When and how can you do exercises to reduce your uterus after childbirth, what types of gymnastics are acceptable, and what are the indications and contraindications?
Too wide vagina: what to do?
Many women face the problem of a wide vagina. This happens after childbirth, when the vagina does not return to its original shape, due to loss of muscle elasticity, as a result of past diseases, ruptures during childbirth. The problem of a wide vagina leads to dissatisfaction in sexual relations, complicates mutual understanding with a partner. In the article we will consider this problem and how to solve it.
Nature provides that the walls of the vagina are quite elastic. During sexual arousal, there is a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina, and the vagina enlarges (sometimes up to several centimeters), which ensures tight contact when the penis penetrates the vagina. The pleasure received during sexual intercourse directly depends on the tone of the vagina, the higher it is, the brighter the sensations.
The elasticity of the vagina is also important during childbirth, during childbirth, the walls of the vagina are stretched 7-8 times. And the more elastic the muscles, the less complications there will be during natural childbirth.
Usually, even a slight loss of muscle tone of the vagina affects the emotional state of a woman. Sex ceases to bring satisfaction to both partners, sensations become less vivid, all this can lead to separation from each other, even very loving couples.
Possible problems
Some women in labor ignore the recommendations of the doctor about the passage of preventive examinations in the postpartum period. Negligent attitude to one's health can lead to various complications. The most common complication of this period is subinvolution of the uterine organ. In addition, a woman may experience inflammation of the reproductive organs of an infectious nature and a violation of their functions.
The slow contraction of the uterus leads to a delay in its cavity lochia. Pathology is dangerous because the organic components contained in the secretions can become an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
- Preventing any disease is easier than treating it. The main measures to prevent possible complications of the postpartum period are:
- compliance with the rules of individual hygiene;
- preventing the accumulation of secretions in the uterine cavity;
- regular visits to the gynecologist;
- gymnastics after childbirth.
After discharge from the maternity hospital, a woman in labor should carefully monitor the state of her body and the volume of secretions that come out of the vagina. If you feel unwell, you should immediately consult a qualified doctor.
Why did the vagina get wider?
Several reasons affect the expansion of the walls of the vagina, consider the most common ones.
- muscle elasticity can be affected by chronic diseases of the reproductive system.if you have very sharply reduced body weight;
- lack of regular physical activity;
- perhaps, after childbirth, the vagina did not take its original shape;
- from birth.
During childbirth, ruptures of the vagina are possible, on which sutures are applied. In some women, excessive scarring of tissues occurs, which leads to a decrease in the tone of the vaginal muscles, a consequence of an enlarged vagina.
Today, to narrow the vagina, it is not necessary to resort to surgery, there are other methods. A special gymnastics has been developed, aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the vagina and pelvis. There are also medications and cosmetics to help narrow the vagina.
Symptoms of a healthy uterine contraction:
- unpleasant, but generally tolerable sensations in the mammary glands,
- pain in the perineum,
- lower abdominal discomfort
- discharge - lochia,
- diarrhea (the first few days; after the 4th day, this symptom may signal an overdose of the drug and should be the reason for going to the hospital).
Any of these symptoms can be strongly felt for the first 7 days after delivery. At the end of the 6th week of your motherhood, they should stop.
Most often, young mothers suffer pain and discomfort. However, if you have a low pain threshold, consult a doctor - he will prescribe an anesthetic: ibuprofen, no-shpu, naproxen, ketoprofen (or ketanol suppositories), an injection of lidocaine, or something from homeopathy - sepia, caulophyllum, bellis perennis.
Eight days have passed since the birth, and the pills still have to be taken? This is not normal, go to the gynecologist, let him check you for pathology.
When is it necessary to narrow the vagina?
A wide vagina is a serious problem for most women, preventing them from leading a full life. This problem occurs after childbirth or the vagina is initially wide. During childbirth, as the baby moves outward, it stretches the walls of the vagina. In some women, after a while, the walls return to their original appearance, in some they do not. The same problem occurs during menopause, when the muscles become less elastic due to hormonal changes. Women face the problem of a wide vagina after treatment of diseases of the genital area.
Unfortunately, this problem does not affect women in the best way, problems begin in their personal lives, nervous breakdowns and tantrums are possible. At the initial stage, you can try folk remedies to help narrow the vagina, sometimes they are quite effective.
The use of drugs to narrow the vagina helps women cope with the problem that has arisen, return the pleasure of intimacy, and they also act as a lubricant, which is an additional bonus.
Surgery is recommended only in extreme cases. When the use of other methods does not give the desired results, a woman experiences discomfort during intercourse.
After childbirth, you can resort to vaginoplasty only after six months. During the operation, the doctor can remove the postpartum scars that you have, which appeared as a result of ruptures.
Non-surgical methods are quite diverse and give an effective result. We list some of them:
- perform special exercises invented by the American gynecologist Kegel. Exercises are designed to strengthen the intimate and pelvic muscles, by compressing and relaxing the muscle responsible for urination. Due to its strengthening, the walls of the vagina are strengthened, their elasticity increases;
- the use of drugs designed to narrow the vagina. Such funds are produced in the form of gels, candles, special sticks, balls, creams, there is plenty to choose from. In use, the drugs are easy to use, give an effect after a while.
The choice of a method for reducing the size of the vagina is influenced by the state of health of the patient, what result the woman wants to receive, it is not always possible to use the surgical method.
Advantages and disadvantages of home labor induction
When the question arises of the need to stimulate labor, many pregnant women prefer home methods, rather than those offered in a hospital. This is due to the fear of too painful contractions, which are possible as a result of taking medications. Also, expectant mothers are afraid of the procedure for puncturing the fetal bladder, believing that it is dangerous for the baby (a sharp instrument can hurt him). Especially avoid artificial stimulation of women who have already experienced it in a previous pregnancy. Therefore, for the second time, they try to stay at home, in every possible way bringing the start of contractions closer on their own. Thus, home stimulation is not associated with a stress factor, because it takes place in a familiar environment for a pregnant woman and with the support of loved ones, primarily a spouse.
Artificial stimulation causes a woman's fear of pain and anxiety for the child
Meanwhile, home methods of accelerating labor are certainly inferior to stimulation in a hospital. It is effective in 100% of cases. For example, after a puncture of the fetal bladder in most pregnant women, contractions begin already in the first hour. Natural measures do not always cause labor, because each maternal organism is individual.
