with the last capsule from the package. The risk of negative consequences will be minimized, and the situation when there is no menstruation after the abolition of Regulon will not occur.

7 days after the end of taking the effect of the tablets is preserved. Then, in order to avoid pregnancy, you need to switch to barrier contraception. If a woman wants to conceive a child, it is better to wait until the third menstruation after the end of the course. During this time, the reproductive organs should resume work. Also, before conception, it is imperative to undergo a complete check-up of the body in the clinic.

There are situations in which the medication has to be abandoned urgently. Immediate discontinuation of the use of the drug occurs with sudden jumps in pressure (arterial pressure reaches 140/90), cramps in the legs, and breathing problems.

Side effects that may occur while using an oral contraceptive include jaundice, skin rash, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, constant lethargy and fatigue, itching for no reason, and abnormal liver function. Such situations require you to immediately cancel the medicine and consult a doctor.

Do not wait 21 days of therapy and stop taking if serious injuries and burns have occurred, surgery is planned, there is an urgent need for the use of inductive drugs for kidney oxidation, medications for seizures, tranquilizers and antidepressants.

After taking drugs that affect the concentration of hormones in the body, the body of each woman reacts differently. Some patients drink Regulon, and menstruation does not stop, for others, critical days come with a delay. After three months of using the remedy, deviations in the menstrual cycle appear due to the body getting used to changes in the hormonal background.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Diet failure.
  • Fast weight loss.
  • Frequent stress and anxiety.
  • Symptoms of intoxication.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hormonal disruptions can occur due to stress. And also an increase in the concentration of certain organic substances is associated with pregnancy. Conception of a fetus is possible with improper use of oral contraceptives.

Side effects of the drug associated with the digestive tract can provoke signs of intoxication. The woman suffers from diarrhea and nausea. The drug does not enter the bloodstream and is not absorbed.

At the end of taking the drug, the menstrual cycle is restored within 1-3 months. It is possible that the symptoms of PMS (headache, weakness, irritability) will reappear, the pain syndrome will resume, or these manifestations will become less pronounced. It all depends on how strong these manifestations were initially.

At first, menstruation may be scanty, their volume does not increase much after giving up the contraceptive. But after three months, the volume of secretions normalizes and becomes the same as it was before taking the drug. The duration of meager periods in the first 1-3 cycles ranges from 7 to 14 days.

In the event that a woman stops taking the contraceptive in the middle of the package, smearing brown discharge is possible for up to two weeks. They are provoked by a sharp drop in the level of sex hormones in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In general, in the first three months the body is rebuilt, and both meager (which happens more often) and heavy periods are possible. The reason for contacting a gynecologist should be too long scanty discharge (more than 2 weeks) or heavy periods, accompanied by weakness and pain in the lower abdomen.

After drinking the last pill from the package, menstruation should begin within 1-3 days, if the contraceptive has not been taken too long (6 or more months). And after a long course of taking a contraceptive, it is possible to delay menstruation for several months until the body begins to produce its own hormones again.

Sometimes withdrawal bleeding does not occur. After long-term use of COCs, the female body needs time to resume the production of its own hormones. Pregnancy cannot be ruled out as the reason for the absence of menstruation. If pregnancy is not confirmed, and there is no menstruation for 3 or more cycles, then this is probably a manifestation of secondary amenorrhea.

Secondary amenorrhea develops against the background of ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome in 0.7% of women. This small percentage includes women who, most often, before taking Regulon, already had menstrual dysfunction. Another reason for the development of secondary amenorrhea: taking reserpine, phenothiazine or narcotic drugs in conjunction with taking Regulon.

The mechanism of ovarian hyperinhibition is to block the synthesis of GnRH by the hypothalamus and the development of hyperprolactinemia.

Ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome is confirmed by the results of ultrasound (multifollicular ovaries and hypoplastic endometrium, no more than 4-5 mm) and the results of a study of hormones (FSH, LH and estradiol levels are below normal).

When taking regulon, menstruation does not end

Scanty periods a few days after giving up COCs, this is a normal reaction of the body to the changed hormonal background. If pregnancy develops while taking the drug, then it can also first manifest itself as scanty bloody discharge. Bloody discharge after the abolition of Regulon

Bloody discharge after the withdrawal of a hormonal contraceptive is a withdrawal syndrome, which is a normal reaction of the female body. Allocations can go up to 14 days. Their duration depends

  • on the age of the patient: the older she is, the longer the spotting goes;
  • on the duration of the drug intake: the longer the intake lasted, the longer the discharge is observed.

After the abolition of Regulon, brown discharge may be observed, and this is a normal reaction of the body. A small amount of blood, particles of atrophied endometrium and platelets give the discharge a brown color.

