Treatment of uterine fibroids using physiotherapy. Characteristics of execution and suggestions
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In the last decade, gynecologists have noted that uterine fibroids, one of the most common gynecological pathologies, tend to spread among young women of childbearing age. Based on this, in the treatment of this disease, great importance is given to organ-preserving operations and complex conservative therapy.
Physiotherapy for uterine fibroids has traditionally been an important component of treatment. However, you need to understand that with benign tumors of the myometrium, not all physiotherapy procedures are allowed. Every woman should know which physical factors are indicated and which are contraindicated in uterine myoma. This important issue is covered in this article.
Physiotherapy for small uterine fibroids can be a fairly effective therapeutic measure. If a woman has a benign tumor that develops in the cavity of the reproductive organ, then it is worth choosing procedures that will help reduce the level of hormones in the body.
In modern medicine, doctors give great preference to iodine electrophoresis , radon and iodine-bromine baths. Magnetotherapy and ozone therapy also have a high therapeutic effect. Each procedure allows you to stop the inflammatory process, so they are often prescribed before surgery.
It is important to understand that physiotherapy is for the most part therapeutic measures, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations on when their implementation will be most justified. Gynecologists have determined that it is best to act on the body in this way when the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle occurs.
Of course, the procedures can be carried out during ovulation, or in the second period of the cycle. However, this will lead to the fact that the therapeutic effect will be reduced, since at this time the reproductive organ is especially sensitive to various stimuli. Physiotherapy is not carried out during menstrual bleeding.
The procedure has a number of contraindications. They apply not only to patients with fibroids. But also for all patients who can be prescribed magnetotherapy. Contraindications to it are:
- Menstruation;
- The volume of the tumor exceeds 12 weeks;
- Severe bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle;
- Oncological diseases;
- Individual intolerance.
There are also other contraindications. For this reason, this procedure should be carried out only on the instructions of a doctor. And only after discussing all contraindications.
The answer to the question whether it is possible to do magnetic therapy for uterine myoma, a few years ago, the answer to it would have been negative. However, after scientists conducted multiple specific studies, it was found that the presence of a benign tumor in the uterine cavity is not a contraindication for the procedure.
Magnetic therapy for benign tumors. Source:
Doctors have found that such an effect on the body does not have a stimulating effect, and, accordingly, the amount of sex hormones produced does not increase. Magnetic therapy is characterized by the following results if it is used to combat a benign tumor in the uterine cavity:
- Myoma nodes decrease in size, even in situations where the pathology is old and the formations are large;
- When conducting conservative treatment in conjunction with magnetotherapy, the effectiveness of the first increases;
- With prolonged exposure to the body with the help of such a procedure, it is possible to achieve a complete stop in the growth of uterine fibroids;
- There is an improvement in the general condition of the patient, including psycho-emotional, anxiety, depression, irritability go away.
The symptomatology of the pathological process, if it manifests itself, becomes less pronounced after magnetotherapy. Women note the disappearance of the painful syndrome in the lower abdomen, their menstrual cycle stabilizes, the discharge becomes less abundant.
This type of physiotherapeutic effect on the body is justified only for those patients whose tumor size is not more than 12 weeks. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is desirable to combine magnetotherapy with hormones and diet.
The first session is best done immediately after menstrual bleeding has ended. During the regulation, it is worth refusing to influence the body. Otherwise, there will be an abundant release of biological fluid.
Treatment of the joints of the hands with folk remedies
Articular diseases, not so long ago characteristic mainly of the elderly, every year master an ever younger audience. It is especially sad when they affect the hands: if people can still somehow put up with difficulties in walking, then everyone is afraid of becoming disabled, unable to serve themselves even in everyday life. Therefore, when such problems appear, they try to cope with them, often managing to “catch” the disease even in the early stages. Traditional medicine in the fight against degenerative changes is helped by the treatment of the joints of the hands with folk remedies. But only if it is agreed with the observing rheumatologist or orthopedist: there are a lot of diseases of the joints of the hands, and what helps with arthritis can harm, for example, with arthrosis.
Another fairly common question of patients is whether it is possible to do electrophoresis with uterine myoma. Such an impact on the body is allowed and welcomed. Thanks to the procedure, a woman can almost completely get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that are characteristic of the progression of an inflammatory disease that affects the reproductive organs.
Also, electrophoresis helps to restore and normalize the functioning of the ovaries. The level of production of female sex hormones, in particular estrogen, decreases. The state of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the organ) is restored. If the procedure is prescribed for older women, then it helps to reduce or completely eliminate the proliferative effect of sex hormones on all layers of the uterus.
When diagnosing fibroids, it is better to give preference to electrophoresis with iodine or sodium and potassium iodide. It is these substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries. Even considering that electrophoresis is a universal method of influencing the body, before performing it, you must make sure that there are no following contraindications:
- Disorders in the work of the cardiac system;
- Presence of installed pacemakers;
- Acute stage of progression of an inflammatory pathology;
- Violation of the ability of blood to clot;
- Increase in body temperature;
- Diseases of the skin;
- Individual intolerance to the drugs used;
- High probability of developing allergic reactions.
It should be noted that with uterine myoma, electrophoresis is one of the priority methods of physiotherapy. If conservative treatment is supplemented with it, then the expected effect will come faster and will be more stable. The likelihood that ovarian diseases will begin to develop or their work will be disrupted is reduced.
What physiotherapy can be applied
Since uterine fibromyoma is a hormone-dependent tumor, if it is present, it is not allowed to use procedures that lead to an increase in the content of estrogens in the female body. It is allowed to use only those physical factors that do not contribute to the active production of estrogens. These include:
- Galvanization;
- electrophoresis;
- Magnetotherapy;
- Radon waters;
- Iodine-bromine and pearl baths.