Video: gynecologist characterizes artificial and natural methods of labor induction
How to narrow the walls of the vagina
Different nations have their own ways of narrowing the vagina. Decoctions are prepared for douching, some agents are introduced into the vagina with the help of tampons, powders can be used. But it should be borne in mind that the use of such funds can lead to burns of the mucous membrane, cause allergies. Therefore, if you decide on treatment with folk remedies, it is better to consult a doctor. Since such drugs can be attributed to drugs.
Consider the means that the peoples of the world use to combat the problem of a wide vagina.
In North America, gooseberry decoction is widely used. To prepare it, take ½ cup of gooseberries and 1 cup of boiling water. Pour the berries with water and put on a slow fire, the liquid should not boil much. Boil the berries for 10 minutes, remove from heat, pour into a glass jar, put in a dark place to infuse for at least four hours. Use for douching.It is good to use an infusion of oak bark. Oak contains tannin and witch hazel, which perfectly narrow the walls of the vagina, in addition, this tincture has an anti-inflammatory effect.
In India and China, an infusion of ginger is used.
In Malaysia, women use kasip fatima and akarserapat plants to reduce the size of the vagina, as well as to increase female libido and facilitate childbirth.
Что нужно учесть при использовании народных рецептов
If grass or herbal collection is used to reduce the uterus, it is imperative to follow the rules for collecting plants and preparing traditional medicine products.
Like any medicine, herbal decoctions and tinctures show side effects when overdosed and misused. If a woman has somatic diseases, the use of such herbs is limited by contraindications.
Possible side effects:
- Increased uterine bleeding;
- Intoxication;
- allergic dermatitis;
- premature birth;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Loss of consciousness;
- Inflammation of the endometrium due to the fact that particles of the ovum remained inside the uterus;
- loss of fertility;
- Fatal outcome.
Especially carefully you need to select such funds during pregnancy. Incorrectly selected herbal collection provokes intense uterine contractions, which can lead to the loss of a child, further infertility, and disruption of the organs and systems of the body.
It is forbidden to take during this period calamus marsh, mountaineer pepper, black henbane, fern, mint, bearberry, tarragon, rosemary, bearberry, flax seeds, hop cones.
How to narrow a wide vagina with folk remedies
In Russia, an infusion of oak bark is often used for women's problems. Due to the high content of tannins, this tincture well leads to the tone of the vaginal walls. Oak bark also contains substances that have anti-inflammatory properties, help fight sexual infections.
Recipe for tincture of oak bark
You will need: oak bark - 50 g, water. Bring the water to a boil and pour over the bark, cover, leave to infuse for about an hour. Then strain the tincture, dip the swab and insert into the vagina. Remove the swab after four hours.
If you are against inserting a tampon, then take a bath, adding oak bark tincture there. To prepare such a tincture, you need 0.5 kg of oak bark and 1.5 liters of water. Pour boiling water over the bark, let it brew, then add to the water.
Since ancient times, burnt alum has been used to reduce the size of the vagina. Now they can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Narrowing the Vagina with Alum
Alum is a white powder containing aluminum salts. They can also be called galloons. A solution is prepared from alum. For one glass of water take 1 teaspoon of alum. Dilute to dissolve, dip a tampon and insert into the vagina at night. Before use, it is better to consult a gynecologist.
The alum solution can also be injected into the vagina with a douche. This does not reduce their effectiveness. Do not forget about hygiene, before proceeding with the procedures, be sure to wash your hands with soap and treat objects with alcohol.
Alum is used in gynecology not only to reduce the vagina, but also to fight thrush and heal wounds after genital surgery.
Reasons for expansion
The uterus increases for the following reasons:
- After the birth of a child
- From nature
- If you have extra pounds.
Some women try to cause a narrowing of the uterus with the help of folk remedies:
- Decoction of mint leaves and oak bark
- alum
- Lemon juice.
But these funds only dry out the vagina, which as a result only leads to a decrease in the uterus for a while. Dryness, ulcers, irritation appear, and gynecological problems are exacerbated.
A set of Kegel exercises for narrowing a wide vagina
Exercises to strengthen the walls of the vagina are useful not only for reducing the vagina, but also for prevention. Such exercises help, get more pleasure from sex, help increase the tone of intimate muscles, eliminate the problem of urinary incontinence, and help with uterine prolapse. Special exercises were developed by the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel.
Initially, the exercises were intended for women with urinary incontinence, but there was also a "side" effect, they began to help women with a wide vagina.
Some exercises are quite simple to perform, any woman can handle them. It is necessary to compress and relax the muscles of the vagina, it is good to do this during urination, delaying the flow of urine for 2-3 seconds. Thus, the tone of the intimate muscle is developed.
To narrow the size of the vagina, it is good to do an exercise called "lift". At first, you gradually strain the muscle, when you reach the peak of tension, do the exercise in reverse order. Repeat several times.
Another exercise that helps not only narrow the vagina, but also help with urinary incontinence and prolapse of the uterus. Starting position, lying on your back, spread your legs apart. Place one hand on the abdomen, the other under the buttocks. Start squeezing and unclenching your pelvic muscles. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
In the future, complicate the exercise. Hold the muscle in tension for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
A more difficult exercise, insert two fingers into the vagina, lubricating them with grease beforehand. It is necessary to try to squeeze the fingers with the muscles of the vagina, and then release. Run 10 times.
Kegel exercises must be performed at least twice a day in order to get results in two weeks. The advantage of such exercises is that some of them can be performed anywhere without attracting the attention of others.
When you do the exercises, watch your breathing, it should be slow and deep. Also, do not forget that any muscle can be pumped, so do not be especially zealous.
Rapid uterine contraction
It happens that the pain and discharge disappear as early as 3-4 weeks after childbirth, and the woman is very pleased with this. However, this is not a very good sign. Rapid contraction of the uterus can have such complications:
- part of the lochia did not come out, lingering inside the organ, which is fraught with suppuration and inflammation (after all, do not forget that these are nothing more than blood clots, the remains of the placenta and endometrium, and even the waste products of your baby),
- problems with lactation: accelerated contraction of the uterus can "cut" the amount of milk produced by the body, as well as change its composition, because of which the baby may even refuse mother's sisi,
- the risk of getting pregnant again increases, and for your body this would be a shock, since the uterus has not yet recovered in fact.