Against the background of prolonged inhibition of ovarian function, the vessels that feed the walls of the uterus become thinner. When hormone levels drop and menstruation begins, these vessels can become severely damaged and cause breakthrough bleeding. Such a side effect of the drug, subject to the rules of admission, is rare. But if a woman stops the drug in the middle of the pack, breakthrough bleeding is more common.

Pain in the lower abdomen after completing the COC course may be associated with increased ovarian work after a long break. This side effect of the drug goes away as normal ovarian function returns.

If a woman has been taking a contraceptive for 3-4 months, then she can become pregnant in the first month after completing the course. In this case, pregnancy is often accompanied by the fertilization of two eggs and the birth of twins.

With a longer use of the contraceptive, it is recommended to wait until the normal menstrual cycle is restored (up to 3 months), and then plan a pregnancy.

Valentina Lyapunova, therapist, especially for

Periods while taking medication

When taking Regulon, menstruation begins during the withdrawal period, when the woman drinks the last 21st tablet and takes a break for 7 days. During the first 3 months, the body adapts to the drug, intermenstrual scanty discharge can be observed. This is not a reason for a sharp refusal to take pills and is considered the norm. For prevention, you can visit a gynecologist.

If a week has passed after taking the last pill and there is a delay in menstruation, you should consult a doctor. The reason may be hidden in the individual reaction of the body, hormonal failure. Pregnancy cannot be ruled out if the regimen of taking the drug has been violated.

Fear should cause a state when menstruation does not end at the usual time, there is an abundance of discharge. It is forbidden to stop drinking pills on your own, you must first consult a gynecologist, find the cause of the problem.

Normally, menstruation with Regulon is established within 3 months, there is a complete adaptation of the body, the hormonal background is leveled. A woman notices relief, the complete disappearance of PMS symptoms, the intensity of pain during this period decreases. The duration of menstruation may decrease, as well as profusion. In the presence of side effects, deterioration of the condition, bleeding, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

While taking Regulon, the body receives hormones from the outside, as a result, the work of the ovaries and adrenal glands is gradually inhibited, because for some time they were deliberately oppressed. After the drug is discontinued, a hormonal failure occurs, and a restructuring of the reproductive system begins. There may be a delay in menstruation, failures in the cycle.

An insufficient amount of the required hormones in the body leads not only to menstrual disorders. The condition of hair, nails worsens, the skin becomes dry, rashes often occur. The nature of menstruation changes. They can be more plentiful, long.

There is another nature of changes in the body after the abolition of the contraceptive. When the oppression of the pituitary gland stops, it begins to work first in the same mode, and then with a vengeance, sending all the hormones produced directly to the ovaries, which have also been in a “sleeping” state for a long time.

The effect of the drug on the body after the end of the reception

Regulon can delay menstruation for a week due to the extensive influence of the components of the drug on the hormonal balance in the female body.

After stopping the use of the drug, the reproductive and endocrine systems are restructured. While taking OCs, the ovaries and adrenal glands produce relatively small amounts of hormones. Therefore, the authorities need time to resume work in a natural mode. Sometimes critical days may be absent within two months after the end of the course of therapy.

If you drink the remedy, it may have a negative effect on other body systems:

  • profuse hair loss, their dullness and brittleness;
  • dry skin, causeless peeling and itching.

After Regulon, there may be heavy periods or an increase in the duration of menstruation for several days. However, prolonged use of the drug stimulates the pituitary gland. Since the body lacks hormonal components, there is a stimulation of increased production of biological substances of the luteinizing and follicle-stimulating type. The ovaries begin to work better. Therefore, the drug is rarely, but still used as a treatment for infertility.

Other reasons for the delay

  • withdrawal syndrome . As described above, the hormonal system begins to work in a dual mode, since before that, additional work went into fighting suppression. With an increased content of hormones, pregnancy is more likely than with the usual amount of hormones.
  • Accidental pregnancy . The lack of systematic intake can cause a hormonal surge and hyperovulation, as described above.
  • Amenorrhea . The risk group includes young girls and premenopausal women. The number of such women does not exceed 3%. Regulon, like any hormonal drug, can cause this, but the likelihood is extremely small. Such a pathology can be caused by disorders in the endocrine or hormonal systems of the body.
  • Pathological work of the ovaries or thyroid gland . Delayed menstruation may be due to polycystic ovaries, uterine cystoma.
  • Oncological diseases. Regulon reduces the risk of cancer, but does not completely eliminate the possibility. There are hormone-dependent forms of cancer. If the gynecologist did not notice or special research methods were not carried out, then there is a possibility that Regulon will even help the tumor grow, as it grows from the production of hormones.
  • Urinary infections. Regulon protects against unwanted pregnancy when the drug is taken correctly, but it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. If you are not sure about your partner, then it is better to use barrier contraceptives.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Syphilis.
  • HIV.
  • Hepatitis B, C.

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