Pearl baths are a relaxing procedure, the essence of which is hydromassage with air bubbles.
With the exact observance of the necessary conditions, physical methods can be applied in such areas of the body:
- On the upper half of the body (except for the mammary glands);
- In the lumbar region;
- In the hypogastric zone (lower abdomen);
- On the anterior abdominal wall;
- In the suprapubic and inguinal zones;
- On the front of the thighs.
Rules of physiotherapy for fibroids:
- The course of procedures should be started immediately after the end of menstruation, that is, on the 5-7th day of the cycle;
- Of great importance is the observance of the 24-hour interval between procedures;
- Positive dynamics from physiotherapy is observed after 7-10 sessions;
- Myoma should be small. You can find out which fibroid is considered small in the article "The size of uterine fibroids in mm and in weeks."
Physiotherapy started during menstruation leads to an increase in menstrual blood loss.
It is advisable to start physiotherapeutic treatment of fibroids after the end of menstruation, since additional effects increase blood flow.
Ozone therapy
Currently, the question of whether ozone therapy is carried out for uterine myoma is relevant. Doctors' comments draw the attention of patients to the fact that such a method of exposure can also be quite effective when combined with conservative therapy.
In cases with a benign tumor, the procedures can be performed in the form of washings, vaginal irrigations, subcutaneous injections. Ozone therapy for uterine fibroids is not performed by intravenous administration of the drug. With this method of influencing the body, there is a possibility that the gas will get to the neoplasm through the systemic bloodstream, which can lead to the fact that the formation becomes malignant.
It is worth saying that in modern medicine, physiotherapy is becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, most of them are carried out in the presence of various types of gynecological diseases. However, this should not be considered a panacea, since not everyone can give a positive therapeutic effect.
Hirudotherapy and fibroids
The use of leeches for healing is as popular today as ever. The full composition of the secret they secrete is not identified and therefore this therapy is unique and inimitable.
For hirudotherapy, leeches are used, which are grown on animals and have not previously been used to treat people. After the procedure, they are destroyed, which makes the procedure safe - there is no risk of transmission of infections.
For one procedure, from three to ten leeches are used. Places of application may vary - it can be applied to the skin in the lower abdomen, on the sacrum and lower back. But the most effective - intravaginal attachment - around the cervix.
Each leech sucks up to 20 ml of blood. Thus, venous congestion is eliminated, blood circulation improves, pain in the lower abdomen disappears, ovarian function improves and the ability to conceive increases, menstrual function normalizes.
Scheme of staging leeches for gynecological diseases
In addition, there is an effect on the reflexogenic zones, which is similar to acupuncture and reflexology. Also, each leech releases up to 300 biologically active substances into the blood when sucking, which have a therapeutic effect on organs and tissues.
The course of treatment is at least 7-10 procedures. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes. You can go through such sessions every six months, but the day before you need to consult a doctor to identify contraindications.
Watch this video about the use of hirudotherapy in gynecology:
What procedures are prohibited?
With uterine myoma, physiotherapy is strictly contraindicated, which increase the estrogenic background of the body or are thermal warming. Some of the physiotherapeutic methods prohibited in this pathology have already been mentioned. In addition to the above, with myoma are not recommended:
- All types of mud therapy;
- Infrared sauna;
- Ozokerite;
- Ultrasound treatment;
- Laser therapy;
- UHF therapy;
- Phonophoresis;
- Massage (gynecological and lumbosacral zone);
- Application of paraffin.
These methods of physiotherapy lead to the growth of uterine fibroids.
Numerous physiotherapeutic techniques used to treat uterine fibroids can undoubtedly be useful and effective. But you should not be naive to believe that they will completely relieve you of the disease. Physiotherapy contributes to the prevention of complications, helps to slow down the growth of the tumor, and enables a woman to postpone the operation for some time and give birth to a healthy baby. However, they do not replace medical or surgical treatment of fibroids.
Useful video about the physiotherapy treatment of gynecological problems
About physiotherapy in general and about its individual methods
Women who have a benign tumor on the reproductive organs are very often wondering what physiotherapy is contraindicated for uterine fibroids, and what will help get rid of the disease. The considered type of impact on the body is very common in medicine, since it allows not only to treat pathologies, but also to carry out their prevention.
The formation of myoma nodes is diagnosed very often in women of reproductive age. So that the tumor does not increase in size and does not have to be removed, it is necessary to regularly perform certain medical procedures. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail whether it is possible to do physiotherapy with uterine myoma, which ones, and which ones are better to refuse.
The frequency of detection of uterine fibroids is quite high, therefore, in modern medicine, doctors practice not only surgical removal of neoplasms, but also conservative therapy, which is developed taking into account the clinical case, as well as the individual characteristics of the body of each woman.
Before you understand whether it is possible to carry out physiotherapy with uterine myoma, it is worth determining what it is. Therapy of this type includes a wide range of different methods of influencing the body. It is due to this that it is possible to choose the type that will not harm the patient with a diagnosed fibroid.
Accordingly, it cannot be said that physiotherapy in the presence of a benign tumor in the reproductive organs is contraindicated. However, there are a number of effects that should be avoided:
- Ultrasound treatment;
- Impact on the body with a laser;
- Paraffin therapy and phonophoresis;
- Massage of the area of the reproductive organs;
- Vibrotherapy of the abdominal cavity and sacral spine;
- Heat treatment.
Experts identify only two reasons why these physiotherapy should be abandoned. The fact is that each manipulation from this list has one thing in common - they have a stimulating effect on the body, so the level of estrogen production increases. Since the tumor is hormone-dependent, with a large amount of this substance, there is a rapid increase in the size of myomatous nodes.
It is also worth noting that each manipulation leads to an increase in body temperature. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvis improves and fibroids grow faster.
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