Surgical method for narrowing the vagina
The decision on the surgical method of narrowing the vagina should be made by an experienced gynecologist, having previously examined and taken the necessary tests.
During the operation, the volume of the vagina itself or the entrance to it is reduced. In parallel, the doctor can remove the flabbiness of the labia, remove scars.
A week before the operation, it is recommended to stop smoking and start using anti-inflammatory drugs.
Before the operation, a number of blood tests are taken, a smear is made on the flora, fluorography, ECG.
As a rule, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. Duration from 1.5 to 2 hours. Excess tissue is removed with a laser or a conventional scalpel. Then sutures are applied with self-absorbable threads.
After the operation, you can not sit for a week, you can lie down or walk. Within two months, any physical activity is excluded, visiting the pool, sauna, you can not take a bath, ride a bicycle. Sex is also to be avoided.To avoid constipation, you will have to revise your diet.
Surgical intervention is contraindicated in women with diabetes mellitus, with poor blood clotting, the presence of inflammatory processes in the genital area.
Causes of vaginal deformation and ways to reduce it
Even a naturally wide vagina in a healthy state is able to wrap around and hold a pencil. It is not the volume of its cavity that makes this organ non-functional, but a decrease in the tone of the walls and muscle weakness. This happens for three reasons:
- Passive lifestyle. Starting from school age, the girl is forced to spend more and more time sitting. From this, stagnation of blood and lymph forms in the pelvic region, and the muscles of its organs become flabby and weaken.
- Lack of healthy sexual arousal. The muscles of the vagina act reflexively. Their main training is sexual tension. It doesn't have to be sexual intercourse. During any hormonal surge, the vagina tenses up, and blood rushes to the walls. The more often a woman experiences such stress, the healthier her reproductive system and body as a whole.
- Difficult childbirth, frequent abortions, diseases of the genitourinary system (when the tissues of the vagina are injured), as well as age-related changes.
There are three effective methods to reduce the loss of elasticity of the vagina:
- gymnastics for the muscles of the small pelvis;
- lubrication of the inner walls of the vagina with special means;
- vaginoplasty is a plastic surgery to reduce the size of the vagina.
- Use of lubricant and gel. Such funds can be found in almost any pharmacy and sex shops. The funds were based on herbs that have a tanning effect. You can make this kind of decoction on your own, but there is no reason to take risks, because science has produced a miracle remedy not only with an effective composition, but also with ensuring health safety. It is important to administer this drug to the uterus at least 20 minutes before sex. During this time period, it will have time to start its action, and the sexual partner will not be shocked by "extreme" sensations.
- Performing exercises developed by Kegel. The training course for the pelvic muscles has managed to establish itself among many generations of the fair sex. You can do them at any time and no one will notice. To do this, it is enough to tighten the muscles of the vagina and anal. First one, then the other, and then both at the same time. The more workouts done per day, the more noticeable the narrowing.
- Combining exercises using vaginal eggs or balls. Such "toys" are aimed not only at getting pleasure, but also help to train the muscles of the uterus, contributing to its narrowing. With the help of exercises, balls and eggs, blood rushes to the walls of the vagina. The processes of nutrition and recovery are actively taking place. It has also been observed that with regular exercise, the risk of certain gynecological diseases decreases.
- Slimming. It has become known that extra pounds make the vagina weak and wide, so getting rid of pounds is an excellent figure without deposits in the hips and waist and a compact uterus with a narrow entrance. The result will be noticeable only after the disappearance of about ten kilograms, but it's worth it.
- Positions for intercourse. A variety of positions in bed, in addition to enjoying intimacy with partners, can narrow the uterus. For example, a position in which a man is behind will help to reduce the wide vagina in women.
- Expansion of the anal muscles. To do this, you need to insert a plug into the anus, previously lubricated with an anesthetic. She shrinks the vagina. Such a procedure will bring pleasant sensations, and the question of how to narrow the vagina will fade into the background.
Exercises that are done to strengthen the buttocks and abs also contribute to the training of intimate muscles. All of the above methods are suitable for ladies who do not have a tear or strain in the pelvic floor muscles. When a woman has similar problems, then the intervention of a surgeon is indispensable.
There are many folk ways to narrow the uterus, but they can lead to disastrous consequences, like other self-medication. Therefore, if the partner expressed dissatisfaction with the state of the uterus, you must first seek the advice of a specialist and then narrow the vagina.
Modern products for narrowing the vagina include:
- vaginal balls,
- tablets,
- candles,
- cream.
This is the most effective method that gives long-term results. With severely weakened muscles, only plastic surgery can solve the problem of a wide vagina.
An experienced gynecologist, after examining and taking tests, can finally decide on the need for surgical intervention.In the preparatory period, the patient should stop smoking, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It is necessary to take blood tests, make a smear on the flora, ECG.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia for one and a half to two hours. With the help of a laser or a scalpel, excess tissue is removed, sutures are applied with self-absorbable threads.
A week after the operation, it is not recommended to sit, visit the sauna, swimming pool, take a bath. It is necessary to exclude physical activity, cycling, refrain from sex. The diet also needs to be adjusted to avoid constipation.
As you can see, there are many different ways to solve this delicate problem. To achieve a positive result, experts advise an integrated approach.
Many women use folk advice for these purposes, for example, they introduce a solution of potassium permanganate into the vagina before intercourse. This drug causes muscle spasm. But it also causes dryness and can lead to irritation, sores, and inflammation. Lemon juice has the same effect, sometimes it is recommended to insert a slice of lemon into the vagina.
A Korean stick is considered an inexpensive and effective remedy. It should also be used immediately before sexual contact. Substances from this stick are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and, due to muscle spasm, cause a narrowing of the vagina. It seems to be very convenient, but there are several drawbacks to this tool.
In addition, this stick is reusable, it needs to be washed regularly and stored somewhere. And her action is short-term, it does not improve the condition of the muscles, causing only a one-time spasm. All problems and pathologies of the genital organs remain, sometimes even intensifying under the influence of substances from the stick.
Narrowing the vagina when there are problems in sexual life is often a necessary procedure. But it is better to consult a doctor before using the chosen method.
Intimate goods and devices for narrowing the vagina
To reduce the size of the vagina, the following means are used: vaginal balls and tablets, special suppositories, creams.
Virgin Star Vaginal Tightening Cream
According to many women, this cream is a real find. The all-natural composition of Virgin Star cream makes it absolutely safe and extremely effective. Especially well Virgin Star helps women after childbirth: enlarged, flabby walls of the vagina are tightened, the volume of the vagina decreases, the muscles come back to tone.
For nulliparous women, Virgin Star cream is also ideal. If you have been diagnosed with intimate muscle weakness, uterine prolapse, and also suffer from anorgasmia due to a too wide vagina, then you should try this amazing cream.
Herbal vaginal suppositories
Vaginal suppositories contain a herbal composition that helps to reduce the size of the vagina due to the content of tannins. They also have anti-inflammatory actions. The advantage of herbal balls (candles) is that they do not contain hormones, which means they do not affect the woman's endocrine system. Vaginal balls are inserted into the vagina during the daytime, one ball can be used per week.
Candles to reduce the vagina not only contribute to the narrowing of the vagina, but also prevent the penetration of bacteria inside.
Sticks to reduce the vagina
Another means for narrowing are special sticks. They can be purchased at a pharmacy. The stick contains quartz, talc, medicinal herbs. It helps to cope with the inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. The effectiveness of the use in the postpartum period has been noted, the stick helps the cells to recover quickly. The stick is inserted into the vagina with a quick movement, but first it is necessary to moisten it in water or apply a special gel. Holds for half a minute and is removed.
vaginal tablets
An effective means for narrowing the vagina are vaginal tablets. In their composition, they contain medicinal herbs and roots with a high content of tannins. The tablet is inserted into the vagina, it acts quite quickly. The effect of the application occurs within 15 minutes. Vaginal tablets tone the walls of the vagina, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and eliminate unpleasant odors.
What plants are used to contract the uterus?
Traditional medicine has in its arsenal a large number of recipes, which include herbs that reduce the uterus. Preparations in the form of herbal preparations are used in the complex therapy of such conditions, help the uterus recover, and are used to prevent complications.
The most commonly used herbs are:
- Shepherd's bag;
- Yarutka field;
- Scaled Highlander;
- Sage;
- Sagebrush;
- Крапива;
- birch leaf;
- Senna of Alexandria;
- Bark and root of barberry;
- St. John's wort;
- Bay leaf;
- Highlander bird;
- Watercress;
- wild rosemary;
- Raspberry leaf;
- Yarutka field;
- spring primrose;
- Tansy;
- Calendula;
- Red geranium.
Most often, herbs are used to reduce the uterus in the form of fees, where each element enhances the action of each other.
Causes of decreased muscle tone of the vagina
There may be several factors that reduce the tone of intimate muscles. Common ones include:
- Childbirth and frequent abortions.Physiological changes in the body after fifty years.
- Chronic constipation.
- Operations on the genitals and abdominal cavity.
- Insufficient or excessive physical activity.
- Lack of preventive measures.
Weakness of the vaginal muscles can be recognized not only by a decrease in sexual desire, but also by signs such as uncontrolled urination, decreased secretion, discomfort, pain and burning during intercourse.
Such disorders require mandatory correction by gymnastic exercises, surgery, the use of alternative medicine or medicines.
Uterine Contraction Exercises
- Lie on the floor on your back. You can use a soft mat to make it more comfortable. bring your legs together and relax. Alternately bend and unbend your legs at a calm pace. It will be enough 10-12 times for each leg.
- Also lying on your back, straighten your legs and stretch your socks towards you.
- Periodically tighten and relax your toes.
- A good positive effect is provided by special breathing exercises. And again you need to lie down on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Breathing is even and deep. While breathing, raise the abdominal wall on the inhale and lower on the exhale. You can help yourself with your hands, making sliding movements to the pubic bone from the navel.
- On exhalation, squeezing the pelvic muscles, pull the navel as close to the chest as possible and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. This exercise is called "Vacuum".
- Kegel exercises will be indispensable in such gymnastics.
- Take a fitball or gym ball and find a non-slippery surface. Sit on a fitball, squeeze your intimate muscles and, without relaxing them, alternately raise your legs, holding it on weight for 10-15 seconds.
- Sitting on a fitball, perform circular movements with the pelvis in both directions. You can also swing in different directions.
Here is such a gymnastics for contraction of the uterus. However, these exercises are contraindicated after suturing, as you will first need to wait for their complete healing.
Vagina reduction with gymnastics
- Finding the right muscles When urinating, hold and release the stream of urine until you can isolate the desired muscle.
- Vaginal muscle training can be done in any position. The principle of the exercise is to alternately tighten / relax the vaginal muscles for at least five seconds. Such an exercise is effective in reducing the size of the vagina, but only when performed 10-15 times a day for three months. Gradually, the time of tension / relaxation increases to thirty seconds.
- Push exercise. The principle of execution is to simulate the expulsion of something from the vagina. For women who have given birth naturally, it will be easy to understand how this is done. To improve the effect, purchase special vaginal balls.
- Training the entrance muscles of the vagina and sphincter by rapid contraction. The technique is simple: pull the anus in for 10 seconds, while the tension of the input muscles of the vagina is also felt. You need to hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax for 1-2 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times.
- Squeeze your intimate muscles strongly during intercourse. The intensity and frequency of the voltage is selected individually.
A set of Kegel exercises after childbirth will be an excellent workout for the pelvic floor muscles and will improve your intimate life in two to three months. Faster results can be obtained when using means to narrow the vagina.
How does the uterus contract?
- Immediately after childbirth, the uterus can only be regretted - this is a continuous damage. Especially got the place of attachment of the placenta. The poor organ is filled with blood clots, the remains of the fetal membrane, and the whole is “tuned” not to beauty, but to quick healing.
- In the first 3-5 days after the appearance of the baby, the uterus is cleared, contracting especially powerfully. Yes, yes, it’s not for nothing that you took such a large pack of night pads to the hospital!
- In your body, phagocytosis (bacteria are dissolved by white blood cells) and extracellular protheliosis occurs. Of course, as long as you are healthy.
- Из матки выходят лохии (выделения родившей). На первый день они кровянистые, на третий – коричневые, на третьей неделе видимо светлеют, а на шестой их уже почти нет. На этом цикл сокращения матки заканчивается.
- The uterus of a woman who has just given birth weighs about 1000 g. Its dimensions are: 20 cm in length, 15 cm in width, 12 cm in the pharynx. Only 7 days will pass, and the weight of the organ will be reduced to 300 g, and after 2.5 months the uterus will weigh only 70 g!
The epithelium of the uterus heals quickly - about 20 days, but the placenta "attachment" is longer - up to 45 days. The doctor will probably ask you to listen to your contractions. If the discharge ended somewhere in the sixth week and you feel good, there is no reason to complain to the gynecologist. If they ended much earlier or vice versa, they were very late, it is better to go to the doctor.
Reducing the volume of the vagina with vaginoplasty
Vaginoplasty is a surgical operation to eliminate defects of the vagina, adjusting the shape and size of the lumen. The following procedures for the correction of intimate places are offered:
- Colporrhaphy - suturing the vaginal walls to reduce the volume of the vagina. During the procedure, it is possible to correct the posterior or anterior walls. Plastic surgery allows you to restore the aesthetic appearance of the genitals, get rid of psychological problems.
- The narrowing of the entrance of the vagina is carried out only according to individual wishes. During the operation, a small area of tissue is removed with a suture to reduce entry.
- Colpoesis is performed to eliminate scar tissue after a difficult birth, surgery, and congenital defects.
- Plastic surgery for uterine prolapse is carried out by fixing the organ, excising the mucous area and using a hypoallergenic fixing implant. Over time, it becomes overgrown with fibrous tissue.
- Levatoroplasty forms an orgastic cuff and with plastic surgery of stretched, damaged or atrophied levator muscles.
All plastic surgeries are performed by experienced surgeons under general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period after the correction is about three weeks, during which sexual rest is laid, and compliance with the doctor's recommendations. Pain can be experienced for up to a year after vaginal reduction surgery.
Contraindications for vaginal plastic surgery
Vaginoplasty, like any plastic surgery, has a number of limitations. Plastic surgery of the intimate zone is not performed in the presence of the following pathological processes and abnormalities:
- Disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- Diabetes;
- Acute thrombophlebitis;
- Inflammatory and venereal diseases of the organs of the reproductive system;
- Anomalies in the development of the pelvic organs;
- Blood clotting disorders;
- Oncological diseases;
- Prolapse of the pelvic organs;
- Chronic diseases of internal organs in an acute stage;
- Психические расстройства.
How to reduce the vagina with traditional medicine
It is not known how many pots were broken when trying folk recipes to reduce the volume of the vagina and restore the elasticity of the intimate muscles. Most likely, they were originally used to increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones and reduce inflammation, and the narrowing manifested itself as a side effect. Remember, when self-medicating with folk methods, there is a huge risk of harming yourself, with little proven effectiveness.
Infusion to reduce
Take half a lemon, 200 gr. fresh oak leaves or 500 gr. dried, 0.5 liters of middle-aged dry red wine, 3 sprigs of mint. Finely chop the ingredients and leave for 7 days. A cotton swab is dipped into the resulting elixir and inserted into the vagina for three hours. Store the infusion in the refrigerator. Do not use this method for erosions and bleeding.
oak bark
Oak bark contains tannins. Take 50 gr. bark, steam it in boiling water for one hour. An infusion is used in the form of a swab dipped in it. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for 8 hours. At least the anti-inflammatory effect will be accurate.
Burnt alum
Alum is a white crystal that is diluted with water and used for douching. To prepare the solution at one time, you will need a teaspoon of alum purchased at the pharmacy and half a liter of warm boiled water. According to popular beliefs, douching will not only narrow the vagina, but also accelerate the healing of wounds, and thrush will pass.
Lemon juice
Yes, it occurred to someone how to make the vagina smaller with lemon juice. For this procedure, a slice of lemon is inserted into the vagina. First, it must be scalded with boiling water to destroy possible bacteria. Be careful, lemon can severely burn the mucous membrane. Perhaps because of this, it is referred to as an effective method of contraception, no sex - no children =).
How to prepare tinctures and decoctions?
In order for herbs to maximize their healing effect, you must carefully follow the rules for their preparation and preparation of fees. If this is not possible, it is better to purchase medicinal raw materials in the pharmacy chain.
Healing herbs and folk remedies from them used to reduce the uterus:
Pour 350 ml of warm boiled water over 35 g of dry raw materials, leave for 10-11 hours. Drink during the day.
Pour 0.5 l of boiling water over 30 g of crushed and dried birch leaves, lightly salt, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink during the day.
Nettle and decoction from it.
To contract the uterus. Half a liter of boiling water pour 45 g of dry nettle, insist 4-6 hours. This effective remedy is drunk 100 ml three times a day.
To strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the pelvis. Half a liter of boiling water is poured into 50 g of dry raw materials, insisted for 3-5 hours, filtered, used during the day.
400 ml of warm water is poured into 30 g of herbs, insisted for 10 hours. Use twice a day, drinking ½ cup.
To stimulate the muscles of the uterus, soften its neck, prevent uterine bleeding. Pour a handful of fresh leaves with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. You can take a dried leaf (30 g), pour 300 ml of water. The drug is used in the last stages of pregnancy, drinking 200 ml 3-4 times a day.
Viburnum juice, bark extract.
To stimulate uterine contractions, drink 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice. To stop bleeding for 7-10 days, the bark is insisted on alcohol (1:10), taking 1 tsp. twice a day.
How to narrow the vagina with modern medicine
You can try to solve an intimate issue without surgery and dubious prescriptions with the help of pharmacological agents. Gels and ointments are made from carefully selected natural ingredients that do not disturb the microflora of the vagina. The cream is applied 20 minutes before sexual contact, the effect lasts for several hours.
Naron cream-gel
Helps to cope with a delicate female problem, has no adverse reactions, is well absorbed and does not leave marks on underwear. The main active ingredients are the following substances:
- Zamaniha - enhances libido, tones and rejuvenates.
- Ginseng - regenerates tissues, accelerates blood circulation and improves the condition of the intimate area.Damiana - eliminates hormonal imbalance.
- Hyaluronic acid - increases the elasticity of muscle tissue.
See the entire list of components that make up Naron cream.
With regular use of Naron gel, the vagina decreases, muscle elasticity is restored, libido increases, dryness of the vagina is eliminated.
Wand Doyan Chka
The stick on plant components quickly copes with the task, and has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The Doyan Chka stick is used 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse, by inserting into the vagina for 30 seconds. Eloquently about whether it is possible to reduce the vagina with the help of Asian innovation, says Thailand, which has become a sex country, whose inhabitants have long used a wand on themselves. The composition includes, as medicinal herbs, pearl powder, talc, borneol and burnt alum.
abortive herbs
In the old days, the only way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy was abortive herbs.
Currently, a modern woman does not feel the need to find a way to terminate a pregnancy. If such an unforeseen situation has occurred, then she turns to the gynecologist, who, after examination and confirmation of the fact of pregnancy, can refer the woman to the termination procedure. However, this was not always the case.
The very wording "abortive herb" suggests that the use of herbs can cause the expulsion of the fetal egg from the uterus.
Some herbs stimulate miscarriage if they are introduced into the genital tract with a syringe, others - when a gauze tourniquet pre-moistened with an infusion is placed in the vagina. Some are effective only when a woman takes a decoction or extract inside.
There are very strong abortive herbs, even a few tens of grams of which are enough to stimulate a miscarriage. And others, with a weak effect, you need to drink a lot or use the extract for a long period of time.
According to the mechanism of abortion, abortive herbs are conventionally divided into two groups:
- increasing the tone of the uterus;
- leading to intrauterine death of the child, the consequence of which will be a natural abortion.Any of these methods is unreliable and quite dangerous. A side effect of a number of abortive herbs is a toxic effect on the body as a whole or selectively on certain of its organs and systems that ensure vital activity.
Types of abortive plants
The first group includes herbs containing alkaloids. These are quite strong abortive plants that have been used since ancient times to stimulate childbirth.
In the history of medicine, there are often stories when alkaloids were prescribed to women during pregnancy. Among the most famous alkaloids with abortive action are ginseng, mandrake, and knotweed.
In addition, alkaloids are able to have a general effect on the body. Careless use or errors in dosing of this herbal raw material can lead to excessive stimulation of the cardiovascular system, impaired consciousness, and poisoning.
The next group will be abortifacient essential plants. Of these, it is possible to isolate essential oils, in which the concentration of the main active substances is much higher than in the freshly collected raw materials.
The most famous plant of this group is the bay leaf. Of course, in order to get the appropriate effect, it is not enough to eat soup or stew seasoned with lavrushka, which is accessible to everyone. To obtain a full-fledged abortive agent, it is necessary to prepare a highly concentrated alcohol tincture of bay tree bark.
The same group includes wild rosemary, nutmeg and sage. As in the case of bay leaves, it is impossible to provoke a miscarriage with a low concentration decoction; a specially produced infusion or decoction is required.
The third group of abortive herbs are plants with a hemostatic effect. The most famous of them is the barberry. The reason that provokes a miscarriage when herbs of this group are ingested is an excessive contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus.
Quite a lot of facts are given in the literature, when the use of these herbs saved women's lives due to the presence of this effect, but this happened only with atonic or hypotonic uterine bleeding, which often occurs during childbirth and even now is a rather serious complication.
However, the use of any of them in late pregnancy, when the uterus is already preparing for the birth process and its tone is increased, can lead to premature birth with the risk of the child's non-viability.
Representatives of another group of abortive plants are clover and oregano. The mechanism of their action is to change the hormonal status of a woman, namely, the effect on the level of estrogen in the blood. Naturally, estrogen fluctuations can lead to the cessation of normal fetal growth, followed by a miscarriage.
- Elecampane. Since ancient times, its ability to stimulate the occurrence of menstruation has been known. However, the use of this herb is only effective when delayed for a few days. If it is a couple of weeks, then using elecampane in any concentration is useless.
- Parsley. Parsley oil (do not be surprised, this happens) contains myristicin and apiol, which cause contraction of the uterine wall. In a small concentration, parsley is not harmful, but very useful, since it contains many vitamins. But the concentrated extract is dangerous.
In addition to affecting the tone of the uterus, parsley myristicin is able to cross the placenta and cause an increase in the number of heartbeats in the fetus, as well as reduce hemoglobin levels.
The action of St. John's wort
All people have a strengthened opinion about the usefulness of this plant, and it is quite justified. The concentration of medicinal components in St. John's wort is significant. These are flavonoids, and vitamin C, as well as choline, essential oils, tannins. Naturally, such a storehouse of usefulness is actively used in traditional medicine, and not only in it.
In the pharmacy network, you can find drugs based on St. John's wort. This medicinal herb is recommended for diseases of the heart, urinary system, hemorrhoids, rheumatism. However, before using it in women of childbearing age, an experienced doctor always checks if his patient is pregnant.
It would seem that it is bad if a woman in position takes this wonderful herb. This is a non-synthetic drug. But here we are forced to report that St. John's wort during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated, and its negative effect is due to the impact on several factors at once that affect the normal course of pregnancy.
First of all, St. John's wort causes contractions of the myometrium, that is, the muscles of the uterus. In addition, it negatively affects the fetal egg, causing various pathologies of the nervous system and brain in the unborn baby.
However, not all helper herbs are dangerous during pregnancy. If you have firmly decided to give up synthetic drugs during this wonderful period of your life, then calendula, chamomile, fennel and many other medicinal plants are allowed for use.
Now their frequency is insignificant, but only because of the low percentage of women who decide to use this method of abortion. The dangerous consequences of the use of abortive plants may be as follows:
- As a result of exposure, the fetus died, and the fetal egg remained in the uterine cavity. The longer non-functioning fetal membranes are in a woman's body, the sadder the consequences can be. The general intoxication of a woman's body can be so pronounced that it will lead to her death.
- Bleeding. Considering that women who are not in hospital resort to herbal abortion, the consequences can be tragic. The uterus is an organ richly supplied with blood, therefore, while a woman is provided with medical assistance, she can simply bleed out.
- General intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman.
On the forum, you can read various reviews of both herbs that cause abortion and plants that are useful during this period. However, before using any of them, it is better to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist who takes you to the antenatal clinic.
Of course, pregnancy may not be very desirable and timely. But before you take any abortive herb, think maybe there is another way out and the future baby should still be born, bringing you a lot of joy in the future.
However, if your disposition to interrupt is unshakable, then choose more modern and safer methods for this, which any obstetrician-gynecologist can tell you about, and if necessary, he will also refer you to an abortion.
After using abortive herbs inside or douching, the fetus is removed from the uterus of a pregnant woman. Abortion is a side effect of using these plants. But this process can take place in different ways.
herbal abortion
In the life of any woman, it can happen that an abortion is simply necessary; unfortunately, no one is immune from this. For example, such a need may be caused if the pregnancy occurred as a result of unwanted sexual intercourse or rape.
Of course, in this case, you need to seek the advice of a doctor who will help you choose the best option for abortion, abortive herbs. But, nevertheless, every woman is simply obliged to know which plants can provoke an abortion, what consequences a pregnant woman can expect after taking plants that are considered to be abortive.
Abortion can be done in the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. If you have an abortion before 16 weeks, then it will be considered early. At these stages of pregnancy, it is easier to carry out an abortion using abortive herbs than at later stages (that is, after 16 weeks).
Abortive plants cause uterine contractions, resulting in rejection of the fetus.
Some of these plants are endowed with pronounced abortive properties, while others cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus, thereby creating a threat of abortion.
There are those that can be considered real poisons, since they are very toxic and can have a negative effect on the fetus. Plants that stop heavy bleeding and provoke a delay in menstruation are not recommended during pregnancy.
But, using these plants, you need to understand that abortion will not be as reliable as medical abortion, but, nevertheless, it can also be effective in early pregnancy. But for this you need to use strong abortive plants.
Некоторые из них применяют редко, так как они являются очень токсичными и могут нанести организму женщины непоправимый вред. К примеру, в результате применения адониса может произойти сердечный приступ. Ядовитым считается и растение галега лекарственная, средней токсичностью обладают – прострел высокий и ясенец белый.
I. Causes of a wide vagina
This may be due to some reasons. Remember that not having sex is not the solution. The cause of a weakened vagina is the natural tearing and stretching of the vaginal walls.
There are many causes of a stretched vagina and they include:
- childbirth
- obesity
- gynecological operation
- frequent lifting of heavy objects
- pelvic injury
- menopause
- chronic back pain
- frequent sneezing or coughing
- frequent constipation
Many women decide on a surgical operation to narrow the walls of the vagina. But there are also natural ways that can help you make your vagina tighter at home.
Nettle juice for heavy menstruation, bleeding after childbirth
Despite the effectiveness of tincture, decoction, most women prefer to use grass juice, which is characterized by an increased concentration of useful elements.
Home remedy acts quickly - a few doses are enough to reduce the amount of discharge, stop bleeding.
To prepare nettle greens, kill with a blender (pass through a meat grinder), leave for half an hour to let the juice go. Squeeze out the liquid, do not cook for the future - the product quickly deteriorates, fermentation begins, it is better to prepare herbal medicine before each dose.
The recommended duration of the course is a week. If a home remedy at home is used to reduce the amount of discharge during critical days, drink nettle juice to begin with the onset of menstruation.
II. How to reduce moisture - good habits:
Here are a few good habits that will help keep your vagina looking healthy:
Follow a healthy diet
One of the best ways to shrink your vagina is by following a healthy diet. According to the study, you should consume more estrogen-rich foods such as fenugreek, pomegranates, sesame seeds, soybeans, as well as carrots and apples.
Hygiene methods
Another effective way to shrink your vagina is to practice proper hygiene every day. You should use a gentle cleanser for intimate hygiene. There are some herbal soaps that can be used in the bath. Besides strengthening the vagina, the use of herbal soap can be effective in eliminating vaginal odor as well as increasing the elasticity of the vaginal muscles.
herbal creams
After gentle cleansing of the intimate area, use appropriate creams to restore the elasticity of the vaginal muscles. You can seek the help of a doctor to find the product that is best for you.
When having sex, keep your legs close together
This is really helpful advice and should be followed by anyone who wants to shrink their vagina naturally.
Wear cotton underwear
Cotton linen dries quickly, so it promotes good air circulation. Wearing cotton underwear can prevent unhealthy bacteria that can cause infection. Therefore, be sure to use lightweight fabrics that allow the vaginal area to breathe well.
Do not use chemical sprays
Chemical sprays can disrupt the microflora of the vagina. So avoid using chemical sprays or creams, opt for something natural and chemical-free. Plus, you can easily make your own spray by mixing a few drops of an essential oil like tea rose or lavender with water.
Use Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is recommended for the treatment of certain diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy. What many women don't know, however, is that vitamin E is a good moisturizer to effectively treat vaginal dryness. In addition, vitamin E also helps make your vaginal walls healthier and stronger when used correctly.
V-Tight Gel
This gel contains natural organic ingredients that restore vaginal firmness and tighten vaginal muscles. Simply apply the gel to your fingertips and then apply them to your vaginal walls.
However, since these types of gels may contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions, consult a specialist before using it. This gel is especially effective when you use it in combination with other methods.
Medicinal herbs
Using herbal medicines can help you tighten your vaginal muscles naturally. Prepare a decoction of several herbs, and then use these solutions as a rinse after hygiene. Keep in mind that having quality medicinal herbs is key.
Too slow uterine contraction
If the accelerated contraction of this organ is rare, then a protracted one, unfortunately, is a frequent visitor to young mothers. How to accelerate the renewal of the uterus and quickly restore your body? Everything is elementary. Firstly, consult a doctor, let him rule out pathologies. Secondly, do not be lazy - a specialist will surely advise exercises, as well as herbs.
How can official medicine help you?
If immediately after the birth (the first or third day) you don’t have lochia and there are no unpleasant sensations from the bottom of the abdomen, similar to contractions, then the uterus is not contracting for some reason. Her fate should be decided by the doctor: only he knows what will help you better, pills or injections.
This artificial hormone will help normalize lactation, severe bleeding, and also accelerate the renewal of the uterus. Often it is prescribed in the form of injections, in especially difficult cases (for example, after a cesarean) - in the form of droppers.
Uterine oxytocins
Preparations from the same group, but with pharmacological additives that enhance or weaken the action of the central substance. These are: hyfotocin, dinoprostone, ergotal, pituitrin. They are prescribed both in tablets and in injections.
It is important to remember that although official medicine recognizes oxytocin, some doctors do not approve of it, believing that uterine contractions should start naturally. Such a specialist will first of all advise you to turn to traditional medicine.
"Grandma's" drugs
Although these are seemingly harmless "weeds", you should not prescribe them to yourself (or trust their appointment to your mother or neighbor). Any treatment, even folk, must be approved, and even better - prescribed by a doctor.
White lamb
2 tablespoons of dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiled cold water. Let stand overnight. Drink 3-4 times a day, 100 ml.
4 tablespoons of a dry plant pour 500 ml of boiling water, let the broth cool. Drink 3 times a day, 100 ml.
Shepherd's bag
Pour 4 tablespoons of herbs with 2 cups of boiling water. Wrap until cool. Drink this amount of decoction all day.
blood red geranium
Pour 2 teaspoons with 1 glass of cooled boiled water overnight. Drink all day.
Yarutka field
Pour 2 tablespoons of the plant with 1 cup of boiling water overnight. Drink 5 times a day, 1 teaspoon.
These remedies are good because they help your body “start up” after childbirth without drugs. After all, what kind of nursing mother wants something pharmacy to get into her precious milk!
Sometimes in the hospital, the doctor can make special stimulating strokes on the belly of the woman in labor. Their purpose is to stimulate the work of the uterus. They are done every 2 hours. The doctor gently presses on the uterus. Of course, this procedure can be unpleasant, but it is worth enduring, as it is very useful.
Will homeopathy help?
Many women in labor first of all like “sweet white granules” not because of the pleasant taste, but because they do not contain chemical and synthetic substances, helping the uterus to contract qualitatively, and also mobilizing all the forces of the body for postpartum recovery.
The most popular means for women in labor can be called: cinchona (helps with heavy bleeding), ipecac (eliminates weakness), staphysagria (heals the uterus from the inside), and ergot (shrinks the uterus - but you need to be careful with this remedy, it can cause thrombosis and abscess ).
III. Do the exercises:
yoga exercises
An effective tip on how to tighten the vagina at home is to do yoga exercises. Gentle movements in yoga will help you strengthen the walls of the vagina, the muscles of the pelvis and the muscles of the whole body.
Basic exercises to strengthen the vagina
Kegel exercise
Another way to tighten the vagina at home is the Kegel exercise. This exercise can strengthen the internal muscles of the pelvis.
The squat is also a good vaginal tightening exercise.
- Stand up and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your toes about 30 o
- Sit down as if you want to sit on a bench.
- Return to starting position.
Actually, squats help tone the buttocks and strengthen the vaginal muscles, making these muscles stronger and more elastic.
Alternative methods of uterine contraction at home
In the late postpartum period, the following techniques are additionally used to reduce the walls of the uterus:
- Frequent adoption of the "lying on the stomach" position, as it tones the abdominal muscles;
- Preservation of breastfeeding, since the oxytocin released during this stimulates uterine contractions;
- Performing exercises of therapeutic gymnastics, Kegel gymnastics, as it strengthens the muscles of the pelvic organs, perineum, strengthens the muscles of the whole body;
- Drinking water with honey and lemon juice dissolved in it.
All these measures will accelerate the recovery of the myometrium, will have an effective effect on the tone of the uterus and the general condition.
Уменьшить влагалище, вернуть ему былую упругость, можно повысив тонус и эластичности влагалищных мышц. Часто стенки вагины теряют тонус и растягиваются с наступлением менопаузы или после рождения ребенка. Расскажем о специальных упражнениях и средствах для быстрого результата.
home remedies
To maintain strong vaginal muscles, you can use one or more of the following home remedies:
Protein food
You must consume a lot of organic protein. Eliminate fast food, which is high in carbs but low in nutrients.
Lots of fresh fruits like pineapples, strawberries etc. will help you refresh the smell of fluid coming from the vagina. They will enrich your body with vitamins, which will have a beneficial effect on muscle strengthening. In fact, consuming more fruits is one of the best tips on how to strengthen your vagina at home.
Aloe Vera Gel
The use of aloe vera gel is known to be one of the best ways to protect the vaginal walls from stretching.
Black cohosh
Black cocosh is another great remedy for strengthening the vagina. Take the extract of the plant and then apply it on the vaginal area. This method is recommended for women over 50 years of age.
Pueraria Mirifica
The extract of this plant contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which can increase the process of tissue renewal in the pelvic and genital area.
Yogurt contains many of the beneficial bacteria needed to keep your vagina healthy.
Regular consumption of turmeric can help prevent stretching of the vaginal walls.
oak gall
Oak gall is a Thai herb that can be used to strengthen the vagina. It contains tannins, phytoestrogens, as well as astringent properties that do wonders for the vaginal muscles and make them firmer and more elastic.
Ведьма Хейзел
Dried bark should be ground into a fine powder. Then mix with water for an herbal solution. Use this mixture to wash your genitals at least once a week. Being an excellent astringent, it effectively regenerates the muscles of the vagina.
Possible complications with home stimulation
When inducing labor with various home remedies, a pregnant woman should exercise caution. After all, some methods can cause contractions (by bringing the uterus into tone), but the cervix may not yet be ready for the baby to be born. Namely, it depends on her condition how gently the birth will go, whether complications will appear.
Dangerous and earlier outpouring of water, which can potentially happen with home stimulation. After all, the uterus may not yet be ready for childbirth.
In addition, a woman should be prepared for the fact that a certain method can have a very strong effect and cause rapid labor (after all, each organism is individual). Therefore, she needs to be ready to go to the hospital quickly if necessary.
Surgical intervention
The decision on surgical intervention should be made by an experienced gynecologist after a thorough examination and testing. During the operation, you can reduce the vagina itself or the entrance to it. In addition, you can remove scars after childbirth.
7 days before the planned operation, you should stop smoking, start taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. It lasts up to 2 hours. Excess existing tissue is removed with a laser or scalpel. Self-absorbable threads are used for suturing.
- You can't sit for 7 days.
- 2 months is not allowed to perform physical activity.
- Go to the pool, bath, bath.
- It is also worth giving up intimacy with a partner.
Surgical intervention to narrow the vagina is prohibited for women who have diabetes and problems related to blood clotting.
The dangers of using these herbs
Despite the large number of plants used to get rid of unwanted pregnancies, they are all unreliable, moreover, they can lead to sad consequences. So they should only be used when absolutely necessary. For example, when for some reason modern methods of contraception are contraindicated for you . And before using these plants, be sure to consult your doctor .
But, keep in mind that no one can give you a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be terminated. There is always a danger that the fetus will die under the influence of these plants, but will not be removed from the uterus. This can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, when performing an abortion in this way, a woman should be extremely careful, since it is possible that abortive herbs will lead not only to the death of the fetus, but also to serious violations of women's health.